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  1. the_bowen

    '09 JNR nationals oil pattern ??

    Everyone u have to remember that there r kids bowling on this pattern that r under 12 plus not many jnrs would be able to adjust to a harder pattern and i dont think TBA would like Jnrs to be bowling an average of 100
  2. the_bowen


    Jase how long will it take to get "Vbookie" up and running
  3. the_bowen

    Whats happened to Vbookie?

    im still have 1 and half years left
  4. the_bowen

    Whats happened to Vbookie?

    i cant live without Vbookie considering im under 18 this is the only place i can put bets on
  5. the_bowen

    where to find equipment in LA/Vegas?

    I wen 2 Las Vegas in Oct 06'. i got about $800 worth of bowling gear in LV, i got it from K&K Bowling Services. Their website is make sure u check them out
  6. the_bowen


    The reason why alcohol is BANNED in most sports is because of the behavour of the sporting field. Take the NRL for example, alcohol is banned in most/all of the NRL clubs because of players going out after a win and drinking and then getting into fights etc. which is bad for the sport and the club
  7. the_bowen

    300 game to Warren Burke

    Keep it up warren
  8. the_bowen

    Old equipment..

    i'll have just to get drilled up and have some fun with
  9. the_bowen

    Aussie Youth Team Orlando 2008

    when i went to sam's town casino in las vegas it had 58 lanes and games for like $4 and $2 shoe hire. but graveyard rate (10pm-2am) $1.50 a game. It also had a great pro shop
  10. the_bowen

    strike names, beyond 3 being a turkey

    4= XXXX (xxxx as in the beer) 6= 6 pack
  11. the_bowen

    Ballina Tenpin Bowl has new proprietors.

    Good on u both! I will be coming up with dean for some coaching soon then
  12. the_bowen

    What got you into bowling

    Family!! My mum and dad bowled when they were jr's, and my nan was the manager of state teams and has also taken bowlers to the USA. So bowling runs in my blood
  13. the_bowen

    2008 Challenge Junior Sydney Cup

    hey Leanne, can u plz put me down for B squad thanks Ashleigh Bowen
  14. the_bowen


    Great idea tony
  15. the_bowen

    Bowling Outdoors

    well we have our own lane in our backyard (40ft lane)
  16. the_bowen

    Age, Ave

    im 15 been bowling for around 6 or more. average 187
  17. the_bowen

    Easy question. How many leagues bowl in your centre?

    At Warners Bay (hosting 09 junior Nats) has 47 and it has 24 lanes. Mayfield has 35 and it has 22 lanes
  18. the_bowen

    K & K

    Does anyone have the result from the K & K classic held this weekend in Brisbane? Thanks Ashleigh Bowen
  19. the_bowen

    Bronze, Silver and GOLD patterns!

    That is a Very good idea Belmo
  20. the_bowen


    We also need Sponsership for prize money. Because people arent going to bowl something where 1st place is $500, if that had Sponsership it could be like $700-$1000
  21. the_bowen

    junior nationals

    the place where Nationals is being held in 2009 is just getting new lanes put in
  22. the_bowen

    Fondest memory in bowling

    Getting my first medal in my first ever sheild. which was this year 3rd place NT boys team
  23. the_bowen

    Team USA finally announced for Worlds

    good on bill hoffman, he is a great bowler. GO LANE MASTERS
  24. the_bowen

    dinner dance 08

    i didnt get sick, but my dad and mum did
  25. the_bowen

    2009 Junior Nationals Venue

    i think we r getting new lanes because the old ones have alot of damage
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