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  1. Bee...!

    Logan City Anzac Skins

    Hey Scott Add me to the list please. Thanks Bee
  2. Bee...!

    Mitchell Hennessey PB

    Great bowling Mitch... Glad your not bowling on Wednesdays anymore!!! You can be my perm sub!!! Keep up the good bowling.. Bee
  3. Bee...!

    Another one taken from us...

    Such sad news. Definately taken too soon. My family and I had the pleasure of knowing Sean and our deepest condolenses go to his wife and family. Kind thoughts. The Flanagans
  4. Bee...!


    B Squad for me thanks Mary Bee
  5. Bee...!

    2010 Queensland State Team Roll Offs

    Best of luck to everyone rolling off this weekend. Bee
  6. Bee...!

    Holiday Lanes Skins

    Hey James, I see you've added second prize...! I guess you'd better put my name down... Might actually win something this year.. Thanks Bee
  7. Bee...!

    QLD Youth bowlers

    Good Luck guys.... Bit weird not being there but I know you guys can do it... Bee
  8. Bee...!

    Skins - Mt Warren Lanes - Tuesday 12th January 2010

    bianca flanagan please...
  9. Bee...!


    shannette, our thoughts are with you and adrian.. hope all goes well the flanagan family
  10. Bee...!

    Nick Williamson - From a Mullet cut to a Champion!

    awesome bowling nick. it was great to watch, that final really was something else. well deserved win ps bec, it wasn't just the storm puff bag.. it was the storm ball too!!
  11. Bee...!

    300 at NNSW Open

    Congrats to Keryn Delaney for bowling a 300 in the 2nd game of the NNSW Open today. Every shot was great, you deserved it mate. Bee
  12. Bee...!

    Simon Pearce

    simon, my man welcome aboard. your a good investment for storm bowling, you've got a bright bowling future ahead of you and with storm in your hand you'll have a little more on the competition. looking forward to seeing you at storm camp, its gonna be awesome. Bee
  13. Bee...!

    Northern NSW Open 2009

    Come on guys.... There is a few usual names missing... it would be disappointing if you missed out on a great tournament and with the change of format it should be interesting.... Looking forward to hopefully seeing a few more names down...
  14. Bee...!

    London International - Cassie Staudinger

    Go Cassie, keep it up.... and show them what your made of... mum and jayde said go for it... we're watching ya... nice work dom, go storm!!
  15. Bee...!

    2009 Melbourne Youth Tenpin Cup

    can you please add Bianca Flanagan and Cassie Staudinger to B squad. Deposits will be on their way soon Thanks
  16. Bee...!

    2010 Qld Invit Youth Team

    Congrats to everyone who made the team Knock em dead in January
  17. Bee...!


    Hey Guys Please put Bianca down Looking forward to it
  18. Bee...!

    Bowling enjoys media limelight

    I was listening to Triple J on my way home from Sydney on Monday and it was awesome to listen to. Belmo is doing great things for bowling in the media, i have had a couple of people outside of bowling ask me if i know him and how great it is that we (as a bowling community) are finally getting...
  19. Bee...!

    Congratulations David Christensen

    well little david you did it. awesome work, those patterns arent easy. hopefully its not too long till you throw another. what ball were you using? Bee
  20. Bee...!


    Congrats to AMP for her awesome win and Kate on second. HUGE thanks to Mary, the team and all the sponsors. Always a great tournament to bowl in. Look forward to next year and many more after that. Bee
  21. Bee...!

    A plea to the Australian bowling community re: Australian youth team

    Hi All As a member of the team that went away, I would personally again like to thank everyone who donated their money for us to go to Orlando in August last year. As far as the donations and promises that were made that was organised by Doriana herself and wasnt aware until it was posted on...
  22. Bee...!

    2009 Sydney Youth Cup

    Congrats Cow and Jaz Cow glad to see you bought your good form back from the US keep it up.... Jaz you bowled like a champ, it was tough out there but you stuck it out and deserved the win. Your hard work is paying off for you. Congrats Leanne for running another successful Sydney Youth...
  23. Bee...!

    Aussies Strike Gold In Hong Kong...

    Huge Congrats Girls thats an awesome effort.... same to the boys, 4th is a great finish... Good luck Bec, Laura and Sam for the masters... Go Aussies
  24. Bee...!

    2009 Columbia 300 Youth Cup

    Can you please remove Bianca Flanagan from the tournament Thanks
  25. Bee...!

    2009 Columbia 300 Youth Cup

    Hi Glen Just letting you know I live in QLD Thanks
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