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  1. Drumo

    OMG. 2X 300s. One Half Reaction

    It's called evolution Jim... Don't take that as saying that I don't agree with you to a certain extent but you can't really compare "the good old days" to now. Yes, there are some centres who bring the game into disrepute by laying easy conditions but you can't deny the fact that bowlers today...
  2. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    I think their decision (T.B.A's) is a move to increase numbers (as we already know) but Isn't it better to try something than to leave things as they were and let the sport deteriorate to the point of no return? It seems that T.B.A can't take a trick... Do nothing and get ridiculed or do...
  3. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    It would appear Bec that you are entitled to an opinion but it can't be different... So much for freedom of speech and thought.
  4. Drumo

    2013 Mentone Cup 16th & 17th March - $3000 1st Place

    Well bowled guys... Congrats Kyle...
  5. Drumo

    Milestone in Australian Bowling

    I think Joe would say he bowls the right way and we all bowl off the wrong foot... lol
  6. Drumo

    2013 Mentone Cup 16th & 17th March - $3000 1st Place

    Do we have any score updates Wazza?
  7. Drumo

    TBA ???? GOOD or BAD

    For as good a job as the bowling show did during it's time on channel 31, It wasn't accessible to everyone. I know that you could watch TBS on youtube, even on the ch31 website but how many others would have known? I remember watching the Coca cola classic on channel 9 during the cricket break...
  8. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    What are other countries doing so differently compared to us? Is it that they have a higher density population? Is it advertisement? This is not just directed at tournaments but the league aspect as well... I think the one thing we all agree on is that we need to increase numbers... Both...
  9. Drumo


    That's nearly as good as Viv Richards' comment to an Aussie bowler after smacking him for 6...
  10. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    With this system the more variables that are introduced makes it difficult to keep track of... We should just keep it simple... Ladies get 8 pins (or 5 whatever) and either keep 8 pins through matchplay ( or drop it). Outside of that, I wouldn't make any other changes.
  11. Drumo

    TBA ???? GOOD or BAD

    Bec, I agree with you about the TBA doing more for the sport but I think centres rely on leagues as much as they do the social side. Leagues provide the centres with a dollar value each week which the centres know they will get... The social side is the unknown variable... Given that you can't...
  12. Drumo

    Unacredited Coaching

    I don't think most drop out due to their lack of knowledge of the sport... I think it has more to do with cost. Not just the cost of bowling, it is the cost of day to day living with CPI not really keeping up with these increases. (That's assuming you get CPI increases annually in your wages)...
  13. Drumo

    Sunraysia Tenpin Cup 2013 May 18 & 19.

    Hi Deano, If I can get a change of shift at work I'll be there... "A" squad mate hopefully I can find out sooner rather than later...
  14. Drumo

    Tournaments. What do bowlers really want? Can TBA do more?

    I don't bowl as many tourneys as I'd like but I think a 1:3 payout or better would be a good starting point. (This is for tourneys in general) On a side note, I think you guys at Mildura run great tournaments. I bowled Sunraysia cup last year, was there for junior country cup (not the same level...
  15. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    Bluey... I think the grammar correction referred to is when you corrected the names of fellow bowlers in a previous post... That opens up a whole new can of worms... How many fringe bowlers who average around the 190 mark will deliberately drop their average to gain 8 pins advantage... It...
  16. Drumo

    Full team Prebowl

    A couple of leagues I bowl in allow pre bowling... One league has no hard and fast rule and pre and post bowling is allowed... The other league also allows pre bowls but with the opposition teams permission. There have been leagues which also allowed pre bowling but you had to bowl against the...
  17. Drumo

    8pins start for women, did it work?

    If an 8 pin start for the ladies is going to increase entries into tournaments then I think it's a great innovation... But if this attempt at increasing tournament numbers fails what will be their fall back position? As Lexi stated, it needs a few years to gauge if this concept will work. Just...
  18. Drumo

    What a difference an OIL PATTERN makes.

    It will make for an interesting comparison...
  19. Drumo

    Country Cup 2013

    Isn't there a team based tourney on this long weekend? I thought I heard someone mention country cup... We might be getting the scores via courier pigeon or telegram... I too would like to know how everyone is going. If I wasn't working, I'd be there supporting but oh well...
  20. Drumo

    2013 Nats- info & suggestions.

    Just a question for you guys who are in Townsville... What happened to the bowling lanes at Mt Louisa? Off topic I know, I'm just curious.
  21. Drumo

    2013 Sydney Youth Cup

    Matt Drummond for A squad please...
  22. Drumo

    2013 Nats- info & suggestions.

    Having lived in Townsville for a few years during the 90's I can say that it is a place well worth visiting. Navigating the town is easy and everything is readily accessible. I went back a few years ago only to find that not only had it changed but it had gotten better... If only I could...
  23. Drumo

    "MO"tion Drilling/Balance Hole

    What is your take on this video Robbie? It is a few years old but it would be interesting to hear opinions/ thoughts on this study...
  24. Drumo

    300's at Geelong

    I would like to congratulate Damien Robinson on bowling his 1st 300 game tonight. Also to my team mate Mario Cordedda who also bowled a 300/800 tonight. I also heard that Martin Muxworthy bowled a 300 last night as well. Congratulations to you all... Mick
  25. Drumo

    Its even tougher.

    Damned if they do, damned if they don't... People complain when it's easy... People complain when it's hard... Maybe the problem isn't with the conditions or the centres it's with the bowlers. Either that or the complaints are merely rhetoric and in reality the majority WANT the easy conditions...
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