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  1. bowlrig

    Tenpin Bowling Research

  2. bowlrig

    First 2 hander to bowl a 900 series

    And all before reactive resin bowling balls.... ;-)) Rob
  3. bowlrig

    2012 VIC 150 & AUSTRALIAN OPEN

    Hi Sue, Are scores going to be on here or on the TBA site? Thanks Rob
  4. bowlrig

    2012 Schweppes Melbourne Tenpin Cup

    Alicia Garioch for A squad please
  5. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    You would not be allowed to bowl Country Cup unless you aplied to VCTBA for exemption. When you pay online you are asked which association you want to be aligned with. Rob
  6. bowlrig

    What do you do?

    I just go and play golf worse than I bowl then the bowling seems much better ;) Rob
  7. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    Hi Michael, The following is the rule on participation: 3. TEAM PLAYERS & OFFICIALS (a) Each team player must be a registered member, in good standing, of the local association or registered bowling centre they are representing. They will represent the first centre/country association...
  8. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    Thats the same every year Chase......... maybe you should not try as hard ;) Wise man once said "no Shep" and that was Hamma :p Also Shepparton at evens, hope that southerly doesn't blow all your tickets away. Have said it for a while now, Colac will be the team to get past...
  9. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    Jason only bowls @ 1, so I fail to see how that matchup will happen. I think you will need to worry about a 2 handed lefty rather than Mr. Way. I may have to be the sacraficial lamb for Jase;) Rob
  10. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    I think Shepparton will win both divisions and have 8 in the All Star teams ..... their new manager / coach is doing wonders I hear. Appearantly from #1 - Chase all the way down the list they are flying.;) Rob
  11. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    and who says that James is in. Might be just going with 6 Rob
  12. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    Looking forward to bowling this year. Having all the family bowling will be special. With very interesting insight from our new team member, i think our womens team will be much stronger :) GO SUNRAYSIA
  13. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    Nah.... will be someone with a soft shot, more likely Jason Way ;-)
  14. bowlrig

    Country Cup 2012

    No Farqy.....No Bendigo Rob
  15. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    The USBC recommends 100% handicap. Just for the sake of doing it, I did some comparisons from our singles league last season. Head to head - 6 bowlers of averages from 148 to 216. At 80% of 220 the higher ave bowlers won 78% of the time. At 90% of 220 the higher ave bowlers won 72% of...
  16. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    Thankyou Robbie, but it seems we are still wrong though. Rob
  17. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    1. I am not your friend. 2. Your wit and sarcasm are noted. 3. It is all about fairness and equality. On the other side of your argument...... why should the more skilled bowler have more of an advantage than skill alone? Rob
  18. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    I am looking at it from a slightly different perspective I suppose. All sports that use a handicap sytem that I can think of, if you play to that handicap against an opponent that plays to theirs you come a draw. With all the bowling handicaps besides 100% it is not equal. Just my thoughts...
  19. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    Based on your assumption above I bowl my 170 ave + 24 hdp =194, you bowl your average 195 + 4 hdp = 199 which means you win thus having the head start. With any system below 100% the lower average bowler must bowl over their average to beat the higher average bowler bowling average. Handicap is...
  20. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    Do not, will not and am not trolling, but thanks for your input anyway. And besides it is all within the OP's original question. Rob
  21. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    Still can not fathom how someone of better skill & more ability may have earned a head start on someone of lesser ability & skill. Rob
  22. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    I think not. Rob
  23. bowlrig

    Scoring Systems

    Have always wondered why handicap percentages are below 100%. Why should the better more skilled bowlers get a head start? Rob
  24. bowlrig

    $10,000 Sunraysia Tenpin Cup January 2012.

    Is anyone missing a bowling ball from the weekend. Amongst the the few towels, puff balls etc. we have found a bowling ball in a double tote that does not live in Mildura. Anyone that wants to claim it just let me know what ball it is. Rob
  25. bowlrig

    Tournament nominations

    I voted no and I think the solution is fairly simple. Using the Sunraysia Cup as an example......we have a list of 97 names, 65 of which bowled the tournament. Next year we have this list at our disposal. If anyone that had their name down this year and pulled out puts their name down next...
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