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  1. the_bowen


    Hi Doz, Deposit for Sarah Savio, B squad has been sent. Thank you (:
  2. the_bowen


    Hi Doz. Can you please add. Ashleigh Bowen to B and Sarah Savio to B. Thankyou.
  3. the_bowen


    can you please put Ashleigh Bowen down for B squad if full reserve for B and put me in C squad. thanks
  4. the_bowen

    2010 AMF Bowling Youth Cup - Entry Form

    Craigy can you please put Sarah Terry in B squad thanks
  5. the_bowen

    NSW Country Junior Cup 2010

    Congrats to simon & sarah thanks to all the bowlers and the staff at orange tenpin bowl for a great weekend
  6. the_bowen

    2010 AMF Bowling Youth Cup - Squad Listing

    hey can you please put Ashleigh Bowen down for B squad thanks
  7. the_bowen

    2010 Junior Sydney Cup

    Congrats to all the Northern New South Wales bowlers who made stepladder. A big congrats to Sarah & Simon for winning and talking home the cup To simon "DOGGIES"
  8. the_bowen

    2010 Junior Sydney Cup

    can u plz remove bianca tarrant from b squad
  9. the_bowen


    Can u please add to squad 2 Ashleigh Bowen Simon Pearce Kaitlyn Bowen Emily Rigney
  10. the_bowen

    Sports Series Rooty Hill

    Canu please remove Ashleigh Bowen from the list Thanks
  11. the_bowen

    2010 Junior Sydney Cup

    Can u please more Kaitlyn Bowen from C squad to B squad Thanks
  12. the_bowen

    Gee I hate school hilidays

    at my local bowl for a family of 2 adults & 2 childern just for 1 game of bowling is around $30 then food can cost about the same. so there is $60 for 1 game
  13. the_bowen

    Gee I hate school hilidays

    its all about the $$$$$$$$$. they get more money from social bowlers then they do league bowlers
  14. the_bowen

    looking for a coash in south QLD

    if u r willing to travel, give ballina bowl a call and talk to camron walsh about getting some coaching from his father barry walsh. Barry is a level 2HP coach and has coached the Australian Mens team
  15. the_bowen

    msn messenger

    my msn addy is
  16. the_bowen

    Orange Tenpin Entry Form - 2009 NSW Country Junior Cup

    Hey can you put Ashleigh Bowen down for squad 2 and skins as well. I will send money in the next 2 weeks Thanks
  17. the_bowen

    Is this a TBA rule ? Men can not use 6Lb bowling balls

    The main reason why Adult Men cant use 6LB balls is because the force that a adult puts on it. sometimes when they hit the pins they can actually crack and spilt in half
  18. the_bowen

    Jason Walsh 300

    good on u Jason, keep it up
  19. the_bowen

    Oil Patterns in League

    we dont have much oil so there is no use to see the pattern
  20. the_bowen

    Shane Hadlum bowls 2nd 300

    Good on u Shane, keep up the great bowling
  21. the_bowen

    2009 Sydney Youth Cup

    i bowled last yr i got told that it was a FIQ pattern which was around 44ft or something like that
  22. the_bowen

    Do you think the junior nationals pattern was too easy?

    Maybe TBA should look at having 2 oil patterns. The first one could be a normal house pattern which would be used for squads which is when all of the younger bowlers bowl. The second pattern could be a hardern pattern maybe longer or more oil which could be used during sheild and masters...
  23. the_bowen

    Highest Game to Game Difference

    My 1st squad at jr nats this year is shot 234-279-181
  24. the_bowen

    2009 Junior Sydney Cup

    Hi Leanne can u put me down for B squad Thanks
  25. the_bowen

    Other Favourite Ball of All Time

    My fave ball would have 2 be Lane Measters/Legends Black Pearl it is 1 of the hardest hitting balls i have ever used. i have had it for about 16 months and it still hits like it just came out of the box
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