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  1. jimcross


    Look - just forget it. It seems I've managed to upset people, just by asking a question. Doesn't affect me, so I'll just go into 'I'm all right Jack " mode. All go back to sleep now - I'm sure someone will tell you when it's time to get up. Nighty Night.
  2. jimcross


    I'm trying to be clear... Obviously failing. All I'm saying is, that as a matter of interest, I read what was on the TBA site re National Training Squad, and it looked to me that we chose national reps ( all of them ) by an inflexable system, not allowing for any discretion or judgment . I...
  3. jimcross


    Sorry, I'm a bit lost with your question. It's an expression which describes a set of procedures to be followed, say - tick the following yes / no boxes. - then. Do you possess Certificate III in Basket Weaving? and so on, so at the end of the procedure you add up the points of the contenders /...
  4. jimcross


    I've just read what is on the TBA site under National Training Squad - Expression of Interest. I'd appreciate any comments from people in the Tournament Scene ( which I certainly no longer am. ) On the surface, it just appears a bit 'bureaucratic' in it's make-up, and has little or no...
  5. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    Roy, I find it quite strange that, from observations recently on this site, I think there are probably more 'hidden' people on here than real people. Wasn't so in the early days of Total Bowling. It's a modern thing - don't know why. I like the ones, who describe themselves as 'John from...
  6. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    I basically agree with Mistagear, in that a scoring system which produces a continuous , almosr ball to ball competition MUST produce a spectator involvement which the present ( effectively only ) scoring method, can't That's from a 'general overview' point of view. On the other hand, I also...
  7. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    Just copied this from TBA site. Should be of interest to a few on this thread. Adult Championship Numbers Highlight Tenpin’s Growth The TBA Board is now assessing bids from several regional cities keen to host the 2013 Adult National Championships. A three-week carnival of bowling that...
  8. jimcross

    How to promote bowling?

    Oh, well, having done a reasonable job of straightening John out, I suppose it's time to let you out, but do try to stay out of trouble, and not be naughty. John - before you build those 2 or 4 lanes, consider moving to the North Coast. It's a very nice place to live, and none of us would like...
  9. jimcross

    How to promote bowling?

    Roy !! Go and sit in the corner !! And..... Don't come out 'til I tell you !!
  10. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    Seriously, bowling could be lifted into a top viewing prospect. Not by going in the front door, shouting " Take us seriously as a sport !! " - But by the backdoor as an entertainment reality show. Make it popular that way, and develop the sport from it's new, manufactured appeal, with lots more...
  11. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    Phluff says "My thoughts have always been that the biggest thing holding the "sport" back is lack of pathways. Something like: Social Games>Social League>Competitive League>Sports League>State Sports Series>National Events Well defined steps, with differences at each stage to let people know...
  12. jimcross

    2013 Joondalup Cup

    BL**%$# Entry form doesn't even say what time matchplay, etc., starts. If it did maybe ( taking 2 Hours off for eastern states time) there arn't any scores yet? Be nice if we didn't have to guess at what's happening !!!!!:mad:
  13. jimcross

    2013 Joondalup Cup

  14. jimcross

    2013 Joondalup Cup

    Any chance of some scores ?
  15. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    Yes, will comment again on some specifics in due course. Meantime, watching this interesting discussion, makes me think that those in a position to initiate policy, and even action, would benifit from participating, or starting their own. A free discussion where all ideas are welcome, be they...
  16. jimcross

    OOPS.. Would help if I said what I was talking about. See post Tenpin-Tennis & TV. Jim

    OOPS.. Would help if I said what I was talking about. See post Tenpin-Tennis & TV. Jim
  17. jimcross

    Hi George, Do you know when approx you posted that video? Was very good ( and innovative )...

    Hi George, Do you know when approx you posted that video? Was very good ( and innovative ) Regards Jim.
  18. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    And, John:- 4: develop our own idiosyncrasies to compete with 1: to 3: above?
  19. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    I take a different view of this post than Roy does. Agree or not with Mistagear's opinion, it is a legitimate view of what would be impediments to making Tenpin a viable TV proposition. This and other 'negatives' would all need to be examined and addressed in any real professional attempt to...
  20. jimcross

    Tenpin / Tennis / and Television.

    Read the attachment to come right down to earth on what babes in the woods we are regarding Promotion / Sponsorship and in particular getting a Television Profile. If it's possible anywhere then it is the Asia / Pacific area that could succeed. We had a tiny foot in the door with the 'Tenpin...
  21. jimcross

    Sportsmanship - what would you do?

    I think I'd happily forego the 'fluke', 'lucky', etc., ones if I could please have the cold 8 pin, or the 4 - 9 split and so on, credited as strikes, from what look like perfect hits. Not that it isn't frustrating to have someone getting strikes from everything except gutter balls, while you're...
  22. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    I'm sure EVERYBODY will just LOVE this! To help to even out the costs of competing in the Nationals ( that is - between locals and those having to fly in ), the fees - ( entry and game ) could be multipled by three for locals and divided by three for the travellers. Example: standard cost was...
  23. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    Thanks for that - I looked but didn't find it. Wish it was as easy to navigate TBA site as this one !
  24. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    No, you misunderstand me. Simple information like-Is it at Rooty Hill again ? - Answer yes / no. Has TBA asked for expressions of Interest? Answer yes / no. When do expressions of interest close ? - When is decision likely to be made ? Really - that's the sort of information that most people...
  25. jimcross

    2013 Nationals

    Interesting question. Do we actually know ANYTHING ? Wouldn't be the worst thing TBA has ever done, if it were to bring us up to date on what is happening, on it's website. Can't see any reason why not.
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