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  1. M


    I would like to congradulate the gentleman who bowled after the ladies singles league at Mt Gravatt last night 258,300,279. Well done was great to watch.
  2. M


    Next tournament for A.t.b.s.o.q will be at Richlands on the 24th March. First squad check-in 8.30 bowl 9.00am,Second squad check-in 11.30 bowl at 12.00pm.Anyone wishing to bowl can let me know and i can add your names to the list.
  3. M


    Atbsoq next tournament is at strathpine 13th Dec. 1st squad check-in 8.30 bowl 9.00am. 2nd squad check-in 11.30 bowl 12.00pm. Let me know if you would like to bowl and squad preference please. Miffy
  4. M

    Miffy finally cracks 300

    i would like to congradulate danny (miffy) on bowling his first 300 tonight at aspley with his brand new mutant cell drilled up tonight. i hered they were all flush in the pocket. well you have finally done it keep them coming and show them how to do it next week during rachuig. congratulations...
  5. M

    Atbso Qld Logan

    Our next tournament is at Logan(cnr Wembley Rd) on 18th oct. 1st squad check-in is 9.30am bowl 10.00am.2nd squad should be runnung on time.This is due to a Sunday morning league.Please let me know asap if you would like to bowl. belinda
  6. M

    ATBSO qld Logan

    Our next tournament is at Logan(cnr Wembley Rd)on 18th Oct. Check -in for 1st squad is 9.30am bowl at 10.00am this is due to a Sunday morning league. 2nd squad should be on time.Check-in 11.30 bowl 12.00pm. Anyone wanting to bowl please let me know asap. Belinda...
  7. M

    Kevin Blackmore bowls 1003 with 300

    Congratulations to Kevin Blackmore who not only shot a 300 but shot 1003 for 4 at Mt Gravatt tonight. 237,250,300,216
  8. M

    brett and louise

    best wishes for your wedding day and have a wonderful life together. the mifsuds xxxx
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