2003 Victorian Tournament Calendar



Black Text denotes local Victorian events
Blue Text denotes ranked national events (All States)
Green Text denotes international events to which TBA are likely to be sending a team

Just a quick question Pete. Is there any reason as to why the Rachuig tournament is clashing with Dunn Shield this Year. It will be a shame to see guys like Trots and Mac not bowling Dunn Shield. Rachuig is never usually held this late. Is this coz of the fact that the Rugby World Cup is on around this time???

Since I couldn't attend SPC last year because of work I transferred my flight to March to bowl Werribee. Can you give some info about this tournament, does it only go for one day?? How much is entry and what does it pay?? How many bowlers do they usually get??

Hi George,

2002 saw the inaugural running of the Werribee Cup and, from memory, it attracted about 60 entries.

Last year, the event included both a Youth and Adult division. By popular demand Vic Goldpin have split these into 2 tournaments - Werribee Youth Cup (Feb 22 & 23 ranked youth event) and Werribee Cup (one day event on March 16).

We already have close to 80 entries for the Latrobe Valley Youth Cup (Jan 26-27 ranked youth event) and I'd expect to get something similar for the Werribee Youth Cup (especially as we have a separate girls division).

Number of entries for Werribee Cup? After taking all the above into consideration should be around the same as 2002.

Two squads of qualifying and then matchplay, in the same day, with a $750.00 first prize.

2002 saw Frank Ryan win this event over Lindsay Kilpatrick in second.

Entry fee was $100.00.


the Werribee Cup will be held on the 16th March 2003. I am currently confirming sponsorship details but should have entry forms on the site by the end of next week. We are still looking at a minimum of $750 first place, with a $100 entry fee. I would like to pay 1:2 if we get enough entries. I think we should get 60+ based on last years success.

For those that bowled last year I can promise you that we will be reoiling between squads.

Thanks all,

Edi De Pellegrin
Sounds good, just wondering, 2 squads in 1 day with matchplay?? I have a 7.00pm flight booked to come home, will I make it? How many games in qualifying and matchplay? How from the airport is weeribee??

Sorry for the questions but pre-planning prevents p*$% poor performance

Werribee is no more than 30 minutes to airport. One set of lights and then freeway all the way.

2002 Werribee Cup finished well before 5.00pm.

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