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  1. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show

    Re: Tenpin on 3 Times a week Tenpin Bowling Show now on THREE TIMES a week in Melbourne / Geelong. For those reading this forum it is starting right now - 2.30am Saturday Morning. Bonus!
  2. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show to start

    Hi W.A. I have been busy on the phones for the past few days trying to secure the Tenpin Bowling Show for Albury, Bunbury and also to get it uplinked to the Optus Aurora Satellite. I almost have it "in the bag"..!! The show will be broadcast twice in Perth. Thats all ok, but I learnt through...
  3. Tenpin Bowling Show

    World Tenpin Masters Marathon!

    Mushroom WHAT? #+^"! At least our balls are not full of hot air!!!!!!!!!
  4. Tenpin Bowling Show

    World Tenpin Masters Marathon!

    Whats going on with all of the Tenpin on Fox? Did someone at Fox find out about the Tenpin Bowling Show? If I started flooding all of the community tv stations with Go-Karting (for example) would the same thing happen - A Go-kart marathon on Fox? :confused:
  5. Tenpin Bowling Show

    World Tenpin Masters Marathon!

    Chris Barnes is at it again! Jason Belmonte - Go Go Go!
  6. Tenpin Bowling Show

    World Tenpin Masters Marathon!

    Thanks! (Some of the camera angles they use are *#<&%! but still great to watch overall) :cool:
  7. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Hi Tony, Transmitter Power level on C31 Adelaide goes up ten fold around christmas, and still trying to get it on to the Optus Aurora Satellite (that might help some people) If I peddle any faster the wheels might fall off!
  8. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    On the Tenpin Bowling Show this week: ADELAIDE C31 - Tuesday 7.30pm, replayed Thursday 6.30pm, and other Tenpin shows on Sunday at 12.30pm Match #1 LINDSAY KILPATRICK (Victoria) V's BRUNO MAGLIERI (Northern Territory) Match #2 DARREN HALIFAX (Victoria) V's GINO MA SZE KIT (Hong Kong) Brenton...
  9. Tenpin Bowling Show

    7-10 Split - Movie on tonight

    Thanks for the warning! I'll take a break (mainly for my eyes sake), from editing the Gino Ma Sze Kit v's Darren Halifax match from the South Pacific Classic and go watch something different = more bowling!
  10. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Brenton Davy #1 All-Star Team

    Well done Brenton. Really deserved because he tries so hard at everything he tackles. Congratulations from the Tenpin Bowling Show. Tony.
  11. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Only if you can receive TVS channel 31 from Sydney, and I doubt that because of the distance. Two options: a) If I am sucessfull at getting the show on satellite (I don't mean Fox either):- I am looking at the Satellite Community Channel from Sydney - SCTV on the Optus B3 Satellite, or the...
  12. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Still having talks today to get the Tenpin Bowling Show on satellite television.
  13. Tenpin Bowling Show


    SYDNEY IS DUE TO START BROADCASTING THE TENPIN BOWLING SHOW weekly from Friday the 7th of December at the prime time of 7pm. There will also be a regular repeat transmission of the show, at a time yet to be determined. The first show will be getting straight into the 2007 Columbia 300 South...
  14. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Sorry guys, I can't get the show into every city and country town in Oz because there is not a big enough audience to substain running a community television station there. I am selling DVD's of the South Pacific Classic (as stated in the classified section of this forum), mainly for people who...
  15. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Oh Shucks! Do you have a community TV channel in Tassie? If you can get one going, I would be glad to supply the programming - 24 hours a day non-stop Tenpin Bowling! No cooking shows allowed...... I am currently looking at putting the show on satellite (my main job is involved with...
  16. Tenpin Bowling Show


    As from the 7th of December the Tenpin Bowling Show will be national, with the annoucement today that TVS Sydney will be starting to broadcast the weekly bowling show. This means that every city in Australia that has a Community Television Station will be broadcasting the show at least twice a...
  17. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Thanks Michael on your kind words, also Zac and other forum readers for your great ideas for improvements. The Tenpin Bowling Show this week has two South Pacific matches: JASON BELMONTE (NSW) V's HAMISH ROGERS (QLD), also ROBERT TOWNSEND (NSW) V's JASON WALSH (NSW). In addition we have...
  18. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Due to Continual improvements with the show, and helfull comments from forum readers, I will be implementing some changes with the SPC editing. More 'long shots' and less faces, along with more score cards and a slightly different start incl a zoom up on Melbourne from a map of Australia. Just...
  19. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Already some positive feed back. Thanks! I will be going back over the first SPC match that was shown in Adelaide tonight before I send to the other states, and introducing more "from the rear" vision, showing less of the bowlers faces and more of the line taken down the lane. Will keep this in...
  20. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show

    Hi James, I don't think Foxtel have ever shown an Australian Tenpin match. Do they even know that there are Tenpin Bowling lanes in Australia? The matches they have shown are ALL overseas, being purchased from etc. I am still trying to get it on TVS (which is not...
  21. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show

    C31 Melbourne / Geelong viewers.... The show starts at 10.30pm tonight (Tuesday), and the Girls are on a roll....... The AMF / Columbia 300 South Pacific Classic will be on your screens starting from Tuesday the 30th of this month and for the following four weeks after, with top action from the...
  22. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Ok, Of the people who watched the South Pacific Classic on TV tonight, I need your feed back. You can post here or a Private Message. The Tenpin Bowling Show is YOUR show, therfore please give me your comments to make it better. I can't do anything about the camera angles now for the SPC, but...
  23. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    Hi Tim, I will endevour to answer your question once I check with programming.
  24. Tenpin Bowling Show

    South Pacific Classic on TV

    The Tenpin Bowling Show is proud to present the 2007 SOUTH PACIFIC CLASSIC, commencing this Tuesday at 7.30pm on channel 31. The first match to be shown is..... Chris Thomas (A.C.T) V's Craig Nevatt (New Zealand) and the second.... Paeng Nepomuceno (Phillippines) V's Brendan Hanton...
  25. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Macquarie Leisure article in Herald Sun

    Good news for a change.
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