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  1. bad_ass

    Brendan Duthie 1025 Blacktown

    congrat's mate one of the nicest bloke's out there always kept my hope's up and encouraged to do gr8 at eccc.... Kepp it up guy's bowling sounds gr8
  2. bad_ass


    as much as i would love to have that i got plan for my car i got a 2003 vy series 2 ss ute start me engine mods early next yr :D but good luck whoeva buy's it it will be worth it
  3. bad_ass

    AMF Penrith Scratch Singles league

    ohh i forgot that mus tbe a new guy cause my last name is millar lol i got to much to pay for so i aint in
  4. bad_ass

    AMF Penrith Scratch Singles league

    must be another troy miller round cause i aint put my name into anything :surrender:cheer's
  5. bad_ass


    id love to hve that on road registered imagine comin up against a new ve ss they wont know wat hit them
  6. bad_ass

    steven armstrong 297

    exciting :surrender:
  7. bad_ass


    we have that many discussions on these topic's lol but it good to read
  8. bad_ass

    AMF Penrith Scratch Singles league

    oh ok then the windsor one is like 25bucks abit cheaper though
  9. bad_ass


    mmmm im thinkin bout this sound's good
  10. bad_ass

    AMF Penrith Scratch Singles league

    so that mean's the league is bnow full wat si wrong with not expandin how many bowler's if it is full ???
  11. bad_ass


    still up for offer lost contact with last person interested
  12. bad_ass

    AMF Penrith Scratch Singles league

    ill think about it and see if i can afford it ;)
  13. bad_ass

    Dean Mcgregor back to back 299 and 298

    what u kidin for
  14. bad_ass

    NSW East Coast Cup Teams

    any news on manager's yet
  15. bad_ass


    nah it just be w waiste of money for me i aint bowled in that long i would need to buckle down an do some practice and i aint got a membership for this yr hopefully ill be back by the end of the yr ..miss me bowlin but ive joined a ute club so thats like my new thing but bowlin always ontop...
  16. bad_ass


    it dont matter it's a good thing 1000bucks up for grabs would bowl anytime i do it but i aint bowled now for a well close to 10 months
  17. bad_ass

    AMF Blacktown - 25th & 26th August

    have it for summer then lol
  18. bad_ass

    New V-Bookie events up!!

    v-bookies sounds weird name lol
  19. bad_ass

    Belmo wins world tenpin masters

    i seen one the other day im sure he got knocked out as well clamin it was 07 series weird ??
  20. bad_ass

    NSW East Coast Cup Teams

    bitching and backstabbing happens in every sport u just gota get ova it really u can neva stop it so yeh i agree with u though nothing out there to promote the event only ppl who know about it pass it on can we have captains and manager's if it is finished i no qld have all there details up...
  21. bad_ass

    I really hate it how..

    the more these ppl know about ppl whingin the more they will do it no one is made to do everything right we can break rules of other's thing's as well let them have fun they break it they fix it meh
  22. bad_ass

    Add a caption to this....

    haha gold mate
  23. bad_ass


    msn still the best place it aint so liek year only a pic up service LMAO BOO FOR MYSPACE
  24. bad_ass

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    i need to pick my act up for my country
  25. bad_ass

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    i need a haircut and a shave
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