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  1. P

    SQ Rachuig/De Veer Eligibility Change

    Andrew, Firstly i would like to congratulate TBAQ on making a change and hopefully increasing numbers for our state team roll-offs i feel it is a positive move, we need to do something to change things for now and future years. I do however have a couple of questions/comments...... In...
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    Redcliffe City Open

    Darren Can you please add me to A squad Thanks Pilko
  3. P

    Qld Rachuig Change

    Andrew just to clarify before everyone jumps in here. Jason Pearson was called into the team as he was the first eligible reserve for the Sth QLD Mens team….. Not because he was manager. Morty on Behalf of the Mens team we wish you well and look forward to seeing you agian next year Cheers...
  4. P

    2005 Brunswick Australian Cup - Squad Listings

    Brett, Can you please put Brian Pilkington and Kate Wilton in B Squad please. Thanks Brian
  5. P

    Fundraising Movie Night

    Hi All, There will be a fundraising night held on Monday the 6th of June at Logan Hyperdome. To help raise funds for Kate Wilton to attend the Womens World Championships as part of the Aussie team in Denmark. What is it? A Movie Premiere of Mr (Brad Pitt) and Mrs (Angelina Jolie) Smith, this...
  6. P

    2005 Qld Cup Squad Listings

    Graham, Can you please add Kate into A squad. Thanks Pilko
  7. P

    Charlie Greyson Memorial Open Squad Listing

    a squad for me and kate please brando. thanks pilko
  8. P

    Brunswick Australian Cup Squad Listings

    Please put Brian Pilkington on the reserve list for B squad. Otherwise A squad please. Thanks Pilko
  9. P

    Skins this Friday Night at Mt Warren Lanes

    Mt Warren's monthly skins are on this Friday night. The field is limited to 24 bowlers, there are only a few spots left so get in quick! Check in 8:15pm (8:30pm Start) Cost: $50 (6 Games) Skins pay 4 places per game 1st is $50. Prize fund is based on 24 bowlers. To put your name down...
  10. P

    NSW Open - Squad listings

    Please add Kate Wilton to A squad please Thanks....
  11. P

    AMF Super Six #4 - Queensland Cup

    Graham, Please put Mac Stewart in for A Squad please. Thanks Pilko
  12. P


    Why not award the points on the number of entries? 150 players then 150 points...... last gets 1 point, Then it does not matter if you have 2 people or 200 first place gets the same number of points that there is participants in the tournament and last position always gets 1 point. The...
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    Northern NSW Open squad list

    Frosty, Will this tournament still go ahead with this many entries? If so how severly will the pize fund be slashed? Thanks in advance. Brian Pilkington
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    Sport Series 2 (mt warren)

    both of us for a squad please
  15. P

    Twin Tour Results - Richlands

    Great to see the Twin Tour make 100 bowlers for the 5th Tour Stop for 2003 - thanks to all the bowlers who turned up and congrats. to winners. A bit of trivia from the Tour - it was noted that there was a 57 year age gap between Luke Green (Have Ball winner) and Ruth Anderson from the...
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    Andrew McArthur Ave 225
  17. P

    Twin Tour Results - Caboolture

    Below are the results from the Twin Tour bowled at Caboolture on the weekend. Some Words from Mary: Congratulations to Nifty (Nev) Castle on his 300 game. In total there where 13 Bowlers who backed up this weekend after bowling QLD Cup at Kedron some on the same day! You are all Mad! I...
  18. P

    Queensland Ladies Classic Results

    Final Results Congratulations To Sam Warby on winning the QLD Ladies Classic today. Congratulations to Chris Webster on bowling her first ever 300 game. Also to Emma Rutten for another 300 game today followed by 290! Below are the scores for qualifying and the matchplay. Pilko
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    Queensland Ladies Classic Results

    After the first day of qualifying Local Bowler Amanda Frost leads the Classic with an average of 232.9, Kelly Warren is close behind on 231.1 followed in third by Ann Marie Putney with a 230.9 Average. Congratulations to Emma Rutten for bowling a perfect game in the last game of Qualifying...
  20. P

    Skins this Saturday Night at Logan City

    For those who are interested there is a skins on at Logan City Lanes this saturday night. Proudly sponsored by OZ Bowling. Check in is at 11:30pm lanes dragged and oiled prior to start. Format: $60 entry fee 10 Games (must bowl over 200 to win i think) $100 per skin. For more details...
  21. P

    Twin Tour Results from Kedron

    Below are the links to the Twin Tours 5th stop of the year from the weekend hosted at Kedron. Throughout the weekend there where high scores by many bowlers, Congratulations to Tony Hamilton on his perfect game. The Bowler of the Year points have been updated for both scratch and handicap...
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    Greenslopes Twin Tour

    Below are the results from the Twin Tour stop at Greenslopes. Men Women Next stop is at Kedron. Be sure to get your entries in early.
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    Greenslopes Twin Tour

    Below are the results from the Twin Tour stop at Greenslopes. Men Women Next stop is at Kedron. Be sure to get your entries in early.
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    Sport Series 3 Results

    Hi Everyone, These are the results from the Sports Series after this weekend. Well bowled George. Pilko
  25. P

    Sport Series 3 Results

    Hi Everyone, These are the results from the Sports Series after this weekend. Well bowled George. Pilko
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