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  1. jimcross

    8 pins start for women commencing in 2013

    "I am not sure if that was supposed to be sarcastic or not." ( Goldberg ). Yes, it was, jokingly sarcastic, because it was actually the way what you said came out, like- if I do everything as well as I can, a female can't beat me! You may not have meant that, but that's how it came out. I am...
  2. jimcross

    8 pins start for women commencing in 2013

    Goldberg, you say "But if i miss the cut i won't be blaming the 8 pins one of the girls got, i will be cursing myself for being lazy and not practicing or getting some coaching." --Because, being male, you have a natural, built-in superiority? You just got slack ?
  3. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    Hey, whoa there !! With the exception of one only post by Nev25, I can't see one post critical of this Total Bowling site. And that's how it should be. Can I suggest that you read the posts again?
  4. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    Thanks Jase - Good to have that up-front and clear. Yes, this site did all of that ( scoring etc ) much better. Pity AMF got thin-skinned instead of answering critisisms, indeed using them as a vehicle for their own promotion. Censorship is not a way to success, I'm afraid. In any event-...
  5. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    Yes, Easy Tiger - remember all that, and the regular 'posters' of that time. ( BFCC And the sports series etc ). Not all good - the dry lanes at Redcliffe, for the 3rd consecutive year for me, just about saw me leave for good,...but...what's a little hiccup here and there? Androooo, if you...
  6. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    Robbie, How come Jan 13 1900 wasn't a Friday ?
  7. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    IS IT JUST ME ? I have the impression that this site generally ( grouping all the forums together) is MUCH less used over recent months. It seems to me that there was always a number of lively discussions going on a good variety of bowling subjects. It seems to date from around the last site...
  8. jimcross

    8 pins start for women commencing in 2013

    I think , any woman who chose to, should have the option to 'opt out'.
  9. jimcross

    8 pins start for women commencing in 2013

    Yes, I'm torn two ways on this. When Cara was bowling ( and so were you, George ) how would you have felt about giving her a start? Just went and had a quick look at TBA records. Cara, among other things won the Australian Open in 2001, 2002 ,and 2003. 8 pin start ??
  10. jimcross

    What promotes bowling better?

    And with all the preparation, and no doubt - publicity - it was an embarrasingly small audience, I thought. Agree with Androooo.
  11. jimcross

    No! It wasn't a dream !

    Yeah - Didn't make a note of that. Must have been too ingrained ?
  12. jimcross

    No! It wasn't a dream !

    A funny thing happened on the way to the Bowl - Ballina Bowl - - - Really. I wanted to write down a couple of things from a league standing sheet, and instead of grabbing a piece of paper, I opened a filing cabinet in the workshop and saw a little 'spirex' notebook, so I grabbed it and headed...
  13. jimcross

    Team USA "Call me maybe".............................

    Steve, lighten up mate. at worst - no harm, Jim.
  14. jimcross

    Does something need to be developed to separate the League Bowler from the Tournament Bowler?

    Gee, you went close to getting it perfect. Just add 50% of age to handicap !!!...... Then----Stand Back !! Here I Come !!!
  15. jimcross

    Nice one Michael. Congratulations. Regards Jim.

    Nice one Michael. Congratulations. Regards Jim.
  16. jimcross

    2012 NSW Open

    Thank you
  17. jimcross

    2012 NSW Open

    Aw --- Come on! There's no info after 5 in matchplay for men ???
  18. jimcross

    Why is inflation hitting bowling so hard?

    I think that in theory a ' membership' plan is a good one. Psychologically it is a good idea, in that it produces a nice 'warm glow' inner feeling of 'belonging.' It's archille's heel is that it means people have to commit to a lump sum advance payment. Doesn't much matter, in my view, whether...
  19. jimcross

    Why is inflation hitting bowling so hard?

    Northern Rivers ( NSW ) Soon to be the Bowling Capital of Australia ??
  20. jimcross

    Why is inflation hitting bowling so hard?

    That monthly tournament idea is a good/great one. Very innovative. At Ballina now, anyone bowling two or more leagues can bowl 3 free practice games a day. It's great ! There are some time exclusions for normally busy periods - but not at all overly restrictive. Move to Ballina !!! Great...
  21. jimcross

    Sad state of professional bowling

    Funny, looking at some of the bowlers on the pro tour, I thought the snack bar owners had already expanded their menus as the artical suggests.
  22. jimcross

    Hey there.

    From the other end of the age scale, and bowling just down the road, at Ballina, Mitchells' right. Everything's a long way away.
  23. jimcross

    straightening the front foot

    That's about word perfect with what I was thinking.
  24. jimcross

    Unaccredited Coaches

    Rubbish.....You're bending the truth - There, that's nice and polite, isn't it ?.....Nobody can run 100mm !!!
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