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  1. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    "Media Alert" Belmonte to Appear on TODAY show on Channel 9

    Here is some more footage of Jase on Our Local News Station,103671
  2. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    "Media Alert" Belmonte to Appear on TODAY show on Channel 9

    Tomorrow morning between 7 -7.30am Jason Belmonte will be appearing on the Today show on channel 9. Also The Age Australia has also featured Jason on there website with Australia's new kingpin Australian tenpin bowler, Jason Belmonte blitzes the lanes around the world with his...
  3. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    Belmonte and Putney on ABC NEWS TONIGHT

    "Media Alert" Jason Belmonte and Ann-Maree Putney will appear on ABC News Sport Section tonight 7pm. The interview was recorded at Tenpin City today. So stay tuned for more media releases coming Soon.
  4. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    Riding the Belmonte Express- Bowlers Journal Article.

    Riding The Belmonte Express Could a bowling wonder from Down Under be our sport’s answer to Tiger Woods? Nobody can precisely define what “the next level” would be for the Lumber Liquidators PBA Tour. What we can say is that it’s a place where there’s more respect for the PBA’s players as...
  5. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    Orange's Strike Force - Full Back Page News story on Keryn & Jessica

    We at the Orange Tenpin Bowl want to send out a huge congratulations to our Junior Bowlers Keryn Delaney for Winning the Boys 2009 Junior National Masters and Jessica Smith for coming 5th in the Masters. Both bowlers had a fantastic result in many of the events. Also would like congratulate...
  6. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    BMW NSW Open Winner Media Article

    Congratulations to George Frilingos for a great win in Orange on the weekend at the BMW NSW OPEN. Would also like to congratulate Jarrod Lean for his 2nd placing and Michael Cunningham placing 3rd. We enjoyed seeing some great bowling over the weekend and we at the Orange Tenpin Bowl would...
  7. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 World Tenpin Masters

    Here is a interview with Jase Before the masters aswell as a link with the results and ball by ball report on the Masters...
  8. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Here is a little bit of media exposure we got other the weekend with George winning the tournament. Well done again!!
  9. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Squad Listings as of 7/4/09 No. SQUAD 1 NAME 1 Jason Osborne 2 Aaron Osborne 3 Richard Stevens 4 Grant Ryan 5 Adam Ryan 6 Bob Whybrow 7 David Ashton 8 Neil Mills 9 Daniel Hall 10 Jason Quarmby 11 Mark Lane 12 Guy McFarlane 13 George Petris 14 Henry Vandenberg 15 John McGrath...
  10. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Here is the Oil Pattern
  11. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Due to the numbers we have for squads 0 and 1 we have now decided that there will not be a friday night squad. So there will be on Saturday 18th April 2009, Squad 1 (9.45am check in) and Squad 2 ( 2pm Check In) as per normal. We will be still going ahead with a Qubica Amf Ball demo night...
  12. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Squad listings as of the 24/3/09 No. SQUAD 0 NAME 1 Jason Brown 2 Frank Van Den Berg 3 Matt Zerafa 4 Ray Munro 5 Thomas Stewart 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Res 1 2 3 4 5 6...
  13. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Latest Squad listings as of the 17th March No. SQUAD 0 NAME 1 Jason Brown 2 Frank Van Den Berg 3 Matt Zerafa 4 Ray Munro 5 Thomas Stewart 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 No. SQUAD 1...
  14. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Hi Guys here is the latest squad listings for the 2009 BMW NSW Country Open and we have now decided on creating another squad due to both squads being full. We would like to run a another squad on Friday night at 8pm start. So we need a mininum number of 10 bowlers for the squad to run. Please...
  15. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Here is the Latest Squad listing as of the 22/2/09. We have also now uploaded the entry for aswell here - We also will be taking deposits now to confirm spots in each squad which maybe a good idea to do so as both squads...
  16. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Here is the entry form for the 2009 BMW NSW Country Open on the 18th and 19th of April. Also there will be a Ball Demo Night on the Friday the 17th.
  17. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Hi guys here is update on the squad listings for 5/2/09 1 Adam Goldberg 2 Jason Osborne 3 Jason Scott 4 Aaron Osborne 5 Richard Stevens 6 Grant Ryan 7 Adam Ryan 8 Bob Whybrow 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30...
  18. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    HI Beau Just wanted to let you know that squad B is full i have one spot left so do you want...

    HI Beau Just wanted to let you know that squad B is full i have one spot left so do you want me to put you in there or do you want me to put all you guys in squad A. Regards Jason
  19. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Also we have Stormbowling sponsoring a Storm Hyroad Ball and Brunswick also sponsoring a Ball aswell. So thanks again to all our sponsors for there support.
  20. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2009 BMW NSW Country Open (Orange)

    Hi All I have attached some info on this years Open held on the Sat 18th and Sun 19th of April. Also Qubica AMF is sponsoring $1000 for a 300 game and will be running a ball demo night on the Friday night. We will be taking entries by email or through this thread on totalbowling aswell...
  21. Orange Ten Pin Bowl


    Congratulation Stephen well done from the crew at Orange Tenpin Bowl
  22. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    2008 Orange Junior Cup

    Hi all Here is the entry form for the 2008 Orange Junior Cup. Also reminder that entries that are accompanied with deposit will secure a spot in your selected squad. See you all in November. Orange Tenpin Bowl
  23. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    N.S.W. Sports Series # 4

    John Please add Aaron Osborne from Orange
  24. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    Wayne Beesley 300 at long last

    As a matter of interest where did Wayne bowl his 1st 300 Aldo
  25. Orange Ten Pin Bowl

    Wayne Beesley 300 at long last

    We have John Rapley at Orange Bowl that bowled a 300 3 years ago and he was 74 years old Aldo
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