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  1. alexnjudy

    Happy New Year Richard and many thanks for your help with our league mate :)

    Happy New Year Richard and many thanks for your help with our league mate :)
  2. alexnjudy

    Will the recession make bowlers better?

    Have to agree with you Wayne and Reg. At least four of our bowlers in our league lost their job and they no longer bowl . We all should count our blessings and pray for those who are struggling. No offense meant Max. Alex
  3. alexnjudy


    Super League Knox Where: Amf Knox When: Saturdays Time: 5.15 Pm Number of Weeks: 2 Rounds of 24 weeks. Team: 4 Persons X 3 Games Cost: $25 Per Bowler Per Week. Season Starts: 17 January 2009 Handicap: 80% of 200 Point System: Max 30 Points (Individual Win, Team Win &...
  4. alexnjudy

    Merry Christmas Everyone

    Merry Christmas to Jase and his wonderful crew of Totalbowling. We appreciate what you guys do for our game. Keep up the good work team. Have a safe one people and best of luck for the new year. Totalbowling Rocks ;) AlexnJudy
  5. alexnjudy

    Jimmy throws number 10

    Perfecto Jimmy. Keep them coming mate. Alex
  6. alexnjudy


    Since we had extra cash in the kitty....we decided to give away every team $100 extra which means team 13 received $300 for bowling 23 weeks. Beat that for fair payout!! Ben Tait will be looking after our league for next year. You guys better be nice to him. He doesn't take any crap like...
  7. alexnjudy

    Well done Josh Morel

    Great bowling Joshiiiiii. Nice to see all your hard work finally paying off champ. Mum must be over the moon. Keep it up Josh. Very very proud of you. Nice to see a young man investing his time and energy in bowling and not with some drug addicts or bad crowd!!! Alex
  8. alexnjudy

    Tweed Tenpin "Cheap as Chips" Skins Fri 19th Dec

    Before his first gutter ball :D Alex
  9. alexnjudy


    On behalf of Executive Committee and Bowlers of Super League Knox, we would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Management and staff members of AMF KNOX for their professionalism and highest work etiquette for this year. Not even a single issue with pre bowl scores and NO score...
  10. alexnjudy

    2009 Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Membership Benefits Announcement

    We may agree and disagree which is a healty debate. But at the end of the day, we should support them. Why?? Because they are our NATIONAL BODY. Just like every other sport/body, we need to have a body to look after our game. That's fact of life. We may not like with some of their decision...
  11. alexnjudy


    Congratulations to the new Victoria Holt Committee. We know you will carry on the good works that was started by the previous Committee :) Regards, Alex Ps Sorry we forgot the doughnuts Jeanette. :p
  12. alexnjudy

    2009 Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Membership Benefits Announcement

    I was told today by a higher power that this move will basically kill our local associations like MTBA and CTBAM and they are :mad::mad::mad: Alex
  13. alexnjudy


    Congratulations Team Pappadams :cool: Runner up was Team Delta Multizone and the third place went to Team Knox Knights. Well done all. Ben and Vanessa will update the list for us shortly. If you're looking for a fun and fair paying league for next year, please send us a pm. Thanks everyone...
  14. alexnjudy


    Nice one Hack :D :D :D Alex
  15. alexnjudy


    Welcome to Totalbowling Monica. Thanks to your bowling, we were second. Young Dylan is heartless. He has got no Respect for the elders lol. Bowler of the week is Peter Allen :eek: Go Pete. Congratulations also to "Pat Cash" Murphy for bowling his 222 game :D Alex
  16. alexnjudy


    No worries Micky. Things are looking good for next year guys. I was told there will be two new teams joining us. Give it up to our Chelsea Legend, Jim Murphy who bowled five strikes in a row and got the biggest cheer of the night!! Go Jimmmy ;) Delta Multizone creamed our team...
  17. alexnjudy

    Announcement for sports series FINAL @ Epping

    It's 41-53 Miller Street, Epping Good luck Paul. Alex
  18. alexnjudy

    The Bowling Quiz Game... Who/What am I?

    Must be a Queenslander :p Is it Brando, Jase?
  19. alexnjudy


    I have had some inquiries about our league from some of our friends from the saturday league at FH. This year will be their last year it seems!! Alex
  20. alexnjudy


    Rodney Veal, what else to say.... you're a legend mate :D When everyone else struggled tonight, Rodney bowled 706 series. Nice one mate. Team Rebel again did very well. Wait and see how many points they won this week Micky :p Alana Sgroi wants everyone to know she bowled ok!! Alex
  21. alexnjudy


    PROPOSED PAYOUTS FOR 2009 BASED ON 14 TEAMS. 1ST $4000 ($2000) EACH ROUND 2ND $3000 ($1500) 3RD $2400 ($1200) 4TH $2000 ($1000) 5TH $1800 ($900) 6TH $1600 ($800) 7TH $1400 ($700) 8TH $1200 ($600) 9TH $1000 ($500) 10TH $800 ($400) 11TH $700 ($350) 12TH $600 ($300)...
  22. alexnjudy

    Thanks Totalbowling

    Here here Tim. Thanks to Jase and Totalbowling we can come here everyday and be informed about everything and anything about our game. Keep up the good work team. Much appreciated :) Alex
  23. alexnjudy

    Emerson Shield odds

    Wise move Gary :p Alex
  24. alexnjudy

    Wayne, If it takes one voice to make a stand for what is right and wrong...don't give up mate...

    Wayne, If it takes one voice to make a stand for what is right and wrong...don't give up mate!! Alex
  25. alexnjudy

    The TBA's way of doing things...what a laugh!

    That's funny Wayne.
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