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  1. magpi17

    best pants for bowling?

    Loudmouth pants very comfy
  2. magpi17

    1st Annual BOWLARAMA PFD CUP

    This was a very enjoyable weekend and Congrats to the winners, I like the format fair to all.
  3. magpi17

    1st Annual BOWLARAMA PFD CUP

    Chris, I paid full amount?
  4. magpi17

    NSW STORM Sport Series #4 AMF Blacktown

    Sorry mate can't make it.
  5. magpi17

    2015 Sydney Seniors Classic

    Please take Neil Buttriss out I have an appointment on the Saturday. Thanks
  6. magpi17

    1st Annual BOWLARAMA PFD CUP

    Neil Buttriss for B squad please, it looks like you need more handicappers so I will be in that lot. Cheers
  7. magpi17

    2015 Campbelltown Seniors Cup

    sorry but please take me out as I have moved shifts.
  8. magpi17

    Possible Brand Change

    I would try them as in general they are a nice ball,
  9. magpi17

    Possible Brand Change

    A Raging Bull, An older 1 that has had redrills Aftermath Solid, Venator and a Lion Horn. They are a good ball we like them and yep they hit hard they were all stored in a constant environment. There is some talk that the Venator was prone to cracking but all these balls except the Aftermath had...
  10. magpi17

    Possible Brand Change

    Not sure Roysa, one was quite old had a few redrills but the balls are all stored in a pretty even temperature environment along with others, 2 of the balls where they cracked have very thin cover stock material in the area, Seismic are known to have a reasonably big core in them. We take good...
  11. magpi17

    Possible Brand Change

    Before I found Seismic I used a lot of Ebonite and found a similar reaction, the only reason I am looking at changing is I have had 4 seismic balls now crack on us, its a lot of money to have spent. I am currently looking at trying the Ebonite Salute, Columbia 300 Delirium and melt down. All...
  12. magpi17

    Possible Brand Change

    Hi, I currently use Seismic bowling balls as they suit me fine but I am thinking of maybe expanding with another brand. No offence to anyone but I like the not so popular brands so am thinking maybe motive or Radical even maybe Lord Field but I want to try Symmetrical stuff. The reason for the...
  13. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Roysa, I would probably think that as there wouldn't be enough prize money to go round most of the lower half guy's would be just happy to get a few more games for their entry fee,for some of these guy's to miss the cut is a bit of a kick and they might not want to play a second fiddle type game...
  14. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Roysa you speak of when you were young I would bet that back then bowling was beginning to boom, and you mention that nothing has changed but it has, now bowling is getting ready to implode in Australia. I love to compete and achieve don't get the grading thing mixed up or construe it as only...
  15. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    I think a start would be to change the cut off situation in some tournaments, or maybe have a grading done even off scratch scores into maybe 2 grades, give people more for the money encourage people that play in tournaments but struggle to make the cut even when they play to their capability...
  16. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    Well here we are January and the Proprietor of my local bowl has decided that the TBA proposal is not good for his bowl, which I can agree with him as decline in numbers and being a small country bowl he just can't afford to lose his bowlers. So I emailed the TBA and alas still wait for an Email...
  17. magpi17

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    Sorry please take my name off the list I can't make it.
  18. magpi17

    2015 Sydney Seniors Classic

    hi bob, Neil Buttriss for A squad please
  19. magpi17

    2014 Bathurst Real Estate Pitstop

    I could not bowl this year but it certainly didn't matter was still welcomed warmly by the Price family and the staff. It was an interesting year on the sidelines as the pattern certainly had some (most) guy's and girl scratching the grey matter which from a spectator point of view was...
  20. magpi17

    2014 Bathurst Real Estate Pitstop

    i Guy's. Sorry I can't do it but Dazz will be there, I will get his deposit in next week. I will be there everyone needs a cheer squad. Looking forward to seeing youse
  21. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    I think the question should be how to get the numbers up. I don't think the way the TBA is going about it is right. Why should the average weekly league bowler prop up an organisation that gives them nothing in return. I play in Tournaments and the presence of TBA Officials at most is very low...
  22. magpi17

    2015 Seniors Australian Open

    Hi Sue Neil Buttriss A Squad please
  23. magpi17

    Why is everyone so depressingly agreeable?

    I agree with Wal here, at our small centre the people just want to come and bowl their league. Unless they play in Country Challenge or other tournaments they don't know or care about TBA. What right do the TBA have to demand that all bowlers pay a fee to bowl in a centre when they are not going...
  24. magpi17

    2014 Bathurst Pitstop

    We are there guy's just got to get my damn shoulder good enough.
  25. magpi17

    2014 Bathurst Pitstop

    Gee I hope you can something going there, we look forward to this one every year.
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