$1,000 for 1st Place - 2004 Ipswich Cup!



The 2004 Ipswich Cup will be held the end of September with one squad bowling Saturday, September 25th in the afternoon, and 2 squads bowling Sunday, September 26th. Entry fee is $125 for 10 games. All the details will be posted soon.
Hope to see you there!
Saw a flyer for the Ipswich Cup and i see now that first place is only $700 dollars not a thousand, unlilke you to go back on your word, i guess were used to that now :lol: :lol: :lol:
yes i wont be bowling now that it is handicapped, thought this was going to be a scratch tornament
Where can i find a flyer for this Dino?
Should be a good one.

I think it is a good idea to have a tournament with handicap worth a fair wack of money. It will get the bowlers that enjoy tournament bowling but are not quite competitive enough in the scratch tournaments yet a better chance to win some decent prize money in a tournament.

Hey HAMMERoid and TAZZ :-$
You probably both need the handicap anyway, I know HAMMERoid does! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Totally agree, RC - must be good sponsorship as games work out at $1.15........with some Scratch tourns. struggling to get the numbers, hopefully this will succeed as it is certainly great value for money.

It will be interesting to see how many 'Scratchies' bowl - they really love fields to be filled up with 'nearly good enuf' bowlers to subsidize prize funds - let us see if they will do the same for the handicap bowlers as they do in the Twin Tour - Scratch bowlers who are good enough have proven they can cash in handicap divisions and it gives some of us 'old' lady (?) bowlers a chance to have a go for some decent $$$$. Just try being a woman bowler in this tenpin bowling environment and see how many opportunities there are to cash!

10 games for $80 with $700 for 1st place and money-back at 20th is good value in my book.

hey ronster, just think with that 170 avg of yours, it means you will be getting about 45 pins a game handicapp, being 90% of 220. :D :D :D
Gee whiz, even with 45 pins start it will still be hard for me to catch you with 84 pins start!
If only you would stop using that ramp with the handle to bowl! I told you that you will improve out of sight if you just get a nice light 8 pound ball that you can pick up and throw all on your own, instead of using the ramp! :p :p :p
I feel a side bet here Ronnie is in order. Hey i will use the ramp and you can use the bumpers and we will have it all covered. At least that way you wont bowl ure usual 5 gutterballs a torney, I have a solution for you, a THUMB :wink: :wink: :wink:
I have the answer for you, Capt Obvious and Hammeriod.
Learn how to "BLOODY SPARE". Then you won't be so far behind the Hamster. Maybe your bet should be more of a challange and see who misses the least amount of "SPARES" not including splits. Now i'd come and watch as it would be most entertaining especilly if you were paired together.
Maybe we should even run a book: HEAD TO HEAD
Oh! Another player steps into the Lions den!

What do you think Hammeroid? We call a truce and focus all our energy on paying out the Gerbal now? :lol:

Anyway Gerbal this slanging match was only meant for people who could get the ball to move more than 5 boards without using the bumpers! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your turn Hammeroid.
5 boards Ronnie. thats giveing the man 2 much credit. 3 at max. It must be nice to be able 2 stand in the same position every tornament and bowl the same shot. It must come down to his limp wrist. Hey Gerbal if you took off your arm guard you could get maybe 3 more boards turn. :wink: :wink: :wink:
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