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  1. renta

    Over arm VS under arm

    Well !!!!!!:D:D
  2. renta

    Ian Strahan bowls 50th 300 for Boronia

    Well well well ....Another one !!! Good work Ian..
  3. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    Good point ! Now I have spoken to Barb & she told me that this is a good reaon for DIVORCE ...Hmmmm . I told her dont make promises ya cant keep !!!! Yep I am a dead man walking......:D:D:D
  4. renta

    Sunraysia 60 Game marathon..

    Duh Girl !!!:D:D:D
  5. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    Could that be hanging S#%T !!!:D:D:D It would sound Better FRRRAAANNNNKKKKSSSTTOONNNN !!!! SPECY
  6. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    I am sorry Mark but we at frankston need that SCREAM to be Frankston !! :D:D
  7. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    I forbid you to manage this team !!!!!!!! Do you hear me !!!!
  8. renta

    Frankston Super Doubles season

    Ok !! Its SANDRA !!!!not Sandy
  9. renta

    Frankston Super Doubles season

    Super Doubles. New season is about a month away ... Bowling Tuesday nights 7pm... 18 point system... This is a money league ( I dont have the breakdown sorry )... $25.00 for 3 games ... For those who remember frankston being a hole to bowl in... Well I can tell you its a far cry from...
  10. renta

    Chris Barnes... SPLAT!!

    I know someone who did it for a 297 ...Yep thats right ...He shall remain nameless !!!
  11. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    I would like to thank Wayne Parlby for taking the the time to speak to me about some changes that may be heading the kids way in the future ...
  12. renta

    Sunraysia 60 Game marathon..

    Yep we will be there again ...!!!!
  13. renta

    Mens FIQ Team

    Well done to all you guys ....Goodluck.
  14. renta

    Win A Ball Comp.

    Anne Marie Putney 218 Mac stewart 224
  15. renta

    Rockaway the Ode

    Sorry Wayne .....You hit it on the head ...Many here do know what its about but seem to fail to add their verses...Or are a little scared too. To be fair some wont for good reason...
  16. renta

    Rockaway the Ode

    What !!!!! No one can think of anything to to add !!!!
  17. renta

    A plea to the Australian bowling community re: Australian youth team

    Sorry Porto ! Your right :surrender:.....
  18. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    Frankston Team ....... Womens. Sam Morish Chris Orridge Susan Oelfke Sue Morish Jeannie Walpole Julie Gillespie Julie Stevenson res. Larissa Stevenson Mens. Steve Toth Luke Rogers Frank Bell Mick Carlsson Shane Vanharten Ross Ward Rick Richman res. Anthony Spain. Go...
  19. renta

    A plea to the Australian bowling community re: Australian youth team

    I find it a great injustice to the bowlers of the Team that The managers & coaches dont have to Pay !!! Its a TEAM !!! Is it not. I was always taught that a Team went thru everything together ..... Looks like that was a load of C%#p :GoogleHell:
  20. renta

    A plea to the Australian bowling community re: Australian youth team

    I would like an answer to these two questions please. 1.Does the team Manager & Coach have to their way.... 2.If they dont WHY ??????
  21. renta

    Rockaway the Ode

    Team trials feeling great . Thursday night a bit irate. Friday I was set straight. 6 seconds late sent out the gate. The drums are beating. They tell me of another meeting. Electric full of conduct. Makes me wonder hows my luck. ...................Feel free to add some verses.....:):)
  22. renta


    BANG !!!!!!!! DJ Thats how it went down !!!
  23. renta


    To both of you CONGRATS on your 300s .........
  24. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    The Frankston team is nearly settled ....Will know at the end of this week...
  25. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    I have seen your boy improve without a doubt since moving coaches.The trust un his shot is & his keen desire to his game is great !!! keep it going... Next year I dont think you will have as much hcp...
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