Search results

  1. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    Its not the eel I want to snag but the Blue groper !!! BLUE GROPER ;Left handed this is why it seems to swin in circles. Target area ;Boronia!! last seen in Rootyhill migrating back to Boronia. Known to have a harem !!!! Of bowling balls not women !! Best bait ; open shot on the left ..Gets...
  2. renta

    $4500 SKINS "2" Mentone Bowl

    Wozza can you put Mick Carlsson in please..
  3. renta

    $4500 SKINS late night at Mentone

    Thanks Wazza & the crew at mentone for a great night . Looking forward to the next one ...Might just. use the right ball next time.
  4. renta

    Secret Club

    Darren we at Inter Dbls are lucky we have alot of people who are switch on to find these things out . Many tourneys would go by if it weren't for these people adult youth & jnrs. Go to any AMF bowl & ask for entry forms HA HA . Bet you dont find many.Its a shame to say the least . These...
  5. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    Thankyou !!!
  6. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    OC is it !!! I will show you respect !!! I hope the krusty name dosen't fron not wiping your bottom til friday. :D:D:D:D:D:D
  7. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    You call me fish boy when your team has an eel in it !!!! Answer that Blueper !!!
  8. renta

    Australia's team @ Men's World Championships

    Ok Jase no probs !! I am a Mod on a Fishing site & here is tame compared to my site .Ours is a closed site & we like Jase dont put up with personal attacks. Remember forums are about opinons & nothing else.When we post on a thread perception is the problem.One can take it the way it was ment...
  9. renta

    Australia's team @ Men's World Championships

    Sorry Fitzy didnt see your quote !! But I like it.
  10. renta

    Australia's team @ Men's World Championships

    I dont understand why it vanished ..... Maybe the heads put in a complaint about where it was leading..... There could be a ground swell against the current board..... who knows !!!!!!!!!!
  11. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    Oh you sting like a blue bottle ...NOT !!!!!!! Be nice or the Left will be shut out !!! Remember its Frankstons turn to host !!!
  12. renta

    Australia's team @ Men's World Championships

    Wayne should have started this thread a little differently & it wouldn't have turned reactive as it has done ...
  13. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    The only way your going to finish higher is if you bring a cherry picker with ya !!! You did say BET lets work it out on the day !!! Blue velvet !!
  14. renta

    $4500 SKINS late night at Mentone

    They can pull out once they PAY !!!!!!!!
  15. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    So it starts little boy Blue dont blow your horn to soon...!!!!!
  16. renta

    Sunraysia 60 Game Marathon

    Please add Nathan Thompson to Barb & Mick calsson.....
  17. renta

    $4500 SKINS late night at Mentone

    Can you put Mick Carlsson in please ....
  18. renta

    2 x 300's - Paul Robinson & Steve Eeles @ Boronia AMF

    Congrats to both of you !!!! I didn't try as it would have stolen your thunder...great bowling guys !!!!
  19. renta

    Dunn Shield 2010 Teams

    Its getting closer !!!!!! Who is going to clean up the bench marks ????
  20. renta

    Super Doubles league new season Frankston

    A new season starts soon. I you have an avg of 150 0r better & like good competion. This the league for you!!!!!!!!!!! Tuesday nights 3 games & its doubles,45 week season.3 rounds 16 teams. Also its a money league. $25.00 per night.we have pot games aswell. So give it a go & bring...
  21. renta

    ECCC Rolloffs

    I didn'y bowl this year & going on what everyone has stated about the conditions they are tough... I would dearly like to see the same patterns or pattern down for the actual Challenge.... That would be awesome....
  22. renta

    2010 Schweppes Melbourne Tenpin Cup - Scores

    Congrats to Bianca & Carl !!! A really tough conditon .. To the staff & TD crew a fantastic job.
  23. renta

    2010 Schweppes Victorian Sports Series - Event 2

    Thanks for running this event .......see ya's at the next one !!!! Bendigo !!!!
  24. renta

    Dandenong Anzac day 60 Game Marathon

    Thats a total of $2400.00 thats available b4 placings !!! If that aint a draw card ...
  25. renta

    2010 Schweppes Victorian Sports Series - Event 2

    Can you put Mick Carlsson back on Please ......Trip away cancelled.
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