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  1. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Frawls on Foxtel E.S.P.N now

    Nice to see the people at Fox are getting the message. Tenpin Bowling IS A SPORT and deserves to be on TV as much as any other. I wonder if their programming department have noted the increased interest for Tenpin on channel 31?:Lighten:
  2. Tenpin Bowling Show

    ten pin bowling show

    Thanks, That means a new show is comming up next.
  3. Tenpin Bowling Show

    ten pin bowling show

    Mac, Who was on last nights show? I know that the TV station had an issuse with getting programs sorted because of Easter. Thanks, Tony.
  4. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Reminder to tune into TOTALLY WILD

    Well done - It's getting the word out there - bowling is fun! (Especially after winning a major tournament - Matt!) :bounce8:
  5. Tenpin Bowling Show

    A few pics from recent tournament filming

    We used a total of Nine cameras and Seven microphones to capture every piece of action at the Australian Open, including a hidden camera positioned to track the path of the ball from above
  6. Tenpin Bowling Show

    A little thanks - Kellie

    A little thanks from everybody makes up to a MASSIVE THANKS collectively!
  7. Tenpin Bowling Show

    A little thanks - Kellie

    I noticed that this site has just broken a new record....174 users on line at once, as at 17th of march 2008, and for the past week there has been a steady increase in people joining. This means a bit more work for the owner of this site Kellie, and we are lucky that she took it over. As some...
  8. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Justin, Good to hear about channel 9 taking an interest. It's about time that Tenpin started to get recognized again in this country. Since we started the Tenpin Show nearly a year ago, I have noticed a big increase in the quantity of overseas bowling tournaments on Fox... and ESP..shown in...
  9. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Excellent! Thanks Lynne for keeping us informed. EVERYONE! Please put Totally Wild in your diary for the 26th of March. This will be something special.
  10. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Thank you to all the 1000+ people who have downloaded & watched episode 43 of the Tenpin Bowling Show. It was well received in the UK on Talk Tenpin. By comments received there is a big demand for having Tenpin Bowling not only on Free to air Television, but also to have the show available on...
  11. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Virgin Blue Baggage

    One of the bowlers attending the recent event at Surfers Tenpin was charged excess baggage on the return leg, but not on the way there. Perhaps the balls gained weight by eating too many pins or something! Not much consistency here....:plane:
  12. Tenpin Bowling Show

    800 Series @ AMF Woodville

    Well done Zac. Your'e a champion! And may you have many more top results. Tony & Crew TBS
  13. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Hi Trevor, We are seriously looking at arranging for the shows to be accessed online for a small fee. I will advise on this forum when the facility is set up. Thanks Tony & Crew. Promoting Tenpin Bowling as best we can.
  14. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show - can you nominate us!

    2008 Antenna Awards- Viewers Choice Award Which is Australia’s most popular community television program? We let the viewers decide! Voting is now open for The Viewer’s Choice Antenna. It is the opportunity for Community Television’s loyal audiences to decide on their favourite show. Voting...
  15. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Win A Ball Competition for the 2008 Australian Open

    Sorry mate, And we only talked a couple of days ago about how many ways one can possibly spell a name!:(
  16. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Win A Ball Competition for the 2008 Australian Open

    Brenton Davy 212 Massive THANK YOU to the sponsors Without your continued support Tenpin in this country would be in BIG trouble. So....THANKS! Glenn Rowland Consumer Product Manager QubicaAMF Worldwide, LLC Exclusive Columbia & Track Distributors in Australia
  17. Tenpin Bowling Show


    The shows filming manager has been busy promoting the show. Even to the UK! Tenpin Bowling Show - it's a hit! NB. I will be updating the two files of the latest show tonight (links at the start of this thread), to...
  18. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Michael Tran 300 at Salisbury

    Mike, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now, WHERE WERE THOSE CAMERAS @#*%!!!
  19. Tenpin Bowling Show


    Hi Jason, Yes a small fee, as I am not a millionaire (and never will be), but need to at least cover some of the cost involved in producing the show, and don't expect the kind sponsors to have to cover everything down to last pin & staple.
  20. Tenpin Bowling Show

    How to see the show...

    Thanks Jenny & Alan,
  21. Tenpin Bowling Show


    I have uploaded the latest Australian Tenpin Bowling Show to the net so that everyone can see, and its FREE! It is the final of the 2008 SA CUP from Cross Road bowl, and as of tonight Monday 10th of March 08, has not yet been released to any of the TV stations. There are two downloads...
  22. Tenpin Bowling Show

    How to see the show...

    After many requests....
  23. Tenpin Bowling Show

    DVD's of 2008 SA CUP

    The DVD of the SA CUP FINALS filmed at AMF Cross Road is now available for immediate delivery.
  24. Tenpin Bowling Show

    Tenpin Bowling Show makes Finals

    The show has made it to the final cut of the Antennas Awards to be held at the BMW Edge, Melbourne's Federation Square. Over 500 Television Production entries were received. It has been nominated for BEST SPORTS PROGRAM. The Awards will be broadcast on SBS - Sunday the 27th of April at...
  25. Tenpin Bowling Show

    New Australian TV Add for Tenpin

    The show is broadcast 15 times a week on every free to air community Television Station across Australia and the National Optus Aurora Satellite up to 50kms out to sea. Very soon we will have capacity to upload the shows to the internet. We are also in the process of having DVD's of the show...
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