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  1. RobbieB

    Rachiug, Jimcross wants an argument.

    It's sad that the only mention of the Vic Womens historic win in Rachuig was made to serve as an avenue to complain about something else. Well done ladies, and congrats to NT for their win in the Mens division. Bec Vouklous outscoring everyone else in either field also deserves a shout out, as...
  2. RobbieB

    world-bowling-group-to-explore-alternative-scoring system

    IANAL, but... You can't patent an idea. The best you can do with game design is to copyright the rules and trademark the name and significant designs. And copyright is a very specific form of protecion, if someone rewrites the rules to the same effect you are generally SOL. Yes, it sucks.
  3. RobbieB

    2015 "The Hammer" Qld Seniors Classic

    Hi guys, Rob Buckley and Geoff Ott for A squad please. tyvm.
  4. RobbieB

    After opinions from resellers

    If they are different models, then no, not necessarily. Caveat emptor. Write to Dexter.
  5. RobbieB

    After opinions from resellers

    Measure the sole length of the old and new shoes, then write to Dexter directly, explain what the issue is and ask them why the shoes might be different. Either a half size mark has worn off, they are US vs UK sizes (not sure if both are marked on Dexters) or they are just a bit tight because...
  6. RobbieB

    Lane Topology explained

    Topology issues don't create inequality issues - they create equity issues. Sure, lane conditions will breal down, and adjusting to those conditions as they break down is part of what makes elite bowlers elite. But it is reasonable to expect each pair to not have issues that are totally...
  7. RobbieB

    Pro shops in New York??

    Get on to and check the map, or repost on their forum.
  8. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    While technically you cannot drill a double thumb, you can get the same dynamics with a bigger hole since you don't have to worry about hitting the thumbhole. Ditto the mohole - without worrying about hitting the bottom of the thumbhole, you can do some seriously nasty things to the dynamics of...
  9. RobbieB

    Jarrod Langford 852

    Lets get some perspective here. Currently Jarrod, who topped the averages in the TBAQ State youth rolloffs this year - and would have topped the Rachuig averages as well - is averaging on our 'huge ditch' a massive.... 203. That's over 27 games and that includes the 852. Our house shot is 7:1 on...
  10. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Despite the retarded wording of the balance rule on both the TBA and WTBA websites, finger/thumb weight is measured referencing from the centre of the grip, not from above/below the fingers. It should be rewritten as "between the finger and thumbhole sides of the ball" imo. A diagram in the...
  11. RobbieB

    Cosmic 300 an 834 on final day of Sport Pattern League

    Not sure if this is awesomely hilarious or hilariously awesome, but wow! nice bowling!.
  12. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Bridge. Also, USBC have confirmed that the normal balance hole rule will apply to an unused thumb hole - no slug or tape allowed. I still think the intent of the rule is good, but it needs a lot more thought to be fair.
  13. RobbieB

    Jonathon Hannah

    Congrats to Jono, it was indeed a virtual world - it was my balll. Just one more person that throws my stuff better than I do lol.
  14. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Got an email from TBA yesterday to say that the rulebook has been updated several times since 2012, so either there was a dodgy link or I was loading up a cached copy somehow. They also confirmed that the rule is to be updated shortly. The rulebook accessible from the TBA front page is current...
  15. RobbieB

    Jarrod Langford 852

    Jarrod Langford rolled one of the best sets I have ever witnessed this morning in Generation Gap league. 275/300/277 for 852, and with a little luck could have been even bigger (front 9 cold 8pin first game). Great effort from the Burdekin junior. Bowled on 3 & 4 with Chloe Wilson, who also had...
  16. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    (c) A ball drilled without a thumb hole may not have more than one (1) ounce difference between any two halves of the ball. If you don't use the thumb, it will be classed as a balance hole, and you are then only allowed 1 oz. top.
  17. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    It would be easy enough to get it legal both ways in most cases, assuming you were starting with a blank drill. Especially if TBA allow 3oz. top weight in both cases. Selecting the correct pin out and top weight before drilling becomes much more important though.
  18. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Yeah, swapping a set of grips is a real pain...
  19. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    A few people have mentioned about the rule restricting layouts. In fact, not drilling a thumb allows for a far greater variety of layouts than otherwise, especially on symmetric balls. Since the PSA tends to migrate to the thumbhole on drilled syms, a major purpose of balance holes in these...
  20. RobbieB

    800 after 30 years

    Awesome, nice bowling Col!
  21. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    All I am saying is the current TBA rulebook specifies 1 oz. So does WTBA.
  22. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Not according to the current rulebook on the TBA website. USBC allows 3oz., TBA & WTBA are both 1oz. I was under the impression it had been changed as well, but apparently not - or the websites are out of date, which is possible too.
  23. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    If that were the case, they would make them leave the thumb in. Without a thumb, two handers are allowed to flip the grip over (pitches permitting) and can drill another set of finger holes in the ball, provided both sets are statically legal, allowing four different layouts on the same ball...
  24. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    If you don't have your thumb IN the hole, it is a balance hole under the new rule (as it should be, imo).
  25. RobbieB

    No thumb rule change.

    Currently, if you don't have a thumbhole, you are only allowed 1 oz. between any 2 sides, including top/bottom. I'm assuming the top weight rule will be amended at the same time as the balance hole rule takes effect.
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