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  1. Peanut

    The 2010 City Southside Real Estate SA Sport Series - Skins Event (Bowland Salisbury)

    Re: The 2010 City Southside Real Estate SA Sport Series - Skins Event (Bowland Salisb surprised my name isnt already down for this haha!!! in that case put it down please
  2. Peanut

    2010 Global Youth Cup

    Please Remove myself from B Squad.. Ashley Warren
  3. Peanut

    Event 3 - Gambier City Bowl

    Very Secret haha
  4. Peanut

    Event 3 - Gambier City Bowl

    would really love to go up for it (been my birthday weekend) but... atm cant get up there or back.. so prob wont be able to make it.. would love to go up there and see the work david has done! hope all goes all!
  5. Peanut


    Ashley Warren For B please
  6. Peanut

    Josh Morel - 300

    Congrats mate... im sure there will be alot more from this kid in the next few years.. One to watch out for Ash
  7. Peanut

    2010 Challenge Sydney Youth Cup

    Paid deposit on friday!! Ashley Warren
  8. Peanut

    Elizabeth Bowland event

    Read the first post
  9. Peanut

    Elizabeth Bowland event

    my leg is in the air, ill be there!!!
  10. Peanut

    Belmonte v Frilingos round 2

    Belmo.. what about a bet for Knk... 100 plus people... could be a great turn out on the saturday to see it!!
  11. Peanut

    Craig Muzza 300 NUMBER 1 at Jnr Nationals!!

    Roysa Itstill nationals atm.. score are on where they always are!!
  12. Peanut

    Craig Muzza 300 NUMBER 1 at Jnr Nationals!!

    WEll done to my little Bro, Craig for bowling his First 300 at Werribee today Not bad for a guy who said a couple of weeks ago he is bowling crap!! well done mate hope there is alot more in ya and keep it up for shield!! GO SA!! Ash
  13. Peanut

    2010 K & K Classic Squad Listing

    Ashley Warren for d squad, and reserve for c please cheers ash
  14. Peanut

    Matt Waston 2ND 300 at Australian Open

    Congrats to Matt threwing his 2nd 300 for the weekend and 7th(?) 300 for the weekend.. he threw the 300 using the storm Invasion, he also threw his first one this weekend witht he same ball.. Congrats mate... will be alot more to come!!
  15. Peanut

    The Wrestling Thread

    HBK to TNA??
  16. Peanut

    info please

    When i was talking to Mr tran about this he was still working his ass off to get a sponser for this years Events... im sure the man himself will be able to give more of an insight in to this..
  17. Peanut

    Asian Youth Team
  18. Peanut

    2010 Challenege Sydney Youth Cup

    Ashley Warren and Scott Robertson for B please
  19. Peanut

    Win A Trip to Vegas!

    Still no news i see.... Glenn could we please have the Final standing and winners???
  20. Peanut

    Rebecca Whiting 300 #3

    that ball better be packed now bec!! haha well done team mate!!
  21. Peanut

    Berri is on for 2009 - Squad listing below

    even tho i wasn't there... ill put my 2 cents worth, i was at Brunswick youth this weekend, if you have had a look at the scores it was tough.. George would know... he bowled on the same pattern the week b4... Great shot making was the key all weekend... and (using me as guide) i didn't throw...
  22. Peanut

    Win A Trip to Vegas!

    Hey Glenn With All the Events now complete.. can we have the final standing and the Announcement of the winners? Cheers Ash
  23. Peanut

    Song Title Game

    The Only Virtue - House Vs Hurricane Look them Up on Youtube!!
  24. Peanut

    Add a caption to this.....

    What is this.... someone is playing a trick on me!!!
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