2005 Euro Med Storm Challenge


Hypercell = Hyperhook!
Here is the entry form, worth a cool $25000 AUS approx. If you are considering this event, remember the Brunswick Euro Challenge is on in Greece straight after it followed by the Kuwait Open.

There is a few of us making the trip, if you need more info on the other tournaments let me know.

As a rough estimate, this is what you'll need

Time: 3 weeks (commencing early March)
Flight: $2000 - $2500
Entry fees (dependant on qualifying attempts): $600 - $1200
Accom: $300 - $500

Its a good trip worth a tonne of cash, entry form for Euro-Med attatched.
Probably should mention, the connecting flights to Greece and Kuwait are a bit of a pain. If your just interested in Manila only and a great overseas experience,

Flight: $700 - $1000
Accom: $150 - $250 (we'll be sharing so not much)
Entry: $250 - $600 (dependant on attempts)

A great trip and a good taste of big money action in Asia. Lanes are dressed by Kegel Asia which insures theres a shot for everyone. People interested should email george@georgefrilingos.com

Tournament entry above really explains everything. Conversion rate is roughly $1 AUS = 38 - 40 pesos. Which means 1st is about $26312 AUS, 10th is $2105, 20th $657

About 4 aussies are making the trip that I know, definetly worth a look.
Hey George,
Looks interesting...do you know what airlines fly into
the Phillipines..is there much of a difference
in price between them? I looked at Qantas and they where
$1138 return to Melb.
Thanks mate

Hey George,

This looks very inviting. I am interested in giving it a bash. I'll catch up with you in townsville.

Airlines dont matter, just get there! I flew Phillipine Airlines previously and it was fine, just need to watch your baggage weight flying to Asia.

As it gets closer I'll post some flights and accom details. Looks like approx 5 aussies to date keen to go, will keep everyone informed.
George its looks very interesting but I won't be there for the bowling. Was wondering what other activities there is to do in Manila? :p
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