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  1. Lefty Can't Carry

    Inaugural Tournament Bowlers Over 60

    Tournament date has been changed to Sunday 26th May 2013, now at AMF Boronia Vic. contact for entry details
  2. Lefty Can't Carry

    Removal of bowlers over 60 thread

    It would appear that this "PUBLIC" forum is not about free speech, as the bowlers over 60 thread has been removed. If the organizer regards this as "spam" or "spam like" then they should look up the definition of "spam" in the dictionary. Apparently, SENIORS don't have rights anymore.
  3. Lefty Can't Carry

    What would you do?

    At a recent tournament, while putting my balls on the rack, I noticed that a couple of the inserts had come loose. As practise had not yet started, I rushed into the Pro shop, to see if I could get some Super glue. I was told the Pro operator was on the lanes, and that he should have some...
  4. Lefty Can't Carry

    Lane Surface Brunswick Armour Guard

    Does anybody know what type of surface Brunswick Armour Guard is? Went onto the Brunswick site, and the only surfaces listed are Anvilane & Anvilane Pro. I'd like to find out what surfaces are still available, and what surface is being used where, as it will help with ball selection when...
  5. Lefty Can't Carry

    2nd Hand 4 Ball Roller

    Looking for a second hand stackable 4 ball roller. The airlines have wrecked mine so I need a replacement. If you have one let me know condition & price. Brien S
  6. Lefty Can't Carry

    2010 Canberra Seniors Cup

    I must apologize to all the Sponsors of the Canberra Seniors Cup for not mentioning them on the day:- A & A Finance Leasing & Insurance Pty. Ltd. ETHERIDGE Cleaning & Maintenance Services NB Driver Training Country Comfort Motels AMF Tuggernong and ATBSO ACT members & volunteers who...
  7. Lefty Can't Carry

    Scratch Tournaments in Perth

    I'm planning a holiday in Perth late January/Feb 2010 and was wondering if there were any tournaments on, if so I could bring my gear and have a roll. Brien Show-Yin
  8. Lefty Can't Carry


    I recently had a conversation with a bowling centre manager( who shall remain nameless) who has no idea about providing a "Assymetrical" oiling pattern on tenpin lanes. I tried to convey to "this person" the idea that a flat pattern i.e. an equal amount of oil on both sides of the lane would...
  9. Lefty Can't Carry

    2008 Sydney Seniors Classic- with thanks

    Thanks to TBA NSW Senior Division, Strathfield Super Bowl Tournament Committee:- Greg Sawyer, Mary Bacon, Suzie Swan, Steven Smith & Suzanne Jack. SPONSORS: Ultra Concrete Solutions Australia Pty.Ltd. AAA Sweeper Service Pty. Ltd. Doesn't matter which tournament you...
  10. Lefty Can't Carry

    3x300's at Seniors' Boronia Tournamant

    Watch out you younger bowlers, there's still life in the Old Dogs. At Boronia on Sunday 24th August, three(3) 300's were bowled in the one (ATBSOV best of 5 of 8) tournament. The first was by Paul Madden in the 5th, Brien Show-Yin in the 6th, and Merv Billing in the 7th. Does anyone...
  11. Lefty Can't Carry

    New One Game Team Record-Twilite League

    Team PURE NITRO set a new one game record tonight in the TWILITE League at Boronia lanes. The team consists of Joe Bemelmans-236, Paul Drew 256, Darren Halifax 276 & Brien Show-Yin 266. PURE NITRO held the previous record of 987.
  12. Lefty Can't Carry

    Complete Tournaments Calender

    I'm wondering why there is not a COMPLETE STATE TOURNAMENT CALENDER posted somewhere on the web. If there is, someone please let me know. The reason I am saying this, is that there were congratulations posted for the Victorian Seniors Challenge team. I looked on TBA, Vic Tenpins, Total...
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