Mac Stewart with an ave of 209.76
Thanks to all of the sponsors,
Glenn Rowland
Consumer Product Manager
QubicaAMF Worldwide, LLC
Exclusive Columbia & Track Distributors in Australia,
and to Kellie and the Totalbowling team
Cheers Matt H
congratulations to the shepp men on winning the men's country cup...Also congratulations to shepp for winning the overall country cup aswell. Can we get some allstar and high game for both men and women please and overall????
Cheers Matt Hagley
good luck to everyone bowling country cup this year and may the best teams win.. I hope to see high score over there in sunny ballarat... GO BENDIGO
Cheers Matt Hagley
To answer that jase l have givin up bowling for 6 to 12 month at the moment due to work and you want l don't miss it.. l have been bowling for 20 years in bendigo and just needed a break from bowling. sometime when l was bowling it was just a habit to go to the bowl every friday night.... l mit...