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  1. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    As of August 1st, yes, if TBA adopt the same rule. Problem is, if we redrill everything now, will it be illegal until 1st August?
  2. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Checked the TBA website, the rulebook on the site has not been updated since March 2012. I thought there had been amendments last year, and that the 1 oz rule had been changed - will have to check. @Jimbob - rationally, the 'delivery' is where you let go of the ball, up to then is the approach...
  3. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Hi Dousty, I believe the intent of the rule is good. Gripping holes are just that - to grip the ball with. If you don't use a hole to grip the ball, it's not a gripping hole so it should be classed as a balance hole. Having said that, I think a fair compromise would be to allow a ball drilled...
  4. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    I just posted this on Bowlingchat. Unintended consequences lol. "Something people my not have considered - you are not allowed a slug in a balance hole. So, even if a ball is statically legal wrt the bridge with an unused thumbhole, if that thumbhole has a slug the ball is illegal to throw two...
  5. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Nornally TBA rules follow USBC/WTBA, so I'd imagine it will change here in the not too distant future. I'll email or call TBA and check.
  6. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Interesting rule change from USBC regarding no thumb ball drilling specs. Not before time, imo.
  7. RobbieB

    Nick Devaney - New PB

    Must be the new uniform lol. Not bad for a skinny lefty though. ;)
  8. RobbieB

    2014 Nationals

    Manhatten Rubber? Ahhh, yes, 2004, fond memories....;)
  9. RobbieB

    finger pitches

    Try 1/8" right lateral, that's the classic too much left pitch pressure points. What are the spans?
  10. RobbieB

    Which Aussie, would You like to see (Belmo Vs ???), in an XGames Match ?

    Ash Riley. One of if not the best match play bowlers in the country. And current Aus Masters champ.
  11. RobbieB

    Where are they now

    It certainly seems to have played easier than it looked on paper - 4.5:1 ratio. We laid it here, and there was a bit of area (but certainly not wide open!), but the carry was phenomenal if you were in the right zone. Long patterns with a bit of hold are always going to score pretty well for...
  12. RobbieB

    All Spare Games???

    Never had an all spare game or a Dutch 200. Had a few Dutch 210's. Threw a game at State Champs at Innisfail a few years ago that had 9 spares and a pocket 7-10 open. Someone pointed out that I didn't have a strike the whole game, and asked how long it was since that had happened. I honestly...
  13. RobbieB

    Emily Anderson 1st 300!

    First game of Sunset Trios tonight, three perfect flush hits in the 10th to finish off one of the prettiest 300 games you will ever see. Rolled it with a Storm Invasion we drilled last week. Congrats Emily, sure to be the first of many.
  14. RobbieB


    Gena Ott for A squad please, deposit paid today.
  15. RobbieB

    2014 Senior Australian Open

    Sue, can you add Geoff Ott to C squad please - will send deposit through tonight.
  16. RobbieB

    2014 Nationals

    Townsville 2003 had the highest number of games bowled in the last 10 years at a Nationals other than Rooty Hill with the $100K carrot. Despite WA and several other teams not attending this year we still did nearly 12,000 games. I'd much rather go to Perth or Adelaide than Sydney. Part of going...
  17. RobbieB

    Used Equipment Pricing

    Hey Chris, If you have an undrilled Reaper or one in good nick give me a ring at the Bowl. New mid-top gear runs around 250-300 drilled with warranty, figure 60-80 for drilling and $20 for postage and work your prices from there. Cheers, Robbie.
  18. RobbieB

    Lil help please!

    Hi All, As some of you will know, my better half Kirsty does special needs family day care. One of her kids, 18-month old Nolan, was born 14 weeks premature and has severe quadriplegic cerebral palsy. Nolans' parents have taken him to Brissy for specialised physical therapy to help him learn to...
  19. RobbieB

    The most Expensive Bowling Ball in the World!!!!!

    Comes with a free bridge... There was a green Mikasa on ebay a couple years ago for $5K - now that was a pretty ball!
  20. RobbieB

    Storms Belmo shoots an increcible set to lead the US Open

    Nat and Carol are 38th & 39th, moved up to less than 50 out of the cut. C'mon girls...
  21. RobbieB

    Storms Belmo shoots an increcible set to lead the US Open

    246 on this pattern is just freakishly good. Amazing start.
  22. RobbieB

    2013 QLD Ladies Classic scores

    Wonderful job Mary, Batesy & team - I have 4 booking a trip from the deep north already for next year, might need a bigger bus yet! I'll need a sleep in on Sunday though. :)
  23. RobbieB

    2013 Barrier Reef Open - Innisfail

    24 juniors in the field, great effort and looking good for the future.
  24. RobbieB

    Jarrod Langford 300 #1

    About time, well done Jarrod!
  25. RobbieB

    $42,000.00 SUPER COMP at Campbelltown City Bowl

    Because it is supposed to be a sport? Cap the team average to even out the talent and award an individual point for beating your average per game. Amazing how much that evens the playing field.
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