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  1. Buzzer

    2006 Melbourne Cup Entry Form

    Joe, could you place an entry in c squad for me please regards Mark Dodds
  2. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    with dribble like that alex you should bowl for knox :D
  3. Buzzer

    Knox Dunn Shield

    Draft me, Draft me:D
  4. Buzzer

    Add a caption to this bowling pic

    ooohhh I knew I shouldn't have had the curry last night
  5. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    keeping in mind well known and bum chums mean two separate things.;)
  6. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Please clarify for me well known.:confused:
  7. Buzzer


    was it on saturday, was it in mentone, april fools strikes again:D
  8. Buzzer


    very bloody funny:splat: imagine a bowling centre running out of oil during a state trial. in perspective it would be just like KFC to run out of chicken. $50 for 14 hours entertainment senstional effort state committee. ..... Meanwhile today on a current affair...
  9. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Afraid not, that would depend on the highest bidder. Knox just don't have the bargening power - and not winning a Dunnshield. - why would you want to go there. Any way Dandy's Lease has years to go - why would you want to leave a great centre like Dandy[-(
  10. Buzzer

    Polyester Ball Tournament

    just one polyester ball or could you have half a dozen drilled differently:D
  11. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    hey if you say what Gary just said with a keanu Reaves voice you have the 3rd installment to Bill and Ted. I'd watch that. I'd even go to Knox to watch it at the cinema's
  12. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    i did say it spelled out something, nowhere did I say it converted into an anagram. anywonder you guys havn't won a dunnshield you can't even follow directions.
  13. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    come on the fish are biting why is no one realing them in
  14. Buzzer

    Win a 2006 Melbourne Cup Spot - 26th Feb

    "Well done Joe great fun and cheap more of it great value for money ( even though Trotter took it all ) i'll be back no Trotter " I was quoting Gary All I was attempting to display here is there is nothing stopping Trotter from bowling another one. After asking him last year why he was...
  15. Buzzer

    Win a 2006 Melbourne Cup Spot - 26th Feb

    Gary, whats to stop Trotter bowling another one and then selling the spot he did it the last couple of years
  16. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    heres a prescription for naxorkolesers take 2 of these 3 times a day Gary:confused: if you are clever you can rearange the words to spell out something everybody knows
  17. Buzzer

    From the TBA Website

    thanks alex, I thought you must have been talking about AMF Box hill but as they weren't on the list and you said box hill was closed too i thought no not the squash bowl. great little place that. (although have not been there since 1997)
  18. Buzzer

    From the TBA Website

    alex, i think the box hill one is the old squash bowl. there still open aren't they.
  19. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Gary - there is too many dots in your post to spell losing. I whanted to bowl in a .......................Team
  20. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    I dissagree, I think the pressure got to him and he cracked. Either that or he was bullied away and I want to know who that bully is.:)
  21. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Ok Gary get it off your chest. what gave you the turds so bad you moved on from a successful centre to a team with no hope or future. Spill is it because you thought you were not good enough - if so I am very dissapointed with you man because you are such a spirited determined young fellow.
  22. Buzzer

    ***Doug Bear Memorial***

    Hi Peter, I only have up to 5th place - will see if I can get them up by tonight.
  23. Buzzer

    ***Doug Bear Memorial***

    17 Teams battled it out for This years Doug Bear Memorial Teams Event Championship and the prize goes to Team "Oh Bugga" Mark Billing Richard Carrott Nathan Carrott Sue Ikin with Total pinfall of 2662 On behalf of CTBAM I would like to congratulate the first place getters and...
  24. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    Thanks Tony, Will do
  25. Buzzer

    DUNN SHIELD 2006

    its has been changed around last couple of years you need to have bowled 18 games league before trials. 18 games after trials and or still bowl in a league in the centre you try out for come Dunnshield time. More clarification on this last ruling seems to get a few frustrated. can...
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