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  1. D

    15lb balls...

    hey guys i was wondering if anyone out there had any of the following balls for a reasonably cheap price and still in good condition. storm fired up storm depth charge storm diablo ebonite xxcel ebonite xxxcel if anyone has anyone of these balls at a cheap price can u plz pm me or...
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    Storm Balls

    hey i have a storm flame which is good for the conditions you are looking for. selling for $65 + postage which is cheap. pm if ur interested dean :p
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    ebonite xxxcel

    hey again, also if anyone has a ebonite xxcel for cheap that would be alright as well looking for one of either thanks cya
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    ebonite xxxcel

    hey i was wondering if anyone a CHEAP ebonite xxxcel 15lb ball 1st drillings, if so plz reply or pm me thanks heaps :D dean :p
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    11 or 12 lb urathene ball wanted

    sorry i didnt mention that the storm erase-it is a light 12lb.
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    11 or 12 lb urathene ball wanted

    hey, i was wondering if you were still looking for a 11-12lb ball, i have a near new condition storm erase-it wanting to sell i know its not urethane but still, will sell for $75 plus postage o.n.o. if your interested please pm me. thanks dean :)
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    Ebonite Ball

    also could you tell me what condition the coverstock is in, has it been resurfaced a lot or not...
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    Ebonite Ball

    hey, ok first i need to know wat condition the ball is in, how old and if its still on its first drilling. also would u be willing to sell the ball for $75 postage included and plugged cause i dont have a lot of money and it will be costing me around $65 to drill the ball with slugs and...
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    Ebonite Ball

    hey guys i was just wondering if there was anyone with a ebonite v2 power or ebonite Xcel with first drillings for a cheap price, i cant really afford a lot... reply or pm me if u do thanks guys l8ters dean:D
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    msn messenger

    heya all my addy is is any one wants to chat :) l8ters dean :D
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    Matt Simpson 300 @ Jnr Syd Cup

    CONGRATES MATTY!!! 300 awesome stuff, hope to hear of more of them. dean :p
  12. D

    11lb ball - do they exist any more?

    yeh there still round, there an awesome ball i bowled gr8 with it wen i had it got a bit light for me tho so had to upsize.
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    party games!!

    thanks for that guys ive nearly got enough games now, but if u got any more that would be gr8 but if not all good thanks for all ur help l8ters
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    party games!!

    hey thanks for all them i had nearly all of them except musical bobs...? wats that how u play that and if u have anymore would be gr8 lol l8ters :D
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    i do a dancin in tweed on the gold coast at danceland hall thingy its a mix of ballroom, latin and new vogue its really fun a few friends got me into it and im enjoyin it lots :D lt8ter
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    party games!!

    hey all firstly i neva said ive got all the lil kids party games and if anyone has any more idean plz reply and bumper bolwing wouldnt be gr8. so if anyone knows of any really kool games to play at all plz reply my party is on mon so any ideas between now and then would be much appreciated...
  17. D

    11lb ball - do they exist any more?

    heya if ur interested i have a light 12Lb storm erase it near new great condition very little use about 3 months bowling once a week in a 2 game league so its hardly used at all, was to light for me so i got a new heavyer ball, if ur interested im am selling it for $85 and i will pay for postage...
  18. D

    party games!!

    hey guys just wonderin if anyone had any good party games i need a few more ideas im havin a party with all the lil kids games like pass parcel and pin tail on donkey, musical chairs stuff like that cause its an end to all those games :p and i need a few more games so if any of use out there...
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    2005 - 300 GAMES

    hey all, Hamish Rogers bowled a 300 last sat at redcliff bowl awesome bowling- droped the last ball but still came around for him congrates mate looking forward to a few more laters
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