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  1. Bee...!

    2018 Logan City Tenpin Elite Singles League

    The Elite Singles league held at Logan City Tenpin will return in 2018. Cash prizes to be won with over $16,000* in the prize fund. Wednesday evenings at 8pm $40 per week Scratch and Handicap points and prize fund divisions For more info contact Logan City Tenpin 3209 2255 or contact us on...
  2. Bee...!

    Logan City Tenpin Skins

    Hi All, Logan City Tenpin is holding a skins event on Friday, 12th May. Time: 9.30pm Cost: $150 each 8 games scratch Payout per game: 1st $200 2nd $100 Overall High Series $500 Skins will only pay out if winning game is 200 or higher Money Jackpots to next game if no payout Prize fund...
  3. Bee...!

    Friday 13th Skins @ Logan City Tenpin

    Date: 13th May Time: 9:30pm Location: Logan City Tenpin Cost: $150 8 games Payout per game: 1st - $200 & 2nd - $100 (score must be over 200 or money jackpots to next game) Payout for Highest Series: $500 Based on 27 bowlers Contact: 07 3209 2255 or
  4. Bee...!

    2016 Logan City Tenpin Youth Singles League

    Hey all, Logan City Tenpin is happy to announce the 2016 Youth Singles League. Commencing on Friday, 22nd January 2016 Starting at 5pm every Friday Bowling 3 games Costing $27 Bowlers can win both scratch and handicap points for both games and series Bowlers must not turn 22 in the year to be...
  5. Bee...!

    Logan City Tenpin Birthday Skins

    Hi All, Logan City Tenpin is holding a skins event on Friday 3rd July to celebrate their birthday. Time: 9.30pm Cost: $150 each 8 games scratch Payout per game: 1st $200 2nd $100 Overall High Series $500 Skins will only pay out if high game is 200 and over Money Jackpots to next game...
  6. Bee...!

    HELP - Looking for photos

    TBA are searching for photos, preferably action shots of the first 10 TBA Masters winners. We have been able to locate some however there are a couple we are yet to find. Can anyone help locate photos of the following winners: Gary Burling - NSW Keith Cummings - VIC Brian Burge - NSW Mick...
  7. Bee...!

    2013 Queensland State Masters Qualifying

    Hi All, Please find attached the current standings for the Queensland State Masters in all divisions. Huge thanks to Morty for all his work this weekend putting the scoring together. There is 1 squad on Saturday morning with 3 team vacancies. Should you want to enter a second squad you are...
  8. Bee...!

    Fundraiser for Brendan Meads and Bianca Flanagan - Friday 22nd June 8.15pm

    Hi All, Brendan Meads and myself (Bianca Flanagan) are holding a fundraising event at AMF Kedron on Friday 22nd June starting at 8.15pm to raise money for us to go to Hong Kong to compete in the 22nd Asian Tenpin Bowling Championships. All the details are in the attached flyer. If...
  9. Bee...!

    International Bowling Championships - Japan

    Congrats to Carol and George who have qualified for the International Bowling Championships in Japan. Carol and George both qualified through the international bowlers trial. Best of luck to them both and also to Belmo who was invited to bowl in the tournament as PBA Guest Bowler. They...
  10. Bee...!

    300 at NNSW Open

    Congrats to Keryn Delaney for bowling a 300 in the 2nd game of the NNSW Open today. Every shot was great, you deserved it mate. Bee
  11. Bee...!

    Congrats Rocky and Tonx

    Congrats to both Rocky and Tonx for winning Aspley Youth Cup over the weekend. Extra Congrats to Rocky, you've worked so hard darln its paying off for you now. Congrats to everyone else who bowled, heard it was a tough condition.
  12. Bee...!

    Congrats Jacinta 300

    Huge CONGRATS to Jacinta Gilliland who bowled her FIRST 300 in the National Youth Cup in game 7 yesterday. So well deserved and every shot never looked like missing, all the sweeter prize. Looking forward to more good results from you during the week lady, GO QUEENSLAND Love QLD TEAM
  13. Bee...!

    World Youth Team

    Hi Everyone seems the other post has got a little off topic as to the qeustion Porto originally asked, I thought i might start another one. Everyone can continue to comment in that post but all i am asking is "Who is nominating for the Selection Camp for the World Youth Team travelling...
  14. Bee...!

    Canberra Youth - is it still on?

    Hello ppl, After AMF cancelled the youth and adult circut i know they cut alot of tournaments out. I read that they were still going ahead with the Canberra Youth tho. can someone please tell me if it still on. Thank you :) Jayde
  15. Bee...!

    Gold Coast Area Championships Juniors

    Hey Everyone... Well its that time of year again and for those of u who are interested the Gold Coast Jnr Champs are back on. Now i am sure that some of u want to bowl but didn't know about it or didn't get the entry form... Well here is ur chance to get ur entries in... Call Julie on...
  16. Bee...!

    Gold Coast Area Championships

    Hey Everyone, If u weren't aware the gold Coast Champs are on soon and i am sure that some of u want to come and bowl but didn't know about it or didn't get an entry form. well here is the info u need to get ur entry in... Call Julie on 0410313016 and she will do what she can to get u in...
  17. Bee...!

    Australia's Great Doubles Effort

    Although many may know Emma Rutten and Ann Maree Putney have won a silver medal in doubles at the Asian Championships. This is a great effort and i am sure that both the guys and girls are going to extremely well in the trios. Congratulations everyone u are doing us all proud. Jayde :)
  18. Bee...!

    Commonwealth Youth Squad Results

    Hello everybody, At the moment the results for the roll off are not up yet and i am just wondering if anyone has them just a qucik post to say the top ten. Goodluck to all im sure the best bowlers will make it cos there are so many of them out there. Thanks. Jayde :)
  19. Bee...!

    Australian Junior Masters & Presidents Shield All Stars

    Ok so we have all heard who people think will win shield and as predicted everyone said there own state but this is different who does everyone think will win masters or make all stars? with the new masters format it will be a very interesting year so take into consideration that there are no...
  20. Bee...!

    Gold allround for team event in Hong Kong

    if you all didn't know by now australia has won gold in the teams event in hong kong. Both boys and girls won. I spoke to Jayde about an hour ago and they are all really excited and happy. What a great acheivement for the bowlers and management. I wish i had of been there.
  21. Bee...!


    HI to Everyone As you would now all know unfortunately Legends Tenpin is closing on the 12th September. Our area Championships were due to start there on the 13th but have now been moved. Nerang Bowl has offered to accommodate us on these days but of course with such short notice the Centre...
  22. Bee...!

    Vic 150

    I was just wondering if someone could please tell me the results from Vic150 today. Thanks it would be much appreciated Bee
  23. Bee...!

    Nice Work Matt

    I would just like to say big CONGRATS to Matt Simpson who bowled a 300 tonite at Nerang on lanes 3&4 it was great to watch and well deserved thanks for letting me have the last game nice work and there will be plenty more to come Bee oxoxo
  24. Bee...!

    Asian Schools Roll Off

    Hello Everyone, I know that it isnt exactly close but as the forms and everything are out and no one else had made a topic, I thought I would. So who is going to the Asian School's Roll Off??? I know I am and jayde gets automatic entry so she is in the team. Well just wondering...
  25. Bee...!

    QLD Youth Team

    Hey there Just reading about all the other youth teams... SQ's youth team is GUYS: Brandon Q Robbie M Matt M Matt B CHICKIES: Kim B Cindy P Kellie M Jayde F Congrats and hope that u guys do well
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