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  1. renta

    John Caramalis 300 826 series

    Johnny your on fire mate .....good stuff !!! Sheeesh 826 !!!
  2. renta

    Barry Dodds 300

    Good work Bazza congrats mate....& Ian on the lanes again...
  3. renta

    Victorian Mixed Tenpin Club Inc

    What is the cost !!!! Please
  4. renta

    Shane van Harten 300 at Frankston

    I posted this last night .......
  5. renta

    Shane Vanharten 300......Frankston

    Great game Bear all in the pocket ...I can still see your legs shaking on the last shot...But next time not against ME !!!!! well done mate.
  6. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    I am glad to report that the message has got to the right people..... A coach has been appointent for Dandy junior leagues ...I dont kmow who it is we will have to see.....Thanks all for your opinions....:):)
  7. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    Charlie that might be the case but I am not concerned with my kids ....Its the new ones & the ones that are self taught that have no IDEA....
  8. renta

    Age, Ave

    46 years of age.been bowling for 24 years & 208 & 201 .....luv the game & made many friends out of bowling........(& a few enemies too) but hey ya cant get along with everyone hey.....;);)
  9. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    Hey G man I do know wayne & know that he does do across the board but the problem is he is flat out as are most of the coaches that are going around ...I dont know the answer to this & I really cant see it changing to soon... I just put this as one cause as the title of this thread says The...
  10. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

  11. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    There in is a problem. Would amf or any other centre prepared to pay for the level 1 course. Then you have to get them to be there when the kids are bowling.... My boys & Macs boy are right for help & this can be a problem as I have been ask to help but I like to concerntrate on my...
  12. renta

    The decline of bowling in Vic..

    There are many reasons that would contribute to this but one of the factors maybe this reason.But here one!!! The junior ranks seem to be getting less & less from new bowlers to those that go on to continue to bowl in the senior ranks. My two boys bowl on saturday mornings at dandy.There are...
  13. renta

    What kept the scores down at Melbourne International Tenpin Cup?

    I was a spectator for 2 days not only did the bowlers have to be accurate your speed had to be on the money otherwise you were either out of bounds or left ......Way left for the right handers ...reverse for the lefty's..... this condition was a good as the feild was kept tight except for...
  14. renta


    By who ? oooh ! its a secrect !!!! Name them .... I hope its AMF.
  15. renta

    Brett ( grinny1 ) Accident...

    You sure about that Sue !!!!! ;);)
  16. renta

    Nicole McPartlane - 300

    Yep I saw the last frame Nicky & all were solid ...welldone.:)
  17. renta

    Age Limit

    I think its a chance to teach this girl how not to act on the lanes.
  18. renta

    Dunn Shield 2008

    Thursday nights we have a name for him but I cant post it !!!!...Blahahahahaha!!
  19. renta

    Webber 300 #19

    Gee I would be happy with one !....Good stuff Andrew
  20. renta

    Mark dodds 300.....Dandenong.

    A big cograts to Buzzer a great 300 all in the slot... Also to to Mark & his partner Frank bell a team game 578 both started with the first 9......Great bowling guys !!
  21. renta

    Brett ( grinny1 ) Accident...

    Brett just a get well mate.... It seems Brett had a tangle wiyh a ladder & spun his ankle on his down to the deck. everything snapped & broken..... From what I have been told it was UGLY !!!! Looks like a long recovery period for him....... So get it right before you start bowling again...
  22. renta

    Healthy Life ANZAC Day 60 Game Marathon

    Well done guys & gals... Agreat tourny & very well run thankyou ... To AMF Dandenong a great job & apart from respotting no break downs as far as I have heard .....Looking to next year & lets hope Tothy drinks a little less
  23. renta

    farky bowls 300!!!

    Congrats Dave top job ....Hell yes at Bendigo !!! fantastic !!!! Mick Carlsson.
  24. renta

    paul madden 300

    Well done Paul .....goodwork ...:D:D
  25. renta

    Rob Garioch '299'

    Well done Rob ...I told you one more J.B :D:D
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