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  1. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    Yes mate - not arguing -- just contributing. As far as an independent Centre goes, I really can't see that they would have any option but to profit from it. Small business of just about any type, aint no easy road.
  2. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    Isn't this merely reverting to previous nationals? Until AMF and Rooty Hill 'broke the mould', would not any Centre or Centres holding the nationals have looked at the likely linage: the income likely to be generated: the surplus over normal linage income: pay prizemoney out of that, leaving a...
  3. jimcross

    How Old is Total Bowling?

    Thanks, Ryan
  4. jimcross

    How Old is Total Bowling?

    When I first became aware of Total Bowling, I was competing in the Pan Pacific Masters Games. I don't know when this was - most likely 2000 or 2002. I joined then ( got dropped off at some time - prob during an upgrade,) and rejoined around 2008. Anybody??
  5. jimcross

    World open league play

    Who are you Wayne? Where are you ? Looking at your profile is no help ( along with lots of others) Don't understand all this modern secrecy.
  6. jimcross

    World open league play

    How true !!!
  7. jimcross

    Someone beat this American please!

    I did a 24 hr doubles thingo once. Also a charity event. Can't remember what in aid of, or pinfall, as it was in 1963 at Southern Cross Bowl in Melbourne. can remember the fatigue and the aching feet, though.
  8. jimcross

    Someone beat this American please!

    Have to know when timed. Start and Finish. Most likely from first approach movement to 10th strike ( no slow wobblies on the 10th.)--- Or " Go " command to last strike? Wonder could anyone turn it into an event, with media and publicity and sponsorship? Say, use all the lanes in a Centre...
  9. jimcross

    Someone beat this American please!

    You would need to use at least two ( maybe three ) lanes, and at least three balls. Just looked at the video. Makes my 3 lanes look a bit conservative - or does it? As long as a machine is always ready for a first ball, that's enough?
  10. jimcross

    2012 SuperStrike Newcastle Cup

    Michael, I was not being critical of the lower scoring, I happen to think that scoring in that sort of range, by a field of good bowlers is more realistic than a 300 or two bowled somewhere just about every day. That scoring does look similar to a 1962 top field of bowlers scoring averages...
  11. jimcross

    2012 SuperStrike Newcastle Cup

    Ah Michael, nostalgia..............I followed the scores all weekend - ( great job by Michael Johnson ) - but, I digress: as I said, nostalgia: I really thought looking at the scores that I was watching a re-run of the 'National All-Star ' Tourny of 1962. I only realised my error when I couldn't...
  12. jimcross

    2012 SuperStrike Newcastle Cup Qualifying Standings

    Good job with the progressive scores. Appreciated.
  13. jimcross

    National ranked events

    Stop allowing all those youngsters to enter. 50 indeed ! The first flush of youth still. 65 at the very least !!:rolleyes::p
  14. jimcross

    Lower Cost? Whats Your Thought's

    Better Prizemoney, + Lower Entry Fee, + Better Return for Centre = Sponsorship. Sponsorship requires Return to Sponsor ( more sales ) More sales requires PUBLICITY. Publicity = T/V Coverage T/V Coverage = Tenpin taken Seriously as Sport. Tenpin taken as Serious Sport = T/V Coverage...
  15. jimcross

    Is Bowling Really Easier Now?

    What is anyone in a position to actually make a change doing about it ? Answer :- Nothing, and when you consider , in reality, who is in a position to actually make a change???, etc, Who do you find? Ball Companies and Equipment Companies. Not, repeat Not the associations ( by whatever name )...
  16. jimcross

    Nobody wants to Beat This.

    Last night in league, I had 9 nines in the first game. ( missed one of them) Started the second game with 5 in a row. Struck in 6, then got more 9s. Refused to count them any more. ARRRGHHH.
  17. jimcross

    Flinder St (Melbourne) Under ground Bowling Centre

    Managed by Merv Dunn - instigator of " The Dunn Shield "
  18. jimcross

    Couldn't Help Myself

    I've Just seen HELP on the TBA site, and genuinely, I hope people can help them out, and a good version can be salvaged. The actual action was obviously 1sr Class Plus. BUT - My God !! In 2010 it was a mess--- In 2011 it was perfect--- In 2012 it was a mess---What could the difference...
  19. jimcross

    Couldn't Help Myself

    Agree with every word, but what has that to do with the quality of the broadcast? Things like that put Tenpin Bowling down! If we all keep running around finding something nice to say about something awful, how will we ever even acknowledge that we need to improve? Or do people think our (...
  20. jimcross

    Couldn't Help Myself

    Looking at the background scenes, I'm sure the atmosphere in the centre was great. On line, however it was amateurish in the extreme. It seemed that they may have been using the bowl’s internet connection which progressively got worse as more people logged on near the end making it difficult to...
  21. jimcross

    Couldn't Help Myself

    I sent this e-Mail to Tony Drexel........ Like I said - Couldn't help myself. Goodness, Tony, having watched yesterdays filming of the Womens and Mens finals, and 'comparing ' for want of a better word, with last year..............the Bowling Industry / Administration in Australia, is so...
  22. jimcross

    Is Bowling Really Easier Now?

    In my opinion, is it easier to bowl a higher score than 30 years...hell yes it is. Does it take more work, knowledge, practice and skill to be the top dog and win tournaments than back in the day. I think so. DISCUSS! I'll just modify your 30 years ( above ) to 50 years and say that you've...
  23. jimcross

    Congrats to NEW COACHES

    Thank goodness for that, Geoff. The ATBC one I went to w-a-a-y back was a 2 or 3 day one as I remember. The high-level coach who ran it spent the whole time teaching people how to pass the exam. In the few times we were 'on the lanes', I did my best to impart at least a little real knowledge to...
  24. jimcross

    Win a Storm tote bag and towel comp

    Jim Cross 1346 ??
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