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  1. M

    You know your a league bowler when.....

    i better clear that up before monique cops the flack for the above comments, Jason english made the above comments lol...... Have fun all.....:)
  2. M

    You know your a league bowler when.....

    or you drop your teenage son of at his first party, and as he steps from the car you say "Good luck and high scoring"
  3. M

    You know your a league bowler when.....

    You know your a league bowler when the 2 ex-wifes you pay child support to are bowling on the pairs either side of you................
  4. M


    Im sorry as a left hander i have to agree with the right handers on this one, how often do we bowl on a condition, and from word "Go" the so called "SHOT" is there, and we can bowl this for 2 or 3 games before making even the slightest adjustment....... I feel that this is just an "Ability"...
  5. M


    Hey guys, can you please add Gary Duck to the list too. Ta
  6. M


    Please add Jason English and Monique Stute
  7. M

    2009 Australian OPen

    Brett Can you please add Jason English to squads 1,3 & 5 Thanks...Jason
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