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  1. jimcross

    Win a Storm tote bag and towel comp

    Jim Cross 1347 Thanks Storm & George
  2. jimcross

    Congrats to NEW COACHES

    So, does anyone ever 'not pass'?-------------- See how sensitive I am? --- I didn't even use the word 'fa-l".
  3. jimcross

    Congrats to NEW COACHES

    Did anyone not pass? I'm not suggesting names, Just curious if anyone ever fails. I did an ATBC coaching course years ago, and the senior coach running the course boasted that noone had ever failed in a course he ran.
  4. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    Ryan, he must leave an awful lot of 10 pins, for that to be the cause of a sore wrist. Probably not a few 10 pin shots, that is causing him that problem. Learner bowlers, left strictly to their own devices, in majority, naturally produce a 'backup' delivery. Especially females, many of whom get...
  5. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    I've got to say that I totally disagree. As I said earlier, if something works for someone, but is unconventional, then ANY coach should be very careful before interfering. Just as well Belmo's early coach didn't insist he do it the same as everyone else ? ???
  6. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    @Jim; I'm a little confused what your post means however I'm going to take it as a positive ;) I am agreeing that if a bowler has a reliable way to consistantly spare the 10pin, even if it is unconventional, then DON'T change it.
  7. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    " & I do know which side of the he's pin I'm aiming for.Thanks " Well, at least that's a start............................... Righthanded - second arrow from the left- not a backup bowler - what's lofting? Why am I feeling dizzy? Think I'd better stop reading this, I've got to bowl league...
  8. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    Yes, Yes, Yes ! leave that 10pin 'get' alone!
  9. jimcross

    Looking for Brenton Davey?

    HUH ?!?!?!
  10. jimcross

    Tappatalk App for iPhone

    I'm always miles behind with all this new technology ( Bowling Balls, as well ) --- I don't even have a mobile'phone --- really !!, but I seem to get all those features you mention right off the site? What am I missing here?. I've been going to ask what 'tapatalk' is, I just hadn't got around to...
  11. jimcross

    Most Strikes and Under 200

    Nine 9 spares , X X 9 Also.
  12. jimcross

    Most Strikes and Under 200

    How about least strikes for 200. Seems possible with 2
  13. jimcross


    Goodness, John, just as well you're not in Federal parliament at the moment, opening your post with " Hi Gents " :(:eek:
  14. jimcross

    Where will be bowling be in ten years time?

    Yes, you have the destination right. Seriously, we do need a major player, a virtually completely dominant one. I know that sounds silly, especially from someone who has owned and operated a number of small businesses ( inc. a Bowling Centre ). But - that's about the only way that everyone...
  15. jimcross

    Where will be bowling be in ten years time?

    Do they have Bowling Centres down There ? You have no idea how pleased that makes me.
  16. jimcross


    "but IMO, I think that had some of the robo-cop wrist guards been invented/available 50 years ago, they most likely would have been nipped in the bud pretty early on, by those wishing to uphold the integrity of the sport back then. Being able to change rotation, tilt and ball roll back then...
  17. jimcross


    No Michael, I'm not in any way offended - I just didn't know what you meant. Funny thing though, sometime back in the days of the ATBC ( towards the end, I did write to them enquiring if there was any specs which had to be complied with, regarding 'wrist thingos '. I got some non-commital reply...
  18. jimcross


    That's the trouble with the English language. It has so many nuances possible in it, that what positively means 'black' when written by one person, can sometimes mean 'white' when read by another. Michael, please enlighten me on this, - " Jim, some of those contraptions you built are certainly...
  19. jimcross

    BUMPER BOWLING - Good or bad for the sport

    Yes, everything you say, is right from the point of view of the 'sport'. However, seeing that there can be no 'sport' without bowling centres, and bumper bowling has now been part of the 'entertainment income' which is a dominant part of the centre income for, I don't know exactly, but not less...
  20. jimcross


    Sounds like a real winner ! Well Done !!!
  21. jimcross


    I didn't use a wrist guard when I was 30. I didn't use a wrist guard when I was 60. Actually, I didn't use one when I was 65. I used one occasionally when I was 70. I use one all the time now, set in one place which keeps my wrist fairly straight. I use it for every shot. I also use one only...
  22. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

  23. jimcross

    Brendan Meads v Malcolm Hunt head to head 300 games

    A marvellous effort. Is it the first time in Australia ? Is it actually so, that the Centre has a permanent prize fund fot 1st and 2nd 300 EVERY month?
  24. jimcross

    Is It Just Me ?

    I have a suggestion. Change your name to 'In Depth Observer', and try again. I'm sure the new perspective will do wonders. You may even get to have some pleasant thoughts - smell flowers - and all those sorts of joyous things. Here's laughing with ( at ) you, Jim
  25. jimcross

    8 pins start for women commencing in 2013

    Jason, about the following observation - "And Jim, Adam Goldberg has no superiority complex, just a bloody good work ethic!"- unlike me,you're obviously busy. When you have the time, have another little read of what I said. Cheers, Jim PS, I suppose I'm a bit like Fitzy, in that I like to do...
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