2003 NNSW Rolloffs



Well....jay...im not sure who u r...but you will definitely be seeing me(chelsea scott) there rolling off for next years team coz its my last year next year....
Just wanted to know if anyone had any idea who is rolling off in december for the 2003 nnsw team. Not sure if i will be rolling off yet just wanted to see what the competiton will be like

i will be for sure. hopefully you will be jay. looking forward to seeing you all there.
well... i am changing my name and age so i will be back next year!! lol nah I WISH! i HATE being out of shield now!

after so long in juniors it will be weird not going 2 bankstown for state and then later going 2 nationals and all the little tournaments in between where we had/have so much fun!

as for next roll offs, i have a feeling there are going to be a few young up and commers from ballina going. but dont quote me on it, its just what i have heard around the traps. Oh and the only boys that are out of the team this year are me and james. so it will be interesting looking at who is going to get in as there are about 11 boys ALL capable of making it just from what i saw at nationals!

anyway. cyas
Well Jay, i will be there i think pretty much everyone who rolled off for this years team will be there except for Pat and James. And i tell you it will be completely different now they have gone!

BigTobes a.k.a 32
Don't worry JAY BRYSON. Go and roll off coz u shouldn't hav too much trouble makin the team as there is only 1 worthy bowler that is certain to be at roll offs.....but remember that the 'LITTLE HERC's ' are comin this year.
little herc's? pfffft god help us if i ever multiplyed!!
and whos the 1 worthy bowler?
its getting bitchy in here... .lol
69=breakfast of champions is a faggot

Well trent cage (69=breakfast of champions) u r a fag mate and i congratuylate luke on a job well done on wiping ur ass all over the show on the weekend. u suck mate. i will be at the roll offs at the end of the year and hope to see you there trent i will be doing best to wipe ur ass all over the palce like luke did on sunday
yep toby i think your right, although IM SURE that was a cop out at me and james, it is going to be (somehow!) a lot bitchier and a hell of a lot worse for u all!!
good luck to you all and i wish the coaches and managers (if u can find any) luck! because u are going to need it!
i think sik vik is going to be destroyed if she gets roped into it again just reading this post alone!!

but how about we cut the crap and see what happens eh? geezuz...

oh and yeh i found out about the little herc's :p they are my kids.. apparently i am a father (or something) of a young group of bowlers hehe thanks trent.

pssssst i got nothing against northern, just the crap that goes on in it. (eg this post of northern people attacking each other)

This hasnt got anything to do with the team causing all this. Its just you get sh*t stirrers like trent come in here (all hardcore) causin all the arguments and fights. Im sure the bowlers and coaches/managers in next years team will not reflect the attitudes of these posts.

Jay... :D

i will be there this year for the roll-offs for NNSW. I hope i can make the team and if i don't i would like to take this opportunity now to congratulate anyone who makes the team!

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