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  1. the_bowen

    Draft's For the President Shield 08'

    i am just filling mine out and i will post it off the end of this week or early next week
  2. the_bowen

    I have never been so proud/upset

    Congrats to u Belmo.
  3. the_bowen

    ball drillers???

    yeah Cameron Walsh is the way to go.
  4. the_bowen


    will the show be on tv in Newcastle
  5. the_bowen

    Bowler Info

    Name: Ashleigh Bowen Age: 15 State: NSW Average: 173 R/H L/H: R/H High Game: 267 High Series 3: 671 High Series 4:854 Home Centre:Superstrike, Mayfield & Warners Bay Favourite Balls: Anything made by Hammer or Lane Masters Equipment: Storm Fired Up Track Interia...
  6. the_bowen

    Favourite Bowling Ball Of Allllllllll Time

    Storm Fired Up, I shot a 269 with it
  7. the_bowen

    oily or dry lanes

    I like them both but if the oil pattern is long, it is a nightmare
  8. the_bowen

    Back-up bowlers please respond

    my friend bowls two hand back-up
  9. the_bowen


    U have to have lift to get revs
  10. the_bowen

    What's your highest series from 3 games?

    I think mine is a 685, i can not remember the games
  11. the_bowen

    Practice without pins

    Well, I like to have some coaching withput pins. So I can play more lines/targets rather then seeing how many pins i knock down. But in anything else i would rather have pins
  12. the_bowen

    President Shield Drafts

    Hey, i know if i don't bowl in the top 5, i will not get in so. I will put a Draft in if i don't get in.
  13. the_bowen

    The 2007 NRL Telstra Premiership Thread

  14. the_bowen

    Storm Storm Fired Up

    hey, i love my storm fired up. With this ball i have shot my highest which is a 267, so i just love it. I have had mine for about 9 months and it will still recover from a bad release and it comes back into the pocket for 2 board.
  15. the_bowen

    Bowling and Surfing

    Hey, I was just wondering is there any bowlers out there who bowl and surf
  16. the_bowen

    What is your highest game??

    my highest is a 267
  17. the_bowen

    What was your first ball

    Hey, My first ball was a old 30 year old rubber core ball. My first ball i ever owned (which was brand new) was a Brunswick Power Groove reactive.
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