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    Rachuig results for Queensland

    I thought it would have been fairer to put Turnage and Darryl into a spa together and let them sort it out how the boys would have sorted it out in Bundy! I bet you Darryl would have made the team then!

    Rachuig results for Queensland

    All that time in the spa with Jase has really made you quite fond of him by the sounds of things Jim? :p Jase sure loves his Sootys too!

    Left Hand Bowlers

    Hammar, I think Carl is talking to Steve Hunt mate? ;) He will appreciate your endorsement of his ability though i am sure :p PS no spelling errors to report

    Rachuig results for Queensland

    Congrats to everyone who made the team, great work and do us proud! A special congrats to my good mate Hamo, well done on top qualifying buddy, i luv ya son! I am so proud of ya! ;) (See i dont mind saying it!) :p Then i better give special congrats to my other team mate Luke Rafton on...

    Left Hand Bowlers

    PS Try spell check ;) :p Is that you Hammer?

    Left Hand Bowlers

    I think someone needs a can of wake the **** up to yourself! Look at the national rankings and you will see who the winner is! But anyway, the name stands! ;) Hope it keeps upsetting people. Put me down for 2 shirts please Jase! :p Any lefties up for a side bet tomorrow? ;)

    How good was Bundy!!!!!

    On behalf of the QLD Rachuig team 2004, "Would you like a Kleenex?" You are not crying again are you?

    The Conquest 300

    Thanks guys very much appreciated! Hope to be hearing from you all again real soon! :p Ronnie

    How good was Bundy!!!!!

    It was a great weekend, pity about the bowling! :p By the way next time we go to dinner im bringing a tape recorder so i can play it back in slow motion to try and understand what the **** Jimbo was saying! Even the European owner of the restaurant asked me what the **** he was mumbling...
  10. RONALD C

    Add a Caption to this

    "So mate, you are trying to tell me you are 29 years old and your not a Jockey? You must be a local!"
  11. RONALD C

    Important announcement for QLD Tournaments!

    I would just like to announce that a decision has been made to just pay Brando the first prize payout for all future tournaments north of Caboolture! ;) He will no longer be required to actually attend any tournaments in Nth Qld as we are all well aware that he is the Guru Swami of NQ Bowling...
  12. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    Ahhh you can all get ****ed! :p Dont forget also Gloria that people can join up until week 3 and post bowl to catch up, so it is not to late yet. Also seeing as how we are without Australias number one bowler for the next couple of weeks whils he is in Vegas, we have had to go to the...
  13. RONALD C

    Ball Return bites back

    They are chicks Jeans arn't they? It definately looks like a girls foot :confused: ;)
  14. RONALD C

    Frilingos wins the 2007 SA Cup

    I could have been a lot more destructive! I feel i was very kind :p I must have been feeling nice ;) Well done mate great bowling! Good luck in Vegas next week.
  15. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    What you mean like skinny? :p
  16. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    **** **** **** **** fuvk Thanks for your hard work Gloria, should be a great league. Hopefully we can pick up 2 more teams before Tuesday to fill the centre.
  17. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    Jesus you blokes are quick! I suppose i painted the target on my back myself ;)
  18. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    Hey Joe, We all like you a lot more when you just read this site! ;) We cant accept your teams opinion anymore now that you have pulled out of the league :D I'm off now to enter the Hawaii ironman, i hear they are giving out Gold Medals to the poor bastard that runs last.
  19. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    Because they ran LAST! Who wants to bowl in a $50,000 and only make $40 for a year?
  20. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    Dead set, you CANT pay $1800 to last place! I hope this payout changes a bit at the meeting tonight!
  21. RONALD C

    whats the best ball for battling dry lane conditions

    Extreme Dry - Lane #1 XXXL Dry - Lane #1 Silver Bullet
  22. RONALD C

    CANNON HILL UPDATE - 10th/11th Feb.

    A squad for me please Mary
  23. RONALD C

    The Hammers

    Good to see the Hammars use the same dictionary whilst SPECTAKING :p Every time mate! ;)
  24. RONALD C


    Hammer is the CIRCIUT the one you are starting? :p
  25. RONALD C

    New Leagues 2007

    I need to Stop changing my post I am a mongrel! We all know who i am talking about!...;)
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