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  1. Peanut

    Kelly Foreman - 300

    Rumors have it jen that kelly, renee and myself will be going out for one saturday or sunday :P
  2. Peanut

    Kelly Foreman - 300

    lmao... ur bowling better then port are playing!! Just a reminder Kelly, Infiction - Forecast out saturday ;) now just got to get my Wii back frm renee.. so i can beat u at Mario Kart lol Well done Pinky
  3. Peanut

    Song Title Game

    Everytime we TOUCH - Cascada
  4. Peanut

    Song Title Game

    Until THE day i Die - Story of the year
  5. Peanut

    World Youth Team

    Not for me this year! havent got the money and cant really take the time of work (im only Casual atm) Good Luck to the people trying out this year!
  6. Peanut

    SAJYC - Salisbury

    alex.. do i hear pool sunday morning? ill still bet u with ur hung over :P
  7. Peanut

    OK who would win this fight !!!!

  8. Peanut

    SAJYC - Salisbury

    Hey Ben, just turn up on time and pay when u get there!! And of course ill be there! Ash
  9. Peanut


    MATE!!!! ANOTHER!!!..... WTF.... NOW ur ahead of me.. so rude!!! well done bro will speak soon!
  10. Peanut

    Rachiug trails? scores?

    Hello Any scores from 2day? Cheers Ash
  11. Peanut

    Happy 21st Cow

    Happy b'day cow! hope its a good one for you! See u in a week and a bit
  12. Peanut


    To come 3RD the girls beat the old enemy SQ 6-1 Also in game 17, the girls white washed NNSW 7-0 to give them a look at a medal! More info/scores at - Well Done again girls!!
  13. Peanut

    WA Boys Win President's Shield

    All i can say is very well done boys, couple of really top blokes in that team.. Not a bad way to finish.. Ash P.S. Hey tom, now that shirt is worth something, might wear in next time i bowl! haha
  14. Peanut


    GREAT NEWS!! Just got the phone call! They got it by One and half a point! well done to the girls! More news as it comes to hand :p Ashley
  15. Peanut

    2008 Sydney Youth Cup

    Hey Leanne Sorry to be a pain.. Can u please change myself to A Squad! Looking forward to the tournament! Ash
  16. Peanut

    Fondest memory in bowling

    1 Word SHIELD!! Best 2 years of my life (not only cause we won both years) But because of all the friend i made and still got, best time of my life. if you think your not good enough to try out for your state.. YOUR WRONG... Everyone is good enough.. its those who put the time and...
  17. Peanut

    Congrats Kevin McRae

    Congrats Mate! very well done, hope u owl this well in shield! Speak soon mate Ash
  18. Peanut

    Event 2 - AMF Woodville

    yea, that extr hour we will get there early, we will be still waiting for our food!! :D
  19. Peanut

    Alcohol at the Jr National Awards Dinner

    In my 2 years at the shield dinner (one been 18) EVERYONE who asked for alcohol that looked under 21 got asked for ID... LIKE THE LAWS SAYS THEY HAVE TO... people need to get over the fact thats its a underage 'gig'... if they are underage they cant get served alcohol and i known people to try...
  20. Peanut

    Bmann 300 Vilis league

    well done Bmann, Never looked like missing all night!! Ash
  21. Peanut


    Hey Dozza, Can u please Change myself from 'B' to 'A' Squad thank you Ashley
  22. Peanut

    Adrian Shelton shoots 299 at Logan

    Re: Congratulations to Adrian Shelton 299 game Haha, well done.. the move to 'oil' must have done u the world of good mate! Ash
  23. Peanut

    Win A Ball Competition for the 2008 Australian Open

    The Man Brando 230.60 Thanks to Glenn Rowland Totalbowling Ash
  24. Peanut

    Michael Tran 300 at Salisbury

    WTF... IS ALL I GOT TO SAY lol.. well done mate will talk soon Ash
  25. Peanut

    Pakistan cricket tour postponed

    (Pulled of Cricket Australia (CA) and the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) have postponed Australia's tour to Pakistan scheduled this month. Initial reports from Karachi suggested the tour was cancelled but CA issued a statement saying it had been postponed with "new dates for...
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