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    Great bowlers who haven't bowled 300!

    Thank you all for your kind words you bastards! :rolleyes: As for you Bottomley, i will see you in the bunkers, because i can never seem to find you on the fairways! I wish i had your tee shot as my strike ball because that amount of hook would carry the 7 pin for sure! :p :cool...

    Aspley Anzac Day SKINS

    With only 50 spots available you had better get in soon if you want to bowl! Im sure they picked up a few more today from the Twin Tour as well. Here is the updated squad list. Squad 1. Steve Hampson 2. Ronnie Conquest 3. Adam Jefferd 4. Joshua Thompson 5. Rick Carlos 6. Kim...

    Aspley Anzac Day SKINS

    Skins this Monday at Aspley Bowl 10 games and 20 skins paid cost $90 per bowler Check in 08:30 am bowl 09:00 am Scratch and Handicap skins paid in every game $80 per skin based on 30 bowlers and this will now go up as they have got a lot more than 30 bowlers! Contact Aspley to enter...


    Hi Mary, i think you had 2 senior moments. I asked if i could bowl A squad at Aspley this time. Could you pop me into A squad please old timer? I bet you don't forget pension day? :wink: Ronnie

    cut & polish machine

    Mel, I spun 6 balls up on a Donkee at Jeffs place last night and they are Great! Cheap Too! Make sure you get on to Jeffs website and give him a call. The think i like about these spinners is they are very safe, the ball cant really jump out and hit you like some other models. Also if you...

    2005 Qld Cup Squad Listings

    Hey Graham, Just making sure you have got my name in that last spot for B Squad mate? Ronnie

    K & K Win a Spot at Redcliffe

    Hi Darren, Could you put Brian Robinson and Ronnie Conquest down please Thanks mate

    SQ Walter DeVeer Day 1

    As players representative i think i should be in the all expenses paid penthouse suite, just so i can keep my wits about me! I have to be nice and sharp so i can come up with as much crap as possible to put on the other states! :wink: PS everyone wants to hope like hell that im still unable to...

    SQ Walter DeVeer Day 1

    Dont worry about the scores Spanner! You've posted enough! :wink: Hamish, how many times do i have to tell you to go back to NZ where your opinions may be listened too? :wink: :lol: Just kiddin to mate! Really i am :wink: Silly wanna be bloody kiwi :lol:
  10. RONALD C

    Charlie Greyson Memorial Open Squad Listing

    Hey Brando, i will grab that last spot in B squad if i could please mate? Thanks Brando, Ronnie
  11. RONALD C

    SQ Rachuig

    Cut my Whats off? Never heard of them! :wink: Thats right boys i will look after yas! :wink: I might qualify to roll off for DeVeer but i have got the dying ambition to keep the Rachuig players seats warm in Sydney! Besides that i hear there is a TAB next door to the bowl and we will need...
  12. RONALD C

    Anthony Ambrosio 1st ever 300!

    Just like to congratulate the mini wog Anthony Ambrosio for bowling his first ever 300 on Wednesday night at Mt Gravatt. [-o< Been close a couple of times and finally nailed it, well done mate! Whoa! I almost forgot to mention that he was using his Lane #1 Uranium! \:D/
  13. RONALD C

    Bad Trends

    Sorry Matty J but i notice you have taken personal offence to this, maybe jase should have been specific for you! I remember at Marys tournament when i was just releasing the ball to go the front 7 and you decided to let out some sort of bull **** high pitch clapping, for about the fifth shot in...
  14. RONALD C

    South Qld State Champs

    Is this the response on behalf of TBAQ or the response of a rude smart arse! If a girl asks a reasonable question of a member of Tenpin Bowlings governing body in her state doesn't she deserve to be given an answer on behalf of that organisation, instead of having the piss taken out of her by a...
  15. RONALD C

    Assoc Challenge

    Thats nothing, i heard a rumour that Walter Ray Williams Jr and Dick Weber just rocked up at Ipswich for the first squad for there roll offs today and Cara and Carol are sharing the fuel bill and driving up tonight! :silly: They reckon rumour has it that Hampson will still get Captain...
  16. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    Is it Peter ?????????? Hmmmmmmm! \:D/ We got him now i think. What will we do for sport now? :lol: Jase told me on Friday he thought it might of been you in the gallery at league. The chase could now be over! 8)
  17. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    How the F*#% would we know! You wont tell us who you are! :lol: :wink: Gazzy strikes again "The international man of MYSTERY" slides a quick boot in, yet still nobody knows who he/SHE is? (que the mystery music) :-({|=
  18. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    Hi Spanner, maybe i can be of some assistance. Try sitting him off to the side on your lap instead of right in the middle! :wink: This may allow him some more flexibility and allow him to relax! :lol: Oh by the way the shock will eventually fade and his hair will return to it's normal...
  19. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    Thanks Spanner, i'll just take your word on what Chucky wears on his genitalia. You seem to know what your talking about! :wink: Chucky will be stoked i know he has had his eye on you for a while! :wink: :P :roll: (Love you chucky!) :drinking: As for Jeff i only try to say that word...
  20. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    Very quick im impressed! Too late now you bastard, you said the spare word! :lol:
  21. RONALD C

    Results G.C. Assoc Team

    I know who you are Gazzy Baby, I don't see why the big secret in revealing who you are though? :? :? :? At the rate its going we are going to have to offer a free ball for the first person to guess Gazzys real identity! :lol: I havn't seen this much interest generated on the forum since...
  22. RONALD C

    Conspiracy???? tell me?

    What drugs are you on mate? Are you a crack head? :wink: Graham hates cricket! :lol: He wouldn't use his overwriting power on this site to ruin the one thing you have got to brag about being from Tasmania, other than the ferry ride back to AUSTRALIA! OH yeh and Reggie [-X :silly...
  23. RONALD C

    Greenslopes Squad lists!

    I was just talking to the king of Greenslopes "Kat" and after he had finished telling me how well hung he is he asked me if i could put the squad lists up for him and chase some more names. This Sunday, A squad check in at 0745 bowl at 0800 and B squad check in at 1300 bowl at 1315. If you...
  24. RONALD C

    Jason Pearson 862 3 Game Series - Record !!

    It was confirmed by TBA this morning, it is a new Australian record taking over from the prvious record set by Derek Adams when he threw back to back 300's. Well done Jason!
  25. RONALD C

    Jason Pearson 862

    WOW! Congratulations Freehook! I can't believe you missed your target that many times in the one series! 30 odd times, unreal! :lol: Was it 8 or 9 no tap? :lol: :lol: Seriously well done mate, the new Lane #1 hat with super stretch elastic is just in customs and I will drop it around...
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