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  1. bowlrig

    Belmo Warned by PBA Officials

    the way I see it is that they are both "professionals" of the sport and should act accordingly - professional.
  2. bowlrig

    50th Nationals Interesting Figures.

    But Gary, you do, you keep replying. No need to reply if no justification needed.............................. just sayin !!
  3. bowlrig

    50th Nationals Interesting Figures.

    Is this not "one" of the reasons ATBC went belly up ??????? Presidents, secretaries & most directors taking junkets at the bowlers expense !!!!!!! Cara & her crew are doing a great job at the moment.......just give them a fair go. Rob
  4. bowlrig

    $10,000 Sunraysia Tenpin Cup January 2012.

    alright deano, chuck my name down for b squad - Jess =]
  5. bowlrig

    $10,000 Sunraysia Tenpin Cup January 2012.

    Jimmy Banfield for C squad please :) Thanks
  6. bowlrig

    $10,000 Sunraysia Tenpin Cup January 2012.

    Josh Morel- C Squad
  7. bowlrig

    Wearing Hats while bowling

    some on here are a bit precious so maybe we could allow tiaras................. Rob
  8. bowlrig

    Trying to follow scores at Nats.

    Jim, some times I sit and wonder "wow, I can not imagine how Jim used to go getting scores and updates when he was in know, no fax machines or internet..... probably cursed the postie and the publisher of pin action magazine" Oh by the way - sarcasm intended. Rob
  9. bowlrig

    Belmo clinches title in breath-taking stepladder final

    on youtube already
  10. bowlrig

    300 Alicia Garioch

    Congratulations Alicia on a nice 300 game tonight. First game with the new ball. Rob
  11. bowlrig

    Has Emerson become a joke?

    someone takes tomorrows meds today as well???????
  12. bowlrig

    What is your Highest Game with a Plastic Ball only?

    /\/\/\/\ Grumpy as...:cardR: 268, white dot, bowling fast that was a long tome ago. Rob
  13. bowlrig

    The Riverland Cup 2011

    Lisa Garioch for "A" squad please Steve
  14. bowlrig

    The Riverland Cup 2011

    Hi Steve, Rob Garioch for A squad. Rob
  15. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    From Lisa, not Rob :)
  16. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    I have a question! 1st of all, for anyone that is unaware of why Sunraysia women had to bowl a vacancy score, we had a reserve in our team who has recently moved to Mildura. She joined our singles league from the 1st week she arrived. (our singles is a 4 game league) she qualified for the team...
  17. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Thats what they all's all in your mind mate;) did'nt happen....know one knows about it but you :confused: all good buddy:eek: Rob :p
  18. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    a little confused...ok, you will be there, I get that bit. Now.....might be who's time to shut up?......before who rages?......and punches who in the face????? Rob
  19. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    I don't know how you can feel ripped off....there are 12 centres in both zones. One zone just had less teams enter. Both zones have 3 centres that will never put teams in. Why the others did not bowl is any ones guess. Cannot keep changing the teams around as you still come up with the same...
  20. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Final Emerson results. Rob
  21. bowlrig

    Quite simple, which is simply the greatest? U-Dot, most consistent ball I've had......and it lasted for years. A while ago...Roto Grip Outlaw.... a horrible brown ball that was one of the hardest hitting balls I had seen at the time. New....Lane 1 - weird ball that works on a huge range of conditions. Rob
  22. bowlrig

    A gripe or two about bowling

    Sorry Jim, lost in translation. My point was that we have had a few "old style" figure 8, full rollers bowl here over the last few years & and when they have upgraded to the new equipment, their averages & scores, over time did not vary as much as they thought it may, But you are left...
  23. bowlrig

    A gripe or two about bowling

    Wayne, why you need to await my reply I am not sure. My reason for having a crack in the other thread someway defeats the purpose of this thread. A mate of mine, Rick Richmann, with 20 odd years of experience mind you, and goes ok on the lanes, bowls his first 300 and YOU cannot even say well...
  24. bowlrig

    Discuss: How much skill and luck are involved in bowling a 300?

    you might need to be more specific.....a perfect shot now era or pre reactive & dynamic weight block era. I am sure it has changed over the years. Rob
  25. bowlrig

    300s at Mentone

    Well done guy's, especially Mr. Richmann. First 300, 20 years in the making. Awesome effort buddy. You bowled well in Mildura on the weekend and just followed that up. Rob PS...\/ \/ wish people would stop hijacking threads.....if they have something to say they should, excuse the pun...
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