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  1. jimcross

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Ran an AMF centre when scoring was skill, not equipment.......I also apologise for effectively being responsible for the death of the ATBC and the birth of TBA, and indeed, writing it's original constitution. Bad, silly me.
  2. jimcross

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    There was a time when people posted things on this site with which I could disagree. Totally- violently even, disagree. Then more ppl would often join in on either side, or with a unique twisted attitude of their own. Great discussions ensued. Today, how can I argue if someone has a 15lb ball...
  3. jimcross

    world-bowling-group-to-explore-alternative-scoring system

    Dear oh dear. Steve, if you and Peter believe what you say about bowling's future, somebody needs to put forward strongly, the arguements and facts which will refute your dismal forcasts. So, I've decided to do just with you in a...
  4. jimcross

    world-bowling-group-to-explore-alternative-scoring system

    Eh ? What am I missing ?
  5. jimcross

    Officially approve and sanction Glenn Allison's 900 series of July 1, 1982.

    OR--they're looking to find a way to implement something similar ( maybe even heavily based on your system) without any obligation to you. Like I say--" I'm not young enough yet, to........... " But I'm old enough to know a bit about people.
  6. jimcross

    NSWO Scores

    You're right Roy. Not #^@!*&# young enough and I made it worse yesterday - another birthday - and it went the wrong way AGAIN !
  7. jimcross

    NSWO Scores

    And what the hell are we doing in " Dropbox " along the way to nowhere ??
  8. jimcross

    NSWO Scores

    OK-- I've tried everything I know, and everything I didn't even know I knew, and a few other things as well, AND I STILL CANNOT GET ANYTHING !! How come virtually every centre, who runs almost anything of interest, can manage to get scores up that are easily accessed, but a TBA major event...
  9. jimcross

    Bowland Cranbourne now offer TBA card holders practice rates

    Be very pleased to meet you, Terry.
  10. jimcross

    Bowland Cranbourne now offer TBA card holders practice rates

    Everybody move to Ballina, and be properly appreciated, if you are a regular league bowler. Bowl 3 games a day for free / or enjoy discounted league fees after first league. On top of that, the atmosphere is great.
  11. jimcross

    Officially approve and sanction Glenn Allison's 900 series of July 1, 1982.

    Quite right. It may do no good.....but........let's try. I went on the facebook link, and registered my vote - I noticed I wasn't the only Australian. Let's make a meaningful effort, eh ?
  12. jimcross

    Officially approve and sanction Glenn Allison's 900 series of July 1, 1982.

    Yes, yes Roy. Like that stuff they used to call 'newsprint'; books were made out of it; butchers wrapped meat in it. It had lots and lots of uses. People used to communicate by writing on it and sending it to other people. It was a flat variation of that which still comes in rolls and is...
  13. jimcross

    Officially approve and sanction Glenn Allison's 900 series of July 1, 1982.

    Yes - Yes - Yes - Yes !!!!. I have always thought that this was an absolute disgrace. At the time, the decision, and it's reasons for it seemed flawad. Then add the 'manipulations' now possible with lane conditions, neither available or practiced then. Comparitive to now, to bowl 900 then, would...
  14. jimcross

    Plastic Ball Championship

    There was a thread on here a couple of years ago about a PGA, PB Tournament. Can't find it. Anyone know if the PBA still does this ?
  15. jimcross

    consistency is the key

    Went through the 3-10 gap once, BUT --- the 4-8 ??? And leave everything else - twice - Good God.
  16. jimcross

    world-bowling-group-to-explore-alternative-scoring system

    Re-reading that World Bowling artical / news release again, it seems to me that the reasons they put forth are not only very valid, in my opinion, but remarkably similar to what Pete has been saying all along. Projected forward, and assuming success in bringing bowling back to something like...
  17. jimcross

    world-bowling-group-to-explore-alternative-scoring system

    Mistagear, Don't see your name on that Committee list.? We do have representation though, I notice Andrew Frawley;s name there. Is Andrew up to speed on your system ??
  18. jimcross

    Best year you've ever had

    Do try not to be silly ! How could I be expected to remember that far back ?
  19. jimcross

    Lane Topology explained

    I never gave this any thought before, but Pete just might have something. The thing, on X games, is that all you come out of each match with, is a win or a loss. Present system you come out with a win - yes - but with carry over, albeit on uneven conditions. X Games, a win with a 180 game is the...
  20. jimcross

    2014 Qld Ladies Classic Scores

    C 'mon........ It can't possibly take 52 minutes ( since last post ) to bowl 2 games ...
  21. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    Couldn't have said it much better myself -'specially as he agrees with me that we should develop skill in front of ball technology. There's at least Two Of Us in the world - we can only get stronger from here !!!
  22. jimcross

    Bowling in the Gutter

    The only sure way to a bright future for the Sport of Bowling is to develop licenced bowling clubs ( like any football / golf club.) owned and run by it's members (bowlers and supporters) - Come to think of it, Mistagear and I talked about this well over 10 years ago. It was right then, and...
  23. jimcross

    Is a 7-10 split achievable?

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