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  1. D


    hey mary can you please put dean wrobel down for a squad, thanks :D dean
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    Ebonite XXXCEL OR BIG TIME PEARL ....???

    yeh hamish thanks heaps youve been lotsa healp :D thanks again everyone i think im goin to buy the xxxcel and maybe the big time pearl as well if i can get them both second hand cheap i already have 2 offers that are great! hopefully i can get both these balls as i have heard great things from...
  3. D

    Ebonite XXXCEL OR BIG TIME PEARL ....???

    hey im tossing up between these two balls but am not sure which one i should buy...? can anyone who has these balls please tell me your thoughts on the balls and which one would be a better buy... thanks heaps dean :D
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    Adam Pringle bowls 300 at Richlands

    what is this fella on about.... really i think you should just stop commenting right now! we have all heard what you have to say so no need to keep commenting about your point of veiw... we read it already in other post's. dean :D well done adam as well congrates man!! awesome stuff :p
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    Ebonite BIG TIME PEARL!

    hey im just wondering what people think about this ball im goin to be buying one very soon and wanted to know how other people are bowling with it, what its like and how it goes down the lane... thanks dean :D
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    heya this is just for eboignite just wanted to say can u please clear your inbox so i can send you my account details thanks :D dean :)
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    15lb big time pearl....or big time...

    hey guys i was wondering if anyone out there had a 15Lb big time pearl or big time in good condition on its first drillings for a cheap price seeings as i cant afford a lot... plz reply or pm me if anyone has thanks heaps :) dean :D
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    What is you aim for bowling in 2006

    Bowl well in tourneys i go in, improve my average to were it should be and to improve my overall game. dean :D
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    Greenslopes Squads - 1st Tour Stop 2006

    hey mary can you please put Dean Wrobel, Ben Allen and renay king down for C squad thanks heaps dean wrobel :)
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    WANTED: 15lb second hand, high performance ball!!

    hey i have a storm red hot and a storm pdw both in good condition if your interested om me back thanks cya dean :D
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    AMF Richlands Bowl Pro Shop

    hey everyone, gavin is an awesome guy i recently changed over to him for drilling all my new gear and so far i have never bowled better this guy knows what he's doin and does it at cheap prices for top quality i highly recommend you see gavin for anything to do with bowling great guy...
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    Ebonite V2 Sanded...

    hey everyone i have a v2 sanded and was wondering wat other peoples thoughts on it were, seeings that i havent really had a good throw with it due to the dryer conditions set down on my home centres lanes. So if anyone has this ball tell us how ur liking it or not. thanks l8ters all...
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    Xmas and New Year Wishes!!!

    merry crissy everyone have a good one wateva ya's do, and also a gr8 new year!!! l8ters dean :D
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    Ebonite CLASSIC PUMA!

    hey guys bought i classic puma and got it drilled up today with a nice consistent curve. this ball is awesome i can only see improving as it hits hard and carries well. just wonfering if anyone else out there has a classic puma tell us how it has been as they have used it more and gotten...
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    Other the first ball you use

    hmmm would have to be either my showtime pearl or v2 sweet l8ters all. dean :D
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    Other your ultimate set of 6

    hey everyone my set of 6 are ofcourse all EBONITE and only EBONITE lol EBONITE tornado EBONITE v2 sweet EBONITE showtime pearl EBONITE classic puma EBONITE v2 particle EBONITE v2 strong/r and my spare ball ebonite clear wolf :p EBONITE - BOWL TO WIN!!!!
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    Which Brand Do You Prefer

    EBONITE ALL THE WAY!!!!! if your really looking for some gr8 balls which give you the desired results everytime your shouldnt go past ebonite there are a huge variety of balls to choose from and all are top quality, they have definatly improved my bowling gr8tly...
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    Whats your highest score?

    279 for me trying to hit the 280's but not yet soon hopefully then a 300 some day :p dean :D
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    Bowler Info

    Name:Dean Wrobel Age:16 State:N.S.W Average: round 181-185 R/H L/H: righty High Game:279 High Series 3: ummm bout a 653 High Series 4:824 round that Home Centre:coolangatta tweed Favourite Balls:EBONITE!! prob my show time pearl and classic puma. Equipment:show time pearl, classic...
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    hey i have a storm pdw excellent conditon will sell it for $85 and i will pay the postage if your interested pm me thanks dean :D
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    What Brand pf Bowling Gear Would You Prefer To Use?

    EBONITE!!! bowl to win! :D
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    msn messenger

    hey people mines i live round gold coast l8ters all :D dean :p
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    ebonite balls

    hey just wondering if any one had any good condition ebonite balls on there 1st drillings reasonably cheap... for sale 15lb if so plz reply or pm me thanks guys :D dean :p
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    Sth Qld Jnr Roll offs

    im bowling hopefully i can make the team if im lucky cya's all there :D dean :p
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    storm balls for ebonite...

    hey guys im looking for some ebonite ballls to swap for my storm balls. i have a storm pdw and a storm flame - wanting to go all ebonite. storm pdw 2nd drillings gr8 condition 15lb storm flame 2nd drillings good condition light 15lb if anyone has any ebonite balls 15lb they wanna swap please...
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