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  1. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    1.....Recognise The Problem..... Simply because that in a nutshell is the market bowling is now in - it no longer has much to offer that separates it from the broader retail picture". 2.....How To Fix It...... All the above is compelling argument for "Bowling the SPORT" to take...
  2. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    Of course bowling as a sport is condemned to die. Not for a fair time yet, but inevitable. Apart from the serious bowlers themselves, it's only the majority of privately run centres (Not all, but certainly a healthy majority), who really care about, and love the sport who keep it going. The...
  3. jimcross

    Is a 7-10 split achievable?

    Done it 3 times that I remember. ( once at Ballina ) Don't recall how, for sure. Always bowled at the 7. Think went into the back curtain and back to the 10. Think I've picked up every split that it's possible to leave, Except the 5-7-10. Now - That's a split. Seen it done though. At...
  4. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    Roy - I was only selflessly thinking of others. I am quite safe :p There will always be a centre for me to use. Come on now, think of the greater good, and 'fess up.
  5. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    Hey, Roy----give us a bit of a clue how old you are, so we can get some idea how long we might have ! For instance might want to flog our bowling gear before the last centres dissappear.
  6. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    Good God! I'm Not Sure if bowling's in the gutter, but I'm having trouble trying to rise from it, having read all that.
  7. jimcross

    Which Aussie, would You like to see (Belmo Vs ???), in an XGames Match ?

    Once you 'get' how the match is being scored, it certainly holds you attention, shot by shot, which, I agree the standard scoring system does not manage. Imagine if this was as familar as the standard system, not only would it hold the interest of the bowlers competing, but it may also grab...
  8. jimcross

    Sean Rash-2014-Best Ball?- Vote Now,???

    Gee, I really wish our sport had not been reduced to a ball comp. ( even if that's only marketing true,:rolleyes: not technically true )
  9. jimcross

    No thumb rule change.

    Geoff, Go and sit in the corner !! I'll tell you when - or if - you can come out !!!!:(
  10. jimcross

    No thumb rule change.

    The game of tenpin bowling was designed to use a sphere effectively in balance, within quite close tolerances. Trouble is, or was, that the method of balancing was static balance, as weighed by a do-do scale. Static balance and dynamic balance are two very different things, as anyone with...
  11. jimcross

    2014 Border Runners Grand prix series - ROBINA OPEN

    Looking at this subject, there are around 60 participants - but well over 1000 hits by those interested in the event. I, personally, would love to enter these series of events, but time seems to have decided that it won't allow me to be able to bowl that many games ever again. I, and apparently...
  12. jimcross

    11 in a row

    In 1963, I had 18 in a row for a top game of 279, and a 6 game series of 1526 or 1528 ( forgotten which ) 16 pound AMF black rubber ball, drilled over the weight block, so it was close to complete balance. Oh, if I could do it just once more......Please ??
  13. jimcross

    How many Fouls have you had in one game?

    I've had 2 that I can remember, in thoudands of games from 1960 to now. Unless you stick on the approach, you should never foul, and even then it's not inevitable. Just don't let go of the ball !! It's like foot faults in tennis, Just stand back a few inches further.
  14. jimcross

    No thumb rule change.

    Don't feel lonely. There's a lot more of us than there are of them.
  15. jimcross

    Challenges of Tenpin Bowling

    Yes it is a good post and has had some interesting responses, not least of which was the reference to balance and timing.
  16. jimcross

    Challenges of Tenpin Bowling

    Funny thing. Well probably not really funny in the simple sense of the word............BUT.......It's almost impossible to raise any subject to do with the actual act of bowling, without the discussion turning to equipment. Imagine if any discussion about tennis always centered around the...
  17. jimcross


    ??? ???
  18. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    Don't know if this is right, but someone told me that Caboolture was hoping to run one but could'nt get enough interest
  19. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    Bumpety, bumpety, bump. Is this really going to fall into a BBH? Amazing. Oh - that's Bowling Black Hole, by the way.
  20. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    And the Border Runners Grand Prix Series. ( which dips into NSW.)
  21. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    At last, at last. Finally I know why so many other sports attract thousands of spectators / followers. Finally.!... It's cheaper for the competitors in those sports to participate! Why didn't I think of that?
  22. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    Of course there will always be good reasons why individuals can't enter something in the first place, have to withdraw later, and so on. All perfectly legitimate and natural. In any case you may not like some new innovation or whatever. Be a good idea to try it first, before endorsing or...
  23. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    I think we can all stop wondering why a sport which once had a high public profile, regular TV tournaments, and Pro bowlers who earned mote than Pro Golfers, has, effectively, NO profile at all to-day. I really think I can see who is basically to blame, and it's not the associations, nor the...
  24. jimcross

    All Spare Games???

    A few years back, around 2002, in the wed. night league at Ballina, I bowled 2 all 9/ games. each being the first game in consecutive weeks. To follow that up, I had 2 Dutch 200s, in the same season of the same league. One started with a 9/, the other with a strike. Believe me, when you do...
  25. jimcross

    X Games Bowling Mini T'ment @ Tenpin City 9th March

    Funny how you lose track of things. When I lived in Sydney - admittedly some time ago, I feel fairly sure there were several million people living there, and quite a few of them bowled. Can't be many there now. 4 Starters - FOUR????? Wish I lived there still - Oh, well, I s'pose it's safe and...
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