2006 Orange Junior Cup

Hi guys that time of the year again for the 2006 NSW Country Junior Cup held here at the Orange Tenpin Bowl.

The Tournament will be held over one day which is on 12th November, there will be 2 squads of 32 bowlers per squad. So get your entries in quick before our squads fill up.

First squad will be at (8.45am checkin) 9am start

Second Squad (11.45am checkin) 12 noon start

Stepladder Final 3pm

Presentation 4pm

Cost $99

We are also running a Skins Tournament on the Saturday Night 11th Nov which will cost $16 per person for 3 games which will include free Pizza for the evening.

For further details regarding the tournament I will be uploading the entry form on to the Tournament Entry Forms Section of this site for further details.

For any further enquires you can contact as on 02 6362 5466 or tenpin@netconnect.com.au.

Jason Brown
Orange Tenpin Bowl
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