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  1. Buzzer

    Scoring Idea

    yeah but unlike golf how would your score reflect your mistakes You hit more strokes in golf your score goes up. putting you behind The more attemts you have in bowling your score will also go up - that wouldn't be fair on your opponents who get there spares the first time - that way you...
  2. Buzzer

    Scoring Idea

    what if you drill a perfect shot in the pocket and leave a 7 - 10 split - why should you be penalised by starting off with a gutterball next frame. this idea sounds ludicrous!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Buzzer


    Paul Trotter 223
  4. Buzzer


  5. Buzzer

    South Pacific Classic Squad Listings

    Can my name be entered into A squad please. Much appreciated. Mark Dodds
  6. Buzzer

    Dunn Shield 2004

    just answer me this one question Gary, go on you'd love to bowl for Dandy again wouldn't you? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  7. Buzzer

    Dunn Shield 2004

    If your going anchor I'd love the challenge :agrue:
  8. Buzzer

    Dunn Shield 2004

    Thanks for opening the Door Gaz, So if playing for Dandenong was your most memorable and favourite why do you not bowl for Dandenong anymore and insist on bagging what you clearly realise is a good thing to be involved in. Interested in your thoughts Buzzer :lol:
  9. Buzzer

    Dunn Shield 2004

    Hey Gaz, Havn't cought up in ages. how are things. Just curious though. Where, when and what team, would be your most memorable Dunnshield and why. Now be honest! Mark Dodds
  10. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    Does anyone know whats going on at the last laugh this weekend?
  11. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    This topic is now over. EVERYONE continue on with your lives. I am happy to say that everything has worked out and the people involved have worked out their differences. No more outside involvement is required. Any more posts regarding the Nature of Dandenong Dunn Shield are not...
  12. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    Rob, Having never bowled country cup myself I can only suggest that Dunnshield would probably be the closest event to country Cup out there. Runs a little like Rachuig although each team member must bowl at least 7 games within the first 10 games bowled. It is competed between all AMF...
  13. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    Thankyou Steve, I appreciate your quick reply on this matter. Hopefully now we can get things back on track see you Thursday. Mark.
  14. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    Jenny Wrote. I couldn't agree more Jenny, I would like to have opened this years campaign on higher notes but that is not always possible. Congratulations to all Dandenong representatives on making the team. I'm sure we can all come together and become a force once again but do not...
  15. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    Oh and Steve, Isn't it funny how everyone else in this topic new what I was talking about. :oops:
  16. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    All I have to say is Steve your an idiot. my post here was in reflection to comments made to my wife about bowling while pregnant by a certain female bowler who missed out in this years team. I have more important things to worry about than negative people like you. Just for one second...
  17. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    oooohh =; tempting. but if things are to change I have to set an example. Some people can sook all they want but at the end of the day I have more important things to deal with than to worry about rediculous squabling. "What is popular is not always right; What is right, is not...
  18. Buzzer

    AMF Dandenong Dunn Shield Teams 2004

    :-# :lol:
  19. Buzzer

    Bowling with an Injury

    1993 Junior Shield at Frankston I bowled with a Fractured Thumb. Thumb was twice the size it normally was so with all the swelling the pain was numbed and just had a monster thumb hole drilled out. ( The pain killers helped too :D ) Go Dandy!!!!!!!!
  20. Buzzer

    Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    hahaha :) Funny what kind of comments chook? #-o I take it double buzz would be for my two heads yeah :idea: I had asked for that info not to be revealed just yet but some people can't help themselves. Any one know of any good bowling centres in Tassie?
  21. Buzzer

    AMF Super Six #4 - Queensland Cup

    Graham, Could you put my name down for A squad please. Ta Mark Dodds
  22. Buzzer

    Patrick Birtig finally throws 300!!!

    Congratulations Patrick Came as a surprise to find out this was your first. Hopefully there will be plenty more from now on. Mark & Sharon.
  23. Buzzer

    Werribee 60 Game Marathon

    Yaaahoooooooooo :sleeping: Thanks must go to Edi and the team at werribee for a fantastic and smooth running event. Thankyou also to all competitors and spectators. Now back to bed. :sleeping: Mark.
  24. Buzzer

    2004 Australian Open Qualifying Stats

    Cruzer, go to the following website and download this tool. It allows you to view excel spreadsheets without the purchase of excel. you won't be able to make your own...
  25. Buzzer

    Loony Bowling theories

    Ralph There was no excuse for Canington as the condition was the same across the lanes. There was no outragious advantage to the lefties as you are claiming other than the shot held a little longer.(only due to numbers not actual condition difference) You only need to look at the averages...
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