Search results

  1. Bee...!

    2007 Youth Champion of Champions

    can you please put Bianca Flanagan Stephen Cowland Cassie Staudinger David Porto in A squad please Thanks
  2. Bee...!

    2007/08 NNSW Presidents shield Roll-off Results

    well i want to say the BIGGEST congrats to Maddi and david.... you guys are totally awesome.... Bee
  3. Bee...!

    2007 Columbia 300 SPC

    can you please remove jayde flanagan and peter caramelis from d squad and change bianca flanagan from d squad to c if there is any problem please PM me. thanks
  4. Bee...!

    Glen Loader makes Saturday's Final at High Roller

    good work glen.... you certainly do deserve it, thats for sure.... well done keep it going bee xxx
  5. Bee...!

    Youth Teams to Beijing for Asian Youth Championships

    congrats fellow team mates, you all deserve the chance you have been given and i have a feeling this is gonna be an amazing trip.... sooo exciting about going away with you all.... and doing awesomely well together.... Bee
  6. Bee...!

    Cassie Staudinger Wins Sydney Youth Cup

    yay to cass i must say very well done.... you certainly did deserve it kissess xxx
  7. Bee...!

    Squad lists for the 2007 NSW Open

    can you please put bianca flanagan (qld) jayde flanagan(nt) and nat shelley (vic) in to b squad. our deposits will be in the mail by the end of the week. thanks
  8. Bee...!


    Hey Mary quick change of plans... can you please move me jayde jess nat and cassie into a squad... thanks Bee
  9. Bee...!

    What couldn't go Wrong at Mt Gravatt Youth Cup

    i'm going to start with a positive here, well done to the winners of the tournment, Jayde and Adam you both deserved your wins. after reading this topic since sunday it has clearly becoming a slaying match. i think alot of ppl would agree that the whole weekend did not go as to plan, from a...
  10. Bee...!

    2006 Melbourne Youth Cup

    can you please put jayde and bianca Flanagan in a squad but reserves for b thanks
  11. Bee...!

    Get Well Soon Wayne Kirby

    Wayne its sad to hear your not well at the moment but as everyone who obviously knows you has said... its wont be long till your back to your old self again.... We hope it all goes well and hope to see you again soon... The Flanagans
  12. Bee...!

    Canberra Youth - is it still on?

    Hello ppl, After AMF cancelled the youth and adult circut i know they cut alot of tournaments out. I read that they were still going ahead with the Canberra Youth tho. can someone please tell me if it still on. Thank you :) Jayde
  13. Bee...!

    2005 VIC150 Squad Listings

    Hey, Can you please take Jayde and Bianca Flanagan out of B squad, we are not able to make it to the tournament. Thank you. Jayde
  14. Bee...!

    Support from Orange Bowl for Canceled Adult Grand Prix

    Hello Jason Just a question what are the dates for the NSW Country Cup Thanks Jayde
  15. Bee...!

    Anthony Ambrosio 1st ever 300!

    hey hey congrats on ur 300 mate well done.... keep it up jayde and bee
  16. Bee...!

    300 For Matt Sing

    hey hey a big congrats to you on ur 300 really just think of how many u will bowl now apparently they come easy after number one. keep it up and keep bowling well jayde :)
  17. Bee...!


    Hey Edi, Can u please remove Jayde Flanagan from B squad. Bianca is still bowling though so please leave her in. Thank you. Jayde
  18. Bee...!

    Commonwealth Team Says Thank You

    Thx louie you so stole my idea!!! but back to the subject, without everyone supporting us where you were there or not the experence is just not the same. just as louie said thanks to evryone who came to watch you were all wonderful and thanks for all the emails sms' or phone calls we...
  19. Bee...!

    Most Potential

    i thought the topic was bowlers with the most potenial not who is good. to me potenial means not quite there but will be awesome in the boys i would say hamish rogers he s young kid who has done alot of work on his shot and still has a few years you will see great things from this kid. in...
  20. Bee...!

    Gold Coast Area Championships Juniors

    Hey Everyone... Well its that time of year again and for those of u who are interested the Gold Coast Jnr Champs are back on. Now i am sure that some of u want to bowl but didn't know about it or didn't get the entry form... Well here is ur chance to get ur entries in... Call Julie on...
  21. Bee...!

    Gold Coast Area Championships

    Hey Everyone, If u weren't aware the gold Coast Champs are on soon and i am sure that some of u want to come and bowl but didn't know about it or didn't get an entry form. well here is the info u need to get ur entry in... Call Julie on 0410313016 and she will do what she can to get u in...
  22. Bee...!

    WHO IS BOWLING IN THE SYDNEY CUP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    im also unable to bowl to due to the CYG camp which i am really quiet upset about considering its my last year and this time i didnt even have to pay to bowl :( oh well as steve said the chance to wear green and gold is an opportunity you cant give away. i hope this doesnt dis hearten...
  23. Bee...!

    Australia's Great Doubles Effort

    Although many may know Emma Rutten and Ann Maree Putney have won a silver medal in doubles at the Asian Championships. This is a great effort and i am sure that both the guys and girls are going to extremely well in the trios. Congratulations everyone u are doing us all proud. Jayde :)
  24. Bee...!

    Commonwealth Youth Squad Results

    Hello everybody, At the moment the results for the roll off are not up yet and i am just wondering if anyone has them just a qucik post to say the top ten. Goodluck to all im sure the best bowlers will make it cos there are so many of them out there. Thanks. Jayde :)
  25. Bee...!

    Australian Junior Masters & Presidents Shield All Stars

    Ok so we have all heard who people think will win shield and as predicted everyone said there own state but this is different who does everyone think will win masters or make all stars? with the new masters format it will be a very interesting year so take into consideration that there are no...
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