2008 NSW Youth Challenge


Well-Known Member
Please find attached entry form for the 2008 NSW Youth Challenge. This is the 4th round of Goldpin NSW Junior Youth Circuit.

The Tournament is open to all youth and juniors and incorporates 2009 NSW Youth Team Roll Off.

Posts on 'State Tournaments' please

NSW Youth Committee


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Arafura Games

Tenpin Bowling is one of the 27 sport disciplines competing in the 2009 Arafura Games held in Darwin. The NT TBA run a Tournament which includes the Open Arafura Division and the Australasian Youth Championships, both of which are medal divisions, from 8th - 15th May 2009.

This gives tenpin bowlers the opportunity to represent their country, state, territory and region in a friendly but open class competition. The Tournament now requires a Roll Off for State Representative Teams for the two divisions.

2008 NSW Youth Challenge on 23rd and 24th August at Tenpin City Bowl, Lidcombe, is open to all junior and youth bowlers. It will incorporate the 2009 NSW Australasian Youth Championship Team Roll Off, nomination forms out soon.

The 2009 NSW Open Arafura Team Roll Off will be included in an adult event in late September. Information about the Arafura Games and Tournament Rules can be found at tenpin.org.

I have attached the Entry Form for NSW Youth Challenge.
Any queries please contact a member of the organising group:

Stephan Smydzuk ssmydzuk@optusnet.com.au
Margaret Judd mjdhad@bigppond.net.au
Leanne Triulcio lea_gae@telstra.com.au
The NSW Youth Challenge is open to all junior and youth bowlers, held at Lidcombe Bowl on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th August. The format is 8 games each day, one day long and one day short oil.

Queries Leanne: lea_gae@bigpond.com

This is also a compulsory tournament the following team Roll Off:

2009 NSW Youth Team - state team to compete at National Youth Challenge in Werribee, early January. Nominations close 15th August

2009 NSW Australasian Youth Team Championships being held during Arafura Games Darwin in May. Nominations close 20th August
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