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  1. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Don't you start on me Bary Glack. :-)
  2. bowlrig

    Wrist devices, fair or unfair advantage?

    Have worked out that in our centre 5.5% of our bowlers use a wrist device of sorts, 20% have shoes with interchangable souls and most profoundly 87% use reatcive bowling balls. Large thread about a minority. JMO Rob
  3. bowlrig

    2011 Junior Sydney Cup

    Can you please add Shelby Garioch, Zach Geyer and Jayden Forrest to A squad. Thanks Leanne :) Alicia
  4. bowlrig

    10K First Prize. Anyone Interested?

    Google Maps Try this. Rob
  5. bowlrig

    Dean McKinnon - 300

    Congratulations to Deano on a very solid 300 game tonight. Used a world beater. Rob
  6. bowlrig

    New addition to the rule book

    Hope this helps;) Rob
  7. bowlrig

    New addition to the rule book

    and we could go on & on if you like......interchangable soles, reactive coverstocks, dynamic weight blocks, interchangable thumb slugs.................... I think the rule is more for the aesthetics of the sport, it might be a way TBA are trying to change the way the sport is perceived. Small...
  8. bowlrig

    How to choose a Squad and Why?

    I think you will find alot of the better tournament bowlers tend to bowl the same squad. They seem to be able to use each other to open up the shot / lanes (unless you are a lefty ;)) & would probably score better whilst being on the lanes with someone they know or someone that is scoring well...
  9. bowlrig

    Steve Toth 300

    Well done fossil.......awesome effort Rob
  10. bowlrig

    10K First Prize. Anyone Interested?

    Being it's first year the Mildura event will not be a ranked event. The SA Cup if it goes ahead also will not be ranked, as you statted it is to late. As for precedence beause of longevity, The SA Cup was not run last year & correct me if I am wrong but struggled for numbers in its final...
  11. bowlrig

    Sunraysia 60 Game Marathon

    Hi All, Only one spot left. Don't miss out. Rob
  12. bowlrig

    Sunraysia 60 Game Marathon

    Two spots still me for entry details. Rob
  13. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    No way to talk to a future team mate.:pile: Rob
  14. bowlrig

    Sean Rash - coming to Australia

    That's OK Wayne any time. ;) Rob
  15. bowlrig

    Sean Rash - coming to Australia

    Honestly, I think Wayne's statement is not credible, unless he is privy to information the rest of the bowling community is not. Also I doubt Sean will be here later in the year. Rob
  16. bowlrig

    Sunraysia 60 Game Marathon

    Hi All, Team List below. 2 team spots available. Contact me if you are interested PH. 0350222033 or email 1 George Turner Jason Ditchburn Thomas Bogemann 2 Daniel Browne Peter Emmett 3 Barb Carlsson Mick Carlsson 4 Narelle Baker Dave McEwan Jimmy Bowles 5...
  17. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    It's in the mail mate....enjoy Rob
  18. bowlrig

    sean rash vs belmo

    The "actual noise" made is not heard in the video linked in this thread, so I don't know what you "actually" heard. Rob
  19. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Just a quick note to confirm to everyone the zone final in Mildura will be held on Sunday 11th of September. Both men and women will bowl the same day, with both the men’s & women’s bye to be bowled on the same pair. Teams that have confirmed they will be bowling in this zone are Sunraysia...
  20. bowlrig

    Best trick shots I'v ever seen

    Bob Learn Jr.????????/
  21. bowlrig

    Ray Martin - 300

    Congatulation to Ray on a very nice 300 game last night, also a series of 1009 (4) not to shabby either. Rob
  22. bowlrig

    Another one in the bank for Kevin Wilkins!!

    Well done Kev. Awesome effort. Rob
  23. bowlrig

    Is winning all that matters?

    What about beating them mentally.......bowlings form of the tackle??? Rob
  24. bowlrig

    2011 Emerson Shield

    Thanks Paul. Rob
  25. bowlrig

    Is winning all that matters?

    I don't play any sport to not win, might be a wayward golf shot off a tree & onto the I care, think not, might be a shot pulled through the nose with half the rack on the pindeck still, but a strike none the I care, think not. My opponents may not like it but that is...
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