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  1. Bee...!

    Alex Winch Bowls 300 at Suncity !!!!!!

    hey alex i told you it would come sooner or later and i was rite but its awesome it came sonner you must be soo happy congrats on your first and hopefully your second wont be too far away Bee oxox
  2. Bee...!

    Asian Schools Roll Off

    Hey all, As there is only about 3 weeks till the roll offs, I am just wondering who is going??? I know that I will be there and I cant wait. Hope too see some familiar faces and some new ones too. Stay Smiling Bee
  3. Bee...!

    Belmonte - 5/7/10 King

    i was there and i think someone has forgot to say that he very nearly spared it by flicking the 5 pin hitting the 7 which carried of the wall and stopped just before hitting the 10. Quite a good effort considering all the time i have worked or been in bowling centres the only one i have seen...
  4. Bee...!

    Asian Schools Roll Off

    Hello Everyone, I know that it isnt exactly close but as the forms and everything are out and no one else had made a topic, I thought I would. So who is going to the Asian School's Roll Off??? I know I am and jayde gets automatic entry so she is in the team. Well just wondering...
  5. Bee...!


    hey george this is bee, jayde is still in sydney but she decided months ago that she was going to try melbourne cup next year because everybody knows that 'diamonds are a girls best friend' and if you can try and win some, hey why not give it a ago!?!?! so i am sure she will see you at...
  6. Bee...!

    Gold Coast Roll-offs Assoc. Chall.

    Hey there everyone... I am curious as to the big problem with this roll off... I have chosen to not bowl because i have chosen to go to Melbourne Cup next year instead of bowling Association Challenge and as it turns out ill be away for both roll offs which means that i should have the right to...
  7. Bee...!

    AMF Super Six #6 - 2002 Sydney Cup, AMF Penrith

    Hey there Is there anyway to find out who is bowling in what squads... thank you
  8. Bee...!

    i hope you are covering the nationals next year graham

    ok i dont usually say anything on here but i am going too. everyone complains about how ten pin bowling isnt recognised as a sport and how we arent in the olimpics or the commenwealth games and all of that. but how are we supposed to be out doing all these things without the TBA. ever since...
  9. Bee...!

    QLD Youth Team

    Hey there Just reading about all the other youth teams... SQ's youth team is GUYS: Brandon Q Robbie M Matt M Matt B CHICKIES: Kim B Cindy P Kellie M Jayde F Congrats and hope that u guys do well
  10. Bee...!

    Congrats jess on your 300!!!

    hey there congrats on ur 300... it must be a very hard thing to do and if george said that u can bowl back to bakc ones there then congrats... congrats also to katie i think i heard that she won it... well congrats again jayde and bee xxxxxxxxxxx
  11. Bee...!

    Possible Australian Record

    hey just happened to speak to poppy today he said he never bowled that high over 4 games but did at one time hold the 2 game record but it was then beaten the next day or week he couldn't quite remember.
  12. Bee...!

    Congratulations Bee!!!!

    Hey there... This is Jayde and i wold like to congrat Bee too. She bowled it in the second game of our area masters which she went on to win. She had bowled well the whole tounrie and this was just the icing on the cake. She really deserved it and there wasn't a ball that looked like missing...
  13. Bee...!


    thanks anyway peter Jayde
  14. Bee...!


    Hey there i am curious to know about whether anything was put into place to do with the all stars and the schools team. i know that no one said anything but i am just curious. hope someone can let me know. Jayde
  15. Bee...!

    Development Camp 2002

    congrats hey there everyone i would like to congratulate you all on making the camp especailly lisa, you rock champ, it is the chance of a lifetime, and i am sure everyone that has been there before will agree with me, there were things about the game i didnt even know about until i went to...
  16. Bee...!

    SPC-Asian Invasion?

    hey guys when is spc on
  17. Bee...!

    SPC-Asian Invasion?

    hey guys when is spc on
  18. Bee...!


    hey andy you have been counting down the days and tell us every morning its here now hope it was a good one and also we cant forget clair you know we couldnt forget ya 18 as well hope yous both had the best day and didnt party to hard love yas both and good luck luv bee and jayde oxoxox
  19. Bee...!

    Good on ya Jayde

    As most know, on sunday in the masters, jayde had a bit of a maths mix up and she added the scores wrong which jayde should have won but she thought she had lost so they were going to make them bowl the repicharge, until my mum ran down and asked her what she was doing and that she had won. i...
  20. Bee...!

    Good on ya Jayde

    As most know, on sunday in the masters, jayde had a bit of a maths mix up and she added the scores wrong which jayde should have won but she thought she had lost so they were going to make them bowl the repicharge, until my mum ran down and asked her what she was doing and that she had won. i...
  21. Bee...!

    The Official Jason Belmonte Fanclub.

    BELMO WHO???? we hear so much about him..i must be living under a rock cos i have no idea about this superstar...please explain.... WHAT THE???? LUV U BELMO.... jayde, bee and mum
  22. Bee...!

    The Official Jason Belmonte Fanclub.

    BELMO WHO???? we hear so much about him..i must be living under a rock cos i have no idea about this superstar...please explain.... WHAT THE???? LUV U BELMO.... jayde, bee and mum
  23. Bee...!

    Balloons and Blimps

    can i please ask who this is and where or not it was said you shouldnt post this like this on the internet on a national forum who ever you are i hope you dont feel proud but this is a serious situation and not something to be taken lightly
  24. Bee...!

    msn messenger

    hey all it is bee here i just got a new email address so add me ok chat to ya if you want if not well ok then fine by me
  25. Bee...!

    msn messenger

    hey all it is bee here i just got a new email address so add me ok chat to ya if you want if not well ok then fine by me
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