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  1. bad_ass


    troy millar add me to im on both facebook n myspace
  2. bad_ass

    Need some advise

    u have to be broguth up in a bowling enviroment i reackon if i wasnt brought up around bowlin i would neva of done it it's not a cool sport so to speak to most teenangers
  3. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    right why does wwe keep puttin stupid tag team champion's together like they now have to hate each other then be put as a tag team to win so stupid doesnt make it any more interesting
  4. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    master sucked as much as carlito spit's
  5. bad_ass

    For sale! The Powerdore!

    HILARIOUS hahaha mayb if port wasnt so related to drug's they might be playin abit better pathetic role models
  6. bad_ass

    Matt Riley destroys Blacktown

    hope his head doesnt explode
  7. bad_ass

    Who's going to the Wrestling???

    ALL I CAN SAY WHO WAS THAT AWESOME BLONDE NEAR THE REAR OMG HHH performance was pathetic umuga dominated him practically the entire match veyr dissapointing but it was a awesome night burbourn n coke $7 bucks haha i cant wait till next yr im guna get front row seats
  8. bad_ass

    few items

    IF u still interested mate let me know or they r going to go on ebay on monday THE PS1 IS STILL AVAILABLE ALSO
  9. bad_ass

    Who's going to the Wrestling???

    sweet as i cant wait till this friday iim goin to see it in syd i went 2 yrs ago and seen smackdown
  10. bad_ass

    Johns 'considered taking his own life'

    let him do it disgrace
  11. bad_ass

    OMG !! Raid On Mexican Drug Dealers House OMG !!

    i definatley would of done a few return trips in my ute haha
  12. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    sad to hear she was pretty old now
  13. bad_ass


    cya ....................
  14. bad_ass

    kev mc rae jipped again

    wat corner mate >????? congrats kev
  15. bad_ass

    Ross O'Neil Hall 762 series

    why isnt this in the vic thread it's bowling related this thread is for non bowling related:surrender:
  16. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    I wonder if JBL is goin to make a come back to wrestle again after the clothes line from hell to batista on smackdown hope so would like to see him get smacked buy underaker an batista ... Was there any reason on why booker T has left or just had enough
  17. bad_ass

    Interesting EBAY auction- Aussie team shirt!

  18. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    true it's always a set up i really dont think the fans can actually vote i think they do it themseles just another attraction makin them more money .. still cant wait to see raw in 2 weeks in syd
  19. bad_ass

    The Wrestling Thread

    undertaker hope he smashed batista but i cant see it happening as batista just had the belt
  20. bad_ass

    Worst Excuses for calling in sick

    bowling is a excuse as long as ur actually hurt but shouldnt get payed for stuffin up urself out of work
  21. bad_ass


    big brother sucks and kyle is the biggest idiot out there chcuking a tanterem at bb when he was on there pathic
  22. bad_ass

    300 number 5 Henry Vandenberg

    and mayb wipe the water off
  23. bad_ass

    A Drive in the Country and a Tournament!

    they arwe great mate but eatch it once u hit gr8 western highway cops all along there i got done doin 120 in 100 on it other week bell's line is gr8 but it a 4cyl mose well walk lol vy ss ute nice v8
  24. bad_ass

    A Drive in the Country and a Tournament!

    prolly right mate ;)
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