Search results

  1. Forbesy

    2012 NSW Junior Cup Live Scoring

    Hi Guys, Here are the Scores for game1
  2. Forbesy

    2012 Orange Audi Open Results

    Sorry for the delay guys...... Now total is back up the scores will be coming through.:) Results after Game 5 - Squad A
  3. Forbesy

    2011 NSW Country Junior Cup Live Scores.

    Good Morning all. I will again be doing live scoring for the Junior Cup today after each game. 1st squad starts at 9:15. Good Luck to all bowlers. Forbesy
  4. Forbesy

    3rd 300 at the 2011 Audi Open - Orange Tenpin Bowl

    Congrats to George Frilingos for his 300 on lanes 1 & 2 in game 15 of the top 32
  5. Forbesy

    2nd 300 at the 2011 Audi Open - Orange Tenpin Bowl

    Congrats to Jason Belmonte for a 300 on Lanes 13 & 14 in game 13 of the top 32.
  6. Forbesy

    2011 NSW Audi Orange Open Live Scores - 2nd Day - Top 32

    Good Morning, Results from Game 1 of the Top 32
  7. Forbesy

    300 at the 2011 Audi Open - Orange Tenpin Bowl

    Congrats to Glen Loader who has just bowled a 300 on lanes 3 & 4 in game 6 of squad b. :):):)
  8. Forbesy

    2011 NSW Audi Orange Open Live Scores

    Good Morning everyone and welcome to the 24th NSW Orange Open proudly sponsored by Audi. We will be having live scoring after each game this weekend with a special thank you to Leigh Shepherd for doing the scoring while I bowl. So with that Good Luck and high scoring to all bowlers taking...
  9. Forbesy

    2011 Orange Audi Open

    Hi All, Just letting everyone know that a new era in sponsorship starts this year with Audi coming on board as our new major sponsor for the Orange Open. This years event will be held on the weekend of the 17 & 18 April 2011. Entry form will be available soon but names will be taken...
  10. Forbesy

    2011 Canobolas Holden NSW Country Championship

    Hi all, Here is the entry form for the 2011 Canobolas Holden NSW Country Championship to be held in Orange at the end of January. Regards Ron Forbes Tournament Director
  11. Forbesy

    NSW Country Junior Cup 2010

    Good morning all, live scoring will be posted here today after each each. Squad 1 check in at 9am, squad 2 check in at 11am.
  12. Forbesy

    East Coast Cup Oil Pattern????

    Hi guys, just wondering if anyone knows what oil pattern will be used this year for the East Coast Cup Championship to be held at Sunshine Bowl in a couple of weeks??
  13. Forbesy

    2009 Orange Junior Cup Live Scores

    Hi folks, here is the link to the live scoring for the 2009 Orange Junior Cup, please be aware that i have had some trouble with the site and have had to use the BMW Open website as my base but the Scores are the correct ones Cheers Forbesy
  14. Forbesy

    2009 Orange Disabilities Championship

    Hi All, Here is the entry form for the 2009 Orange Disabilities Championship. Regards Ron Forbes Tournament Director
  15. Forbesy

    2009 NSW Country Championships

    Hi All, Happy New Year. Sorry for the lateness for this but the entry form the 2009 NSW Country Championship to be held in Orange on the 17, 18 and 24, 25 & 26 January can be found in the State Tournaments section. Entries can be either sent in via snail mail or emailed to myself at...
  16. Forbesy

    2009 NSW Country Championships

    Hi All, Happy New Year. Sorry for the lateness for this but here is the entry form the 2009 NSW Country Championship to be held in Orange on the 17, 18 and 24, 25 & 26 January at Orange. Entries can be either sent in via snail mail or emailed to myself at Hope...
  17. Forbesy

    Congrats to Sam Cooley & Chloe Harradine-Hale

    I would like to congratulate Sam Cooley & Chloe Harradine-Hale on winning this years NSW Country Junior Cup held at Orange Tenpin Bowl today. Also congrats to Mark Dalli on taking out the handicap section as well. Final Standing. Boys. 1. Sam Cooley - 2196. 2. Keryn Delany - 2126. 3...
  18. Forbesy

    Orange Junior Cup

    Hi all, Sorry for the lateness of this post but the 2008 Orange Junior cup is on again this coming Sunday 2nd November. Yes it's a one day event. Names can be place at the following link if you are interested in...
  19. Forbesy

    Orange Junior Cup

    Hi all, Sorry for the lateness of this post but the 2008 Orange Junior cup is on again this coming Sunday 2nd November. Yes it's a one day event. Names can be place on here if you are interested in bowling. Squad 1 is 9am start, Squad 2 is 12pm start. There is also a skins on Saturday...
  20. Forbesy

    NSW Sports Series No.4 Results

    Here are the results after game 2. Sponsored by Orange Tenpin Bowl, Gold Pin, Ultimate Concrete Solutions & Storm Bowling.
  21. Forbesy

    2008 Orange City Adult/Junior Championships

    Hi all Here is the entry form for the 2008 Orange City Adult/Junior Championships to be held on the 13 & 14 September 2008. Hope to see you there. Regards Ron Forbes Tournament Director.
  22. Forbesy

    Orange Disabilities Championships

    Hi all, here is the entry form for the 2008 Orange City Disabilities Championships to be held on 25 & 26 October 2008. Hope to see you there. Regards Ron Forbes Tournament Director.
  23. Forbesy

    David Rosser 300

    Let me be the first to congratulate my double's partner on bowling his 8th 300 games tonight at Orange Tenpin Bowl on lanes 11 & 12. David had games of 201 - 300 - 197. He was using his 15lb Storm Domination. :rockon: :partytime2: :smiley.php:
  24. Forbesy

    New Offical Name For Lidcombe Bowl

    I would like to announce the new offical name for the new bowling centre at Lidcombe will now be offically known as TENPIN CITY. Address. Tenpin City Top Level Spotlight Centre 92 Parramatta Rd, Lidcombe Phone - 02 9737 8044. Hope to see you all there soon. Annette Cannone Manager
  25. Forbesy

    NSW Restricted, Seniors & Rachuig Roll-Offs Results

    Here are the results from the Restricted, Seniors & Rachuig Roll-Offs held on the weekend at Strathfield Superbowl. Restricted. Mens Team. Graham Shoesmith (Captain) Jeff Sinclair (Vice Captain) Peter Marker Michael McLaren Ladies Team. Sue Jones (Captain) Gayle Shoesmith Cheryl...
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