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  1. grumpie

    2013 Cairns Open

    Dam I won't be able to come over to watch the great Kevin Wilkins bowl..........:p Liz
  2. grumpie

    2013 Barrier Reef Innisfail Open

    I'm going to ask a stupid question because I can! How come this tournament and the Cairns Open are a week apart? I realise that TBA do have say in it and you don't necessarily get the dates you want. This seems to be the only 2 tournaments of any kind in NQ apart from Intercity. So I guess I...
  3. grumpie

    Thank you TBAQ!

    I would just like to echo Robbie's sentiments. I have a lot of respect for TBAQ. Since being in Mount Isa, I have had tremendous support from them in trying to get things happening again in The Isa. Liz
  4. grumpie

    TBA ???? GOOD or BAD

    Simple - every sport has a governing body. Government funding and recognition is based on members. TBA membership is declining. Don't need to be an Einstein to work out that TBA are doing it tough. All league bowlers become members - then have your say. Don't complain without offering...
  5. grumpie

    Intercity 2013

    As I am new to Intercity can someone make clear to me the senior masters. I would like to try for seniors. It's on the Thursday before the tourny which puts me out because we arrive on the Friday. As all plans are made before the bylaws are recieved.
  6. grumpie

    Technician Required

    The Isa Tenpin is seeking a technician capable of working 82/70s and 90XLi machines. Further advancement is avaliable for the right person. This position also includes other duties including customer service. Please send resume to
  7. grumpie

    Inargual Senior Intercity 2013 (50 & over)

    Any other centres had there rolloffs yet
  8. grumpie

    Inargual Senior Intercity 2013 (50 & over)

    Great to see this event starting!!!!!!!!!!! Mount Isa team is as follows Noel Avery Gunther Czmok Tere Bexfield Liz Fabian-Czmok Lets make them pay attention to us older but not old bowlers ;):eek:;):p
  9. grumpie

    Intercity 2013

    Mount Isa teams as they stand at the moment. In alfabetical order Scratch Men Noel Avery Gunther Czmok Yannick Kerjean Peter Nielsen Kale Norris Bazza Rodger Ladies Evelyn Arnold Sue Avery Tere Bexfield Amanda Ebzery Liz Fabian-Czmok Kim Rodgers Graded Men Daniel Copeland Peter...
  10. grumpie

    Holt Nth Qld

    Hey Kev we have 3 bowlers from Mount Isa rolling off for ATBSO at this stage. We are just starting to pop up every where........:D Liz
  11. grumpie

    Intercity 2013

    Firstly congrats goes to our faily new association comittee to have the results that we have had for the the rolloffs. I'm lead to believe this is the first time in quite a few years Mount Isa has all four teams filled without having to go to the draft. No bowlers bowling in both grades.;)...
  12. grumpie

    Holt Nth Qld

    Thanks guys
  13. grumpie

    Holt Nth Qld

    Thanks Mick, I hope to hear more soon
  14. grumpie

    Holt Nth Qld

    Thanks Mick. I've been ringing Brad Thompson with no luck so I was trying to find entry forms which are not on the Holt site as yet, I believe trials are straight after state senior trials or before, also I have fear that they may clash with the Intercity Seniors (50 and over) on the 1,2 & 3rd...
  15. grumpie

    Holt Nth Qld

    Just trying to get info for or bowlers, Townsville when and entry forms where. Would apreciate some help. Gunther The Isa Tenpin
  16. grumpie

    Burdekin Bowl Skins - 8th December 2012

    Helen, To close to xmas for us here as a lot of people fly out for the break. We are getting more people willing to travel for tournies so they gain more exposure (even the smaller tournies) and see what tournament play is really like, so for the next one PM me and we would certainly try to...
  17. grumpie

    North Queensland Derby

    I'm sure you have been around bowling long enough to know that a lot of times the new/inexperienced bowlers are hesitant to take the first step and have a go. It's not until somebody like myself or Gunther start getting in their ears that they decide to have a go. When I came to Mount Isa last...
  18. grumpie

    North Queensland Derby

    A warm fuzzy feeling has come over me with all the love in the last two posts.:rolleyes: Frank you are right, only one went to Innisfail this year, you are not aware of how we are starting to promote tournies here. Lets start with baby steps. One to Innisfail, hopefully more next year Two to...
  19. grumpie

    North Queensland Derby

    So how come Mount Isa wasn't given any details of this tournament? We have bowlers looking for tournaments here!! Now with Virgin coming to Mount Isa and offering cheap fares to Brisbane, I think most of our bowlers will skip the tournaments up north and start heading south. Sad state of...
  20. grumpie

    2012 Cairns Open

    Guys, Just like to thank all staff and lane marshalls for what I thought was a very well run tournie with very little delay from all concerned this includes the back end guys. Job well done :p:p
  21. grumpie

    2012 Cairns Open

    I noticed the name of Kevin Wilkins, is he from Shepparton Vic or is this another with the same name.
  22. grumpie

    2012 Cairns Open

    Be interesting to see how many lefties bowl, so far looks like just two, George and myself
  23. grumpie

    Lane measurer

    Contact TBA about courses
  24. grumpie

    Country Cup 2012

    Hey guys I see nothings changed, same sort of __________. `Hows things in sunny vic. Woza, When ya gonna get fired up.;) Maybe you should come up and bowl on some good lanes:eek:
  25. grumpie

    Intercity. What's the score

    Some sort of scores would be great. It would be great to see how all teams are traveling, from what little i'm hearing the lanes seem to be a bit more on the difficult side which generally gives lower scoring but close games.
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